Linux-Setup Digest #29, Volume #20               Mon, 13 Nov 00 10:13:11 EST

  Re: My Linux box won't power down itself... (CDM)
  Re: Why Won't LILO Boot? (CDM)
  Re: Windows/Linux : Disk size issue (John Winters)
  Re: Help: Netatalk/Accesing Printer on Linux via Appletalk (oscar)
  Re: kernel message (Nick Ruisi)
  Re: X graphic weakness (Eric)
  Re: printer setup problems (Jimbob)
  Re: SMP Thoughts? (David)
  Re: SoundBlaster 16 PCI, which drivers/modules ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  RedHat 7.0 on an Compaq XL 590, Help! (Magnus)
  Re: If I switch to Mandrake 7.2, will I take a hit? (test)
  Re: loosing my ip address ("Diesel")
  Re: Choice of mail engine ? (Colin Watson)
  Re: rpm question (Colin Watson)
  Re: If I switch to Mandrake 7.2, will I take a hit? (NAVARRO LOPEZ, 
=?iso-8859-1?Q?Jes=FAs?= Manuel)
  one other question ("Diesel")
  Re: loosing my ip address ("Diesel")
  Redhat 7 Install Problem - IDE Controller ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Linux Helpdesk *NEW* ("Linux4u")
  Re: Using Netscape in Suse 7.0 Personal (s. kahalas)
  Re: rpm question ("Nevin Wong")
  Re: Need help to setup a CD-ROM Writer Through a SCSI externail port. (Martin Dineen)
  Re: .Xauthority file (Jim Gadbaw)


Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 10:57:26 GMT

hi, i just installed debian 2.2 and glibc 2.2 right after, then i wanted
to go on with gnome (from scratch), but when i try to compile glib 1.2.8
it gives me:

/lib/ undefined reference to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status...

the FAQ that comes with glibc is not much help so i thought i asked
here... thnx for every help in advance

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Before you buy.


Subject: Re: My Linux box won't power down itself...
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 12:01:05 +0100

Maybe a switch in BIOS?

"Greg Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> This happened to me and I tried recompiling the kernel but it still
> work.  Any suggestions?
> "Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > OhadBC wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi.
> > > Recently I've compiled myself the 2.2.17 Kernel on my RedHat6.2
> and
> > > ended up
> > > with a fine-working box but the shutdown process which now ask me to
> > > manually power down the machine after shutting down its processes.
> > > The process was always automatic before, of course.
> > > Any suggestions ?
> > > Thx,
> > > ~~Ohad.
> >
> > recompile again and pay specific attention to the APM parts in the
> > compilation procedure . (APM = advanced power management)
> >
> > Eric

Opinions expressed herein are my own and may not represent those of my employer.


Subject: Re: Why Won't LILO Boot?
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 12:04:50 +0100

Checkout "Smart Bootmanager" on
That'll give a menu and useful features....

"D. Bell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8ui167$ev2$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I have to use a boot disk to see the LILO prompt.  Is there anyway I can
> just have a menu that comes up and lets me choose between Windows Me or
> Hat?  I have my 13GB HD partioned with Windows using C,D,E and the rest of
> the free space is dedicated to Linux.
> Any ideas?
> db

Opinions expressed herein are my own and may not represent those of my employer.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Winters)
Subject: Re: Windows/Linux : Disk size issue
Date: 13 Nov 2000 11:21:39 -0000

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Tim Willets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On 12 Nov 2000 08:07:27 -0000, John Winters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>/dev/hda1     Primary  30M    Linux   /boot
>30MB for /boot? I find 3MB is plenty (vmlinuz in use, copy of previous
>kernel for safety plus the usual other Linux stuff and whatever
>RedHat/Mandrake bungs into /boot and I've still got 412K free space).

My /boot is currently showing 11M used.  Bear in mind this is a 20G drive -
there's no point in making problems for yourself.

John Winters.  Wallingford, Oxon, England.

The Linux Emporium - the source for Linux CDs in the UK


From: oscar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,
Subject: Re: Help: Netatalk/Accesing Printer on Linux via Appletalk
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 12:57:36 +0100

Donald Brady wrote:
> I have set up netatalk on my linux box which has a HP Deskjet 590C hanging
> off the parallel port. I can mount appletalk volumes (e.g. my home
> directory)  on my MacOS9 box and I can create a desktop printer also.
> However when I drag a file onto the printer under OS9 I get a "Laserwriter 8
> cannot be used because of an internal error -8940". I selected "Generic" for
> the ppd on the MacOS side.
> Does anybody have a working papd.conf file for a similar setup? Here's what
> I have in mine...
> deskjet:\
> :pr=|/usr/bin/lpr:\

Try the "op=root" option, and if it doesn't work, "pr=deskjet" (or
whatever name your printer is).


From: Nick Ruisi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: kernel message
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 06:40:33 -0500

If you are using the 6.2 Red Hat Distro, there is a problem with older
kernels (I think prior to -12). It has something to do with data
corruption when switching between user and system space on heavily
loaded systems. If this is happening consistently, a kernel upgrade is
the remedy. If you need more info on how to do this, drop me a line.


Subject: Re: X graphic weakness
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 13:52:18 +0100

CDM wrote:
> Run xf86config (or there might be other tools dep. on your dist., Suse uses
> Sast)

New tool? Yast & Sax combined or what is this?

Probably need Sax there.

> If you have Redhat use command "menuconfig" then select "configure X server"
> To position (left/right/wider/narrower) the display use "xvidtune" or use
> your monitor buttons.

Or run XConfigurator

> "Frère_Orphée" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I am helpless on how to make my mach64 server find its way to 800x600 it
> displays 640x480 8bit by pixel, and removes everything else from valid
> resolution I indicate it from my monitors manual...
> any Idea apreciated,

What are you using (XFree86-4.0, what card)?
What have you tried yet
Have you looked at the FAQ's (and other info) at



From: Jimbob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: printer setup problems
Date: 13 Nov 2000 23:50:03 +1100

TopQuark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 11 Nov 2000 15:01:31 +1100, Jimbob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> How can i set up my printer to print documents, graphics etc?
>> Currently i am using a generic printer driver and when i try to print
>> a pure text file like something produced with vi it prints fine but if
>> i print a document i created in Star Office or the like, i get huge
>> amounts of 'code like' garbage being printed.

>   -  what kind of printer?
>   -  printed from what?   # command line, netscape, ...
>   -  what line printer daemon (lpr, lprNG, ...)
>   -  anything else?
>   -  magicfilter installed?  apsfilter?

> -- 

>  Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
>      TopQuark Software & Serv.  Contract programmer, server bum.  
>     [EMAIL PROTECTED] Give up Spammers; I use procmail.

My printer is an Epson Stylus Colour 500
If i print from the command line (ie. lpr test.txt) it works fine (test.txt is 
a pure text document) 
If i print from within Star Office using a generic printer driver because there
isnt one specific for my printer thats where i get the problems. I dont
why this is so because this particular driver worked fine when i was previously 
had a Corel Linux distro installed (i have just installed potato).

I was told that perhaps it had something to do with my print filter settings 
or something because apparently a document is a graphic. Is this correct?

I dont know anything about print filter settings?

I hope this helps someone understand my problem more

*                                                  *
*   "Sudden success in golf is like the sudden     *
*    acquisition of wealth. It is apt to unsettle  *
*    and deteriorate the character"                *
*                                                  *


Subject: Re: SMP Thoughts?
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 07:04:17 -0600

mark wrote:
> Hi,
>     I want to build a new dual processor system. I just wondered if
> anyone's got any experience in this field? Rough idea on specs 2x 600Mhz
> processors, G400 AGP graphics card, 3DFX card 20Gb HDD and A
> motherboard. Which is the crunch point. What motherboard? I want to get
> something the Linux gets on well with, and would be a nightmare to set
> up. Any suggestions?
> While I'm one the subject of SMP. Is it possible, like in VMS, to force
> the system to run a certain process on a certain processor? If I don't
> how does the Kernel decide where to place a process? Does it just simple
> give it to the CPU which has the least work to do? Finally do you see
> good performance improvements?
> Any thoughts appreciated
> Many thanks
> Mark

I use a Supermicro S2DGU which works great. At the time I built it the
XEON processors were over $3000 each so I put PII's in it until the
XEON's price comes down.

Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538
Completed more work units than: 98.805% of seti users +/- 0.01%.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: SoundBlaster 16 PCI, which drivers/modules
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 13:00:20 GMT

In article <cn6K5.2489$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Brian Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a SoundBlaster 16 PCI soundcard that I'm trying to use with
> What module(s) should I be loading to use it?  I've tried the es1371
> but that doesn't seem to have microphone support.
> Thanks,
> Brian

Try I am not sure whether it works
for 16PCI - though.
                         --- Till Ruessmann ---

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Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Magnus)
Subject: RedHat 7.0 on an Compaq XL 590, Help!
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 12:46:06 GMT

I have a Compaq deskpro XL 590 with 32M and an 2Gb SCSI drive. I have used the 

current configuration with Win98 without any problem.

But when I try to install RedHat 7.0, not even the Linux install starts. 
It seems to to a problem with the SCSI controller.
I've set OS in bios to other.

Any ideers?



Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 13:57:06 +0000
From: test <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: If I switch to Mandrake 7.2, will I take a hit?

I've downloaded the inst & ext CDs and installed them on my system.


My Ls120 refuses to work'
Midi sequencer does not work
CH Joystick not recognised.


P3 500 on Aopen mainboard AX6BC Pro 256Mb RAM
IDE 1 Master HDD Quantum 8Gb
IDE 1 Slave Aopen CDRewriter
IDE 2 Master LS120
IDE 2 Slave Zip 100
Matrox MGA 200 AGP
Realtek Network Card

Any ideas? email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


nemo wrote:
> I run an AMD K6-2 400 with 60MB RAM, and 4MB shared RAM. With so little
> resources, is it worth my while switching, as I've read that X-window app.s,
> and window managers can be resource hogs. Is my system's performnce likely
> to improve, suffer, or remain unchanged after a switch from Win98SE to MDK
> 7.2?


From: "Diesel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: loosing my ip address
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 13:52:12 GMT

I do have At&t also... My linux box always seemed to work on here before I don't know if they changed something on there side, or is it
something wrong on my side?

Also, I tried the pump -Rd -i eth0  and everytime it says operation failed
also tried
pump -R
pump -R -i eth0

none of them work, it always says operoation failed..
Thanks for the help


ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Diesel wrote:
> > Problem:
> >
> > After running my linux box for 24 hours I loose my ip address and can't
> > browse the net, or do anything.
> >
> > Other Info:
> >
> > 1. I run RedHat 7.0 and have cable internet.
> > 2. My isp uses dhcp servers.
> > 3. There servers Renew ip address every 24 hours
> > 4. I haven't timed it exactly yet, but the problem seems to happen
> > 24 hours after my last reboot
> >
> > I know when I first noticed it, I was playing around with setting my own
> > instead of using dhcp and also pulling more then one ip address for my
> > from my isp.  I believe everything I set back to normal settings.  Any
> > on where else to trouble shoot would be great!
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Diesel
> I use a cron job that runs each hour to help with this. AT&T cable leases
> (here) are for 8 hours. Each hour, I run pump -Rd eth0. The R renews the
> lease, the d prevents overwriting my /etc/resolv.conf. I fear this may be
> temporary solution. I expect AT&T to force new IP's as soon as they think
> it. Pump itself, without this, should be running in your process list. Do
> pump -s and note that it wants to renew the lease one hour before it
> --
> Ray R. Jones
> Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.
> HTTP://


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Colin Watson)
Subject: Re: Choice of mail engine ?
Date: 13 Nov 2000 13:46:59 GMT

P.Y.Cheng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>"Colin Watson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>news:8uniim$cs8$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> Like I said, I prefer exim to sendmail, partly because it's a lot
>> easier to configure, partly for its nice filter files, and partly
>> because it was written in the university I used to attend, so I can
>> easily get local support if I need it (which hasn't been often). I've
>> heard postfix is pretty good, too.
>I was just wondering whether there is a way to setup a residence
>program/script running in the background as a normal login user. And I
>also want the program/script to filter the incoming emails, and then
>forward them to a distributed list using the BCC field?

exim filters can send messages based on incoming mail using the 'mail'
command, and I imagine procmail can too. I wouldn't use a daemon process
unless there's a good reason to do so.

Colin Watson                                     [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
"People frequently expect it to work like this. So it does."
 - perlref(1p) man page


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Colin Watson)
Subject: Re: rpm question
Date: 13 Nov 2000 13:48:53 GMT

Frère_Orphée <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>When I install a RPM file, how can I find out where it has put the files
>that it contained, I mean exactly what file to what path, I feel
>frustrated when it works, having no confirmation message and not knowing
>what has happened...

'rpm -ql package' (no version number or .i386.rpm or whatever, just the
plain package name - or you can use -qlp and supply the name of a .rpm

>Any software or command line to find out more about rpm instructions?

Try 'man rpm'. 'man' will tell you about most commands.

Colin Watson                                     [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
"... and by God I *KNOW* what this network is for, and you can't have
 it." - Russ Allbery (


From: NAVARRO LOPEZ, =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jes=FAs?= Manuel 
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: If I switch to Mandrake 7.2, will I take a hit?
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 14:04:27 +0100

nemo wrote:
> I run an AMD K6-2 400 with 60MB RAM, and 4MB shared RAM. With so little
> resources, is it worth my while switching, as I've read that X-window app.s,
> and window managers can be resource hogs. Is my system's performnce likely
> to improve, suffer, or remain unchanged after a switch from Win98SE to MDK
> 7.2?

"With so little resources", you say???
You must be kidding.


From: "Diesel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: one other question
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 14:16:44 GMT

Maybe this is my problem then.  I did a pump -s and it lists everytlhing
fine, and it says schedualed to renew at 1 hour before lease is up.  But my
problem is that it is not renewing, i get kicked off line everytime i loose
my ip.  Maybe there is something wrong with my config somewhere that pump
will not work...

Any other thoughts?



From: "Diesel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: loosing my ip address
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 14:26:26 GMT

Im wondering if this problem is on my end now...  Whenever I run pump -R it
does not work
If I run pump -s everything shows up fine, and it says my ip should renew
one hour before it
expires.  I assume that one hour before it expires pump -R is run from

All I can come up with
If I can't run pump -R myself and get it to work, then that is where my
problem is...

Am I right on this, and am I going to have to do a reinstall, or do any of
you have any place to start trouble shooting.  my eth0 config file looks



error I get on pump -R
"operation failed"

Diesel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:gmSP5.1333$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I do have At&t also... My linux box always seemed to work on here before
> I don't know if they changed something on there side, or is it
> something wrong on my side?
> Also, I tried the pump -Rd -i eth0  and everytime it says operation failed
> also tried
> pump -R
> pump -R -i eth0
> none of them work, it always says operoation failed..
> Thanks for the help
> Diesel
> ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Diesel wrote:
> >
> > > Problem:
> > >
> > > After running my linux box for 24 hours I loose my ip address and
> > > browse the net, or do anything.
> > >
> > > Other Info:
> > >
> > > 1. I run RedHat 7.0 and have cable internet.
> > > 2. My isp uses dhcp servers.
> > > 3. There servers Renew ip address every 24 hours
> > > 4. I haven't timed it exactly yet, but the problem seems to happen
> excactly
> > > 24 hours after my last reboot
> > >
> > > I know when I first noticed it, I was playing around with setting my
> ip
> > > instead of using dhcp and also pulling more then one ip address for my
> nic
> > > from my isp.  I believe everything I set back to normal settings.  Any
> help
> > > on where else to trouble shoot would be great!
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > >
> > > Diesel
> >
> > I use a cron job that runs each hour to help with this. AT&T cable
> > (here) are for 8 hours. Each hour, I run pump -Rd eth0. The R renews the
> > lease, the d prevents overwriting my /etc/resolv.conf. I fear this may
> a
> > temporary solution. I expect AT&T to force new IP's as soon as they
> of
> > it. Pump itself, without this, should be running in your process list.
> a
> > pump -s and note that it wants to renew the lease one hour before it
> expires.
> >
> > --
> > Ray R. Jones
> > Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.
> > HTTP://
> >
> >
> >


Subject: Redhat 7 Install Problem - IDE Controller
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 14:24:45 GMT

Having a bit of trouble installing Redhat 7 distro on an older P5
Machine with an IWill P55BX2 motherboard.  Redhat 6.x installed fine on
this box, but 7 is complaining on boot that the PCI IDE controller is
unknown (it's an onboard IDE controller tho) and will probe for
interrupts.  It finds hda and hdb but has trouble with hdc (the CDROM
drive) complaining that it can't find an interrupt.

During the boot if I switch over to console 4 (Alt-F4) I see that it's
constantly trying to poll hdc for an interrupt every few seconds.  It
never seems to find it, at least after the 10 minutes I waited.  Has
anyone seen this and have a fix?  Should I not bother and try another


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Before you buy.


From: "Linux4u" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux Helpdesk *NEW*
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 03:42:48 +1300

A place to get and give Linux/Unix help and general discussion.

Newbies, ask for help and advise here.
If you're an expert, drop in and help out the less fortunate!!!

We have only just started this forum, so any useful criticism welcome.


From: s. kahalas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Using Netscape in Suse 7.0 Personal
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 09:50:33 -0500

Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

))))I recently installed Suse7.0 Personal along with a very good,
))))serial modem. I can apparently use kppp, because I do connect to
my ISP 
))))that way, but in all the reading I've done, (including the FAQs on
))))Suse website) I cannot find anything that tells me how to
))))Netscape so I can make that sucker go. "Error" "Unable to locate
))))Etc. It would be great if I could solve this little riddle that
))))to irritate me.
))))Muchas Gracias!

I had the same problem with mandrake. I got the following info off the
newsgroup-unfortunately, I didn't retain the persons's name to give
him credit, but his email address is at the bottom of this. It worked
for me-some black magic and a hell of a way to have to run


I just fixed the same problem on my computer. Follow this:
type this command once connected to the ISP:
$ ifconfig ppp0
you should get an inet addr such as:

then type in the linux prompt:
$ route
and see what comes out: you should have a destination such as
and a default such as

then try a ping command:
$ ping
you should see something like: ping (same here) 56 data

then send another ping command such as the one for $ ping you should see the reply to this as let's see
if it
can find the domain name..type: $ ping If you have the
problem I had you won't see anything. Here is the problem. got to your
/etc/resolv.conf  file. (mine was empty) you can edit the file using:
$ vi
resolv.conf then type these two lines as is. These numbers are very
important, not examples: nameserver nameserver
save and exit. now try conecting and open up Netscape...It should
work. If it
works now, send me an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to thank me ;)

Hope it works for you.

By the way---thank you:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Nevin Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: rpm question
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 22:33:12 +0800

A (simpler?) solution is to run gnorpm instead, and try the query the
packages from the gui.

Nevin Wong @_@           | Department of Computer Science and Engineering
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    | Chinese University of Hong Kong, Year 3/3
Nevolution Sci-fi & Mecha Model Making |
The Model Making Ring                  |

"Colin Watson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8uorg5$mdi$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Frère_Orphée <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >When I install a RPM file, how can I find out where it has put the files
> >that it contained, I mean exactly what file to what path, I feel
> >frustrated when it works, having no confirmation message and not knowing
> >what has happened...
> 'rpm -ql package' (no version number or .i386.rpm or whatever, just the
> plain package name - or you can use -qlp and supply the name of a .rpm
> file).
> >Any software or command line to find out more about rpm instructions?
> Try 'man rpm'. 'man' will tell you about most commands.
> --
> Colin Watson                                     [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> "... and by God I *KNOW* what this network is for, and you can't have
>  it." - Russ Allbery (


From: Martin Dineen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need help to setup a CD-ROM Writer Through a SCSI externail port.
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 14:55:15 GMT

cfish wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Nov 2000 14:52:59 GMT, Asmoden
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >       I have a question on how to set up an externail SCSI CD-ROM wrtier for
> >a linux box running Mandrake 7.1
> >the questions that I have are as follows:
> >       What hardware device do I mount the writer to? (/dev/?)
> this will tell you the device nubmers:
> cdrecord -scanbus
> i think mine was /dev/sg0  you don't mount the device. the kernel does
> it. you simply send data to that device.
> >       do I make a directory for the writer?           (/mnt/writer)
> ??
> >       and what software is the best for this job
> cdrecord works for me. read CD Writing HOWTO from
> >
> >the second part of the question is this:
> >       Can linux write to HPUX format (assuming that HPUX uses its own format
> >for cd-roms)
> don't know. what does the kernel configuration script say?
Not wanting to sound stupid but how does the kernel configuration script
affect the format of a device? I though that linux supported reading and
writing of many formats? Or do I have to configure this kind of behivour
my self?
> >
> >
> >Thanks for any help in Advance.
> >Martin.

        this mail was sent to you by Martin Dineen
        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Jim Gadbaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: .Xauthority file
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 15:08:06 GMT

Colin Watson wrote:

> Jim Gadbaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >What is the .Xauthority file that shows up in my /home and /root
> >directory? It contains something to the effect :
> >localhost.localdomainOMIT-MAGIC_COOKIE ----- I deleted it and on reboot
> >it shows up again.
> It contains a cryptographic hash constituting (when you're running X)
> your authority to connect to the X server. Leave it alone.
> As a general rule, don't delete files unless you know what they are. :)
> Dotfiles in your home directory tend to be configuration or state files
> of some kind.
> --
> Colin Watson                                     [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> "The future of the standalone computer is about as promising as that of
>  the standalone telephone." - AT&T vice-president

Thanks for the info - I have been trying to dig further into Linux and
learn how it works - determined to make sense out of the various logs and
config files - I searched some of the Linux online help sites but couldn't
get a good answer and my pile of learning Linux books didn't cover it  - so
thanks for filling in the gaps - I had made a backup before the delete ;)



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