Linux-Setup Digest #293, Volume #19               Tue, 1 Aug 00 09:13:11 EDT

  Re: [LILO] "linear" - explanation ("pascal")
  Re: parport setup failed ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Installing SuSE 6.4 above 1024 ("Peter Magnusson")
  Re: X freezes after starting (Warwick)
  We are selling software  5282 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Adaptec AVA1502 and Ricoh MP6200S CD-R/W (Csaba Raduly)
  ynn - yet another newbie - ifconfig eth0 returns no such device - 
unknown interface??? ("Ian Turnbui")
  Canon BJ200 printer setup - Suse 6.4 ("Rob Sykes")
  Re: Come to my Linux's Website! ("Digital Overdrive")
  Re: ynn - yet another newbie - ifconfig eth0 returns no such device - 
unknown interface??? (Davide Bianchi)
  Re: Slackware 7.1??!! (Todd Meier)
  Re: How the X boot login works? (Ed Hurst)
  Re: Problem installing RH 6.2 on a 30G drive (Michael McGuire)
  Re: fwd: SuSE Linux 7.0 released (David Steuber)
  Re: won't compile (Pan)
  gcc 2.95.2.ix86.rpm (Mohamed HAMOUCH)


From: "pascal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LILO] "linear" - explanation
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 11:17:52 +0100

Actually I gave you the solution to your lilo problem, mailing you directly.
It would have been nice/ not-so-impolite not to forget that.
The linear option means:

       linear Generate linear sector addresses instead of sec­
              tor/head/cylinder addresses. Linear addresses are
              translated at run time and do not depend on disk
              geometry. Note that boot disks may not be portable
              if `linear' is used, because the BIOS service to
              determine the disk geometry does not work reliably
              for floppy disks. When using `linear' with large
              disks, /sbin/lilo may generate references to inac­
              cessible disk areas, because 3D sector addresses
              are not known before boot time.

(pasted from the lilo.conf manpage. note that it also makes lilo
boot quite slow, instead of near instant, on my system, which has
a pair of disks off a Buslogic BT-930, and has / and the kernel
on sdb1)
Pasted from suse support web page

Your system will not  be slower adding this option.
But you need to check your scsi "performance" (is the drive operating at W U
scsi 3 speed for example ? assuming you have a W U scsi 3 controller and a
WU scsi3 HD. If you have a DAT/DLT attached on the same scsi channel , all
the other scsi devices will run at let say , fast-scsi speed.
You can check with "hdparm -t  /dev/sda" the transfert rate your hd is
operating. You can optimize that . Check man hdparm for more info.
And don't appropriate yourself the answers of others , it's quite rude.

Jerome Sarthe wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Hi all
>I did post a message this about a Lilo problem (LI  )
>It was not due to a /boot partition after cylinder 1024,
>nor a MBR related problem. After few research in the old
>messages I found out that adding the word "linear" in the
>/etc/lilo.conf helped. And actually it did help a lot since
>my box is now booting properly.
>However, few questions remain.
>1. Could somebody explain (more than the man page :) what
>   is this "linear" meaning ?
>2. I noticed that "LILO boot" is (at least) displayed on
>   startup, but that the kernel is loading pretty slow now.
>   Is this "slowliness" efficient only during boot time or
>   will my machine run slow all the time ?
>Thanks in advance for your answers.
> -------------------------------------------------
>|                  Jerome Sarthe                  |
> -------------------------------------------------
> -----"Don't force it, get a larger hammer !"-----


Subject: Re: parport setup failed
Date: 01 Aug 2000 19:25:43 +0900

Thank you for your advice ,David.

> Not familiar with what you did above or which Linux you have, but for
> RedHat 6.1 I had to add the following to /etc/conf.modules before anything
> could find the parallel port or printer:

> alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc

The distribution I use is japanese modified version of Redhat 6.1,
called kondara Linux.But alomst same.

Yes, I added parport_lowlevel module to conf.module.

When I configured kernel build by make menuconfig menu,
I setup printer support as static link.Should it be module link ?



From: "Peter Magnusson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Installing SuSE 6.4 above 1024
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 12:28:31 +0200

I have invested in a new computer with 20GB hd. It came with at pre
installed Win98 Partition that I want to keep. I have reduced the size of it
to about 12 GB, with the use of fips, and its located at the begining of the
drive. The free space that is left is located above cylider 1024.

Is there a way to install SuSE 6.4 and make it to use lilo 21.5 that is able
to boot linux from above 1024?

I donīt want to move the Win98 partition to set up a "/boot" within the 1024
cylinders and i doesnīt like booting of a floppy.

One more problem.. Even if it is doable i havenīt found a compiled version
of lilo 21.5 that I could use, only source distribution, and I donīt have a
Linux box that I could use to compile it. This means that i would need a
precompiled version of it OR be able to install SuSE and boot of a floppy so
that I could get lilo compiled.

Would realy like som help!


Peter Magnusson


Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2000 20:45:13 +1000
From: Warwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: X freezes after starting

Warwick wrote:

> I've just upgraded my Motherboard and CPU and Graphics Adapter, I've
> done a fresh install of Redhat 6.1 and all seemed fine till I started X
> windows which locks up upon touching the keyboard or mouse. I've rerun
> Xconfigurator and mouseconfig, no joy. I'm not sure if this is a problem
> with X-11 or Gnome/Enlightenment. Anyone have any suggestions, they
> would be much appreciated.

Overclocking the 700 MHz CPU to 933MHz was the cause of this problem, Win-98

runs fine but X-11 did not!


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: We are selling software  5282
Date: 1 Aug 2000 09:17:07 GMT

We sell software for very low price.
Go and look at




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Csaba Raduly)
Subject: Re: Adaptec AVA1502 and Ricoh MP6200S CD-R/W
Date: 1 Aug 2000 11:12:26 GMT

A million monkeys weren't enough! It took John McCabe on 21 Jul 2000
to produce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: 

>Guy Maskall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>John McCabe wrote:
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John McCabe) wrote:
>>> I've tried both these suggestions and they don't quite do what I
>>> want. Would I be better off splashing out on a real AHA-1520?
>>> Will that be detected properly?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Best Regards
>>> John McCabe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>I can't comment on the benefit of getting a 'proper' aha1520. The
>>fact that you can manually get the module to load implies that it's
>>not a h/w problem so you wouldn't gain from a new card in that
>My main aim is to get it all working perfectly without having to
>fiddle around with files I don't know much about. Basically I am
>hoping that, if I can just replace the AVA-1502 with an AHA-1520, it
>will automatically be detected and configured by the kernel without
>me having to worry about it.

IIRC the card is only detected if it has a BIOS ROM on it.
If it doesn't, it won't be autodetected and you'll have to point the 
kernel/module to the right place (i.e IRQ, IO port, etc )

Csaba Raduly, Software Developer (OS/2), Sophos Anti-Virus
US Support +1 888 SOPHOS 9      UK Support +44 1235 559933
Life is complex, with real and imaginary parts.


From: "Ian Turnbui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ynn - yet another newbie - ifconfig eth0 returns no such device - 
unknown interface???
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 12:56:29 +0100

G'day folks,
yes another convert without a clue. My book "Linux Administrators Survival
Guide Table of Contents" expressly says to enter this command:

ifconfig eth0

to configure the ethernet for networking BUT of course it doesn't work. I
have Redhat 7.0 and used the graphical interface for the installation.
Nowhere during this was there anything about configuring my PCMCIA card but
during a boot I hear a beep and the lights on my cable light up OK? I guess
I have to install a driver for my

Techworks PCMCIA "Buffalo Network Lan Card - PCMCIA type II LPC3-TX" card
Naturally the CD supplied is only for  PC & Mac machines??
So folks, how do I go about telling Linux this is the driver and where do I
put it-which directory?
Any help appreciated,

Ian Turnbull
0961 931941
Web  :


From: "Rob Sykes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Canon BJ200 printer setup - Suse 6.4
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 12:39:06 +0100

Hi all,

I'm having trouble getting my printer to work under Suse 6.4 - in both text
mode and under KDE.

When I 'modprobe parport_pc' the printer resets, so it is on and connected.
I then
'modprobe lp' and 'lsmod' tells me all is well. However, nothing is printed
when I 'lpr' a file - the file goes to the queue, stays for a while and then
disappears without anything being printed. 'echo hello > /dev/lp0' worked
once, but mostly comes back with '/dev/lp0: Device or resource busy' or some
such. I must be doing something daft 'cos the BJ200 isn't a complex device
(BTW, it works fine under Windows98).

I've been through the Suse HOW-TOs and the support database and everything
thing seems to doing what it should - bar squirting ink onto paper!

Hope someone can help

Rob Sykes

Remove NOSPAM to e-mail


From: "Digital Overdrive" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Come to my Linux's Website!
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 12:05:31 +0200
Reply-To: "Digital Overdrive" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Elmer Fudd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> Geport naar Linus? :-)
Wine ?? :-)

Als we toch aan het spammen zijn :

Dutch Security Information Network

(ja, ook gepost met OE :)

Digital Overdrive

Dutch Security Information Network | FAQ |


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Davide Bianchi)
Subject: Re: ynn - yet another newbie - ifconfig eth0 returns no such 
device - unknown interface???
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2000 12:18:09 GMT

On Tue, 1 Aug 2000 12:56:29 +0100, "Ian Turnbui"

>G'day folks,
>yes another convert without a clue. My book "Linux Administrators Survival
>Guide Table of Contents" expressly says to enter this command:
>ifconfig eth0
>to configure the ethernet for networking BUT of course it doesn't work. I
>have Redhat 7.0 and used the graphical interface for the installation.
>Nowhere during this was there anything about configuring my PCMCIA card but
>during a boot I hear a beep and the lights on my cable light up OK? I guess
>I have to install a driver for my
>Techworks PCMCIA "Buffalo Network Lan Card - PCMCIA type II LPC3-TX" card
>Naturally the CD supplied is only for  PC & Mac machines??
>So folks, how do I go about telling Linux this is the driver and where do I
>put it-which directory?
>Any help appreciated,

You have RedHat 7 ? But the last version is not 6.2 ???

First of all, check if the interface is not already present and
running, type ifconfig to display the information about your
current interface.

Second, the "bip" that you heard is probabily the PCMCIA that activate
himself, this does not mean that the PCMCIA is running, only that is

AFAIK, the PCMCIA support is not installed by default in the kernel,
so you have to recompile the kernel adding the required support for
PCMCIA. See the HOWTO under /usr/src/linux for the kernel
recompile process.

During the compilation you have the ability to configure also the
network card. Choose one "generic" network card, usually this will
work. In case, look at the RedHat web site if there are more
information related to your specific PCMCIA card.

When you have the PCMCIA installed and the corresponding deamon
started, you have to configure your network card using ifconfig.



From: Todd Meier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Slackware 7.1??!!
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2000 12:30:03 GMT

I just recently installed slackware 7.1.  i tried downloading it from anftp site to my 
hard drive, but i soon recognized that it would take anextremely long time with my 
connection; i don't have a cd burner, so iended up simply buying the code at 
linuxcentral; the cd only cost $1.00 andarrived in roughly 4 days.good luck. 
(slackware turns out to be very good)ibm_97 wrote:>>> Hi, there:>> I really want to 
try Slackware 7.1. From its web site, I find there> three ISO image files. What do 
these files mean?>> If I want to download, which files should I download? All the ISO 
image> files?>> Thanks a lot!!!>>> Sent via> Before you 

Posted via CNET


From: Ed Hurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How the X boot login works?
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2000 12:26:36 GMT

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 8/1/00, 12:24:13 AM, Rob Blomquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote regarding Ho=
the X boot login works?:

> I'm using RH 6.2. I login to my system not at the console, but in=20
Xwindows, at
> that cute little RH logo screen.  When I was dinking around with Storm=
, I=20
> both KDE and Enlightenment running, and I could boot to either.

> I would like to add them, and probably for a little entertainment, all=
> others (I have a 5 Gb Linux partition) :-).

> I just don't know how to hack which file? I hear the file to hack is
> ~\.xsession, but I have no .xsession file.  And what sort of line do I=
need to
> come up with to enter them as choices? Maybe thats bone head with the =

> open, but I am currently clueless.  I have also checked Linuxconf, but=
> doesn't seem to deal with it either.


On my system, it's in the /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession file, because kdm uses=20
the xdm config files. Down near the bottom of the file, there is a=20
section where it lists the various options that show up chooser. Mine=20
came with a KDE, Gnome, Default, AnotherLevel and a Failsafe. I added=20
Xfce, because I wanted to test it out. The section now looks like this: =

# now, we see if xdm/gdm/kdm has asked for a specific environment
case $# in
    case $1 in
        exec xterm -geometry 80x24-0-0
        exec gnome-session
        exec startkde
        # we assume that switchdesk is installed.
        exec /usr/share/apps/switchdesk/Xclients.anotherlevel
        exec startxfce

Just be careful to get all the punctuation and so forth precisely like=20
the others.



From: Michael McGuire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem installing RH 6.2 on a 30G drive
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2000 12:34:09 GMT


> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   William Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I can't seem to get this configuration to
> boot.  My one 30G drive is
> > partitioned as the following:
> >
> > First 7G: FAT 32 for my Windows 98 (C:)
> > Extended partition from the 7G to the end:
> >     -> 8G partition for Linux ext2 (/dev/hda5)
> >     -> ~250 MB Linux swap (/dev/hda6)
> >     -> 14G FAT 32 (D:)
> >
> > Machine:
> > PIII 800 with 128 Mb RAM (Dell 4100 series)
> ---- snip ---
> I too have purchased a Dell 4100 (w/45G ATA-100
> drive) and when I attempted to partition the disk
> (in text mode as RH 6.2 didn't like my Dell M990
> 19" & ATI Rage 128 Pro), I get partition too big
> messages (I think it's Linux fdisk).  It will
> allow a swap space to be defined, but not
> the /boot or root partitions.
> --- snip ---

Here are some of the discoveries I had with the 4100:
## Dell Dimension 4100 and Linux (RH6.2) Notes

1) Place /boot below cylinder 1024

   Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
   /dev/hda4             20690548   1190180  18449316   6% /
   /dev/hda2               210004      4843    194318   2% /boot
   /dev/hda1              7986000   1686704   6299296  21% /dos

2) LILO is installed in the MBR

3) add "ChipId" line to /etc/X11/XF86Config for ATI Rage Fury (128 Pro)

   # Graphics device section

    Section "Device"
       Identifier         "ATI Rage 128 Pro"
       ChipId      0x5246
       #Option     "no_accel"
       #Option     "sw_cursor"
       #Option     "hw_cursor"
       #Option     "dac_8_bit"
       #Option     "dac_6_bit"

4) add "ZAxisMapping" parameter to /etc/X11/XF86Config for Logitech
Wheel Mouse

   # Pointer section

   Section "Pointer"
       Protocol    "MouseManPlusPS/2"
       Device      "/dev/mouse"

   # Emulate3Buttons is an option for 2-button Microsoft mice
   # Emulate3Timeout is the timeout in milliseconds (default is 50ms)
   #   Emulate3Buttons
   #   Emulate3Timeout    50

   # ChordMiddle is an option for some 3-button Logitech mice
   #    ChordMiddle

   # To use wheel as a middle button?
    ZAxisMapping 4 5



Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.suse,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: fwd: SuSE Linux 7.0 released
From: David Steuber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2000 13:00:02 GMT


' ... and it's bad news! They split the distribution in two versions:
' personal (for private, desktop users) and professional (server
' related). They are also more expensive, don't have any major release
' (neither kernel 2.4, KDE 2.0, etc.) because they're too soon. There's
' is no reason to upgrade to 7.0. Wait til kernel 2.4 is released ...

For some reason, I am still running with 6.2.  I've been upgrading
packages as needed.  Over time, I expect to have a system that is a
sort of DIY on top of the basic package in the SuSE 6.2 distro.

Or, I may go the Debian route.

David Steuber   |   Hi!  My name is David Steuber, and I am
NRA Member      |   a hoploholic.

The problem with AI is that it has a mind of its own
        --- Devon Miller


Crossposted-To: alt.comp.lang.learn.c-c++,,
Subject: Re: won't compile
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2000 06:02:49 -0700

NightWolf wrote:
> any ideas how to fix it... I've removed and reinstalled the gcc
> packages multiple times to no avail.

You aren't using Mandrake 7.1 by any chance, are you?  There appears to
be a problem with the installer which prevents it from installing the
standard c++ libraries even if you tell it to.  if that's the case, go
grab the standard c++ libraries via rpm by ftp'ing  Look
for libstdc++(ver).rpm in one of the mandrake 7.1 folders.  You will
probably need to futz around with rpm removing and re-installing a few
packages to get a clean compile, but it WILL work.

Salvador Peralta


Subject: gcc 2.95.2.ix86.rpm
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2000 11:44:30 +0000

Hi all,
Can anyone tell me where to get Binary RPM of  gcc 2.95.2 for ix86 



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End of Linux-Setup Digest

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