Linux-Setup Digest #295, Volume #20              Thu, 28 Dec 00 03:13:08 EST

  Re: RedHat Linux 7.0: LILO hangs (gmc)
  Re: Xserver (Gurusubramanian)
  Re: X authorization problem (Vincent Zweije)
  Re: PartitionMagic: can't boot ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: AT&T Global Network Dialer on Linux? (Tom Neilson)
  Re: AT&T Global Network Dialer on Linux? (Tom Neilson)
  Re: AT&T Global Network Dialer on Linux? (Tom Neilson)
  Re: PartitionMagic: can't boot (Bill Unruh)
  How to modify Profile? ("tszeto")
  Re: New Kernal Upgrade ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Recover deleted files (SivaramaKrishnan Nageswaran)
  Re: Win2000 + Red Hat Linux (SivaramaKrishnan Nageswaran)
  Re: Which OS to install first for multiple-boot? (SivaramaKrishnan Nageswaran)
  Re: I Can't heard nothing !!!! (SivaramaKrishnan Nageswaran)
  Re: RH 7.0 cannot find address of localhost (SivaramaKrishnan Nageswaran)
  Re: How to modify Profile? (Keith)


From: gmc <>
Subject: Re: RedHat Linux 7.0: LILO hangs
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 03:10:01 GMT

Yes, I installed on a clean HD also: Abit BE6 Motherboard,  IBM UDMA/33 
hd, LILO in MBR of hda,
boot on hda1 (20mb),  / on hda2 (8gb), swap on hda3 (512mb), and hda 
4,5, & 6 partitioned as vfat.

Same setup works flawlessly on Redhat 6.1 and 6.2, but freezes on boot 
with Redhat 7.0.  As I said before,
I had the exact same symptom on Corel Linux, so it isn't just a Redhat 


g.montgomery wrote:

> Funny - I installed RH7.0 on a clean disk, and had no problems
> with lilo on my setup.  Wonder if there is a hardware or partition
> issue?
> Gene Montgomery


From: Gurusubramanian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Xserver
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 09:11:11 +0530

        I have a AGP graphics controller integrated with the chipset. Will
this do or am I missing something?

Chan Chung Hang Christopher wrote:

> checkout and let us know what card you've got
> Gurusubramanian wrote:
> > hello,
> >             While installing redhat linux 6.2 on my machine in X mode,
> > it complains saying Xstartup failed and proceeds the installation in
> > textmode and it was successful. I did a custom class installation.
> > Thereon I am not able to have xwindows or gui with my linux.
> >
> > So from where do I get info on Xserver and from where can I download
> > this?
> > Cheers
> > Guru


From: Vincent Zweije <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: X authorization problem
Date: 27 Dec 2000 15:07:43 +0100

Followups to comp.os.linux.x.

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Craig Kelley

||  Tom Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
||  > Recently I installed Storm Linux.  For configuration, it uses the
||  > program "sas", which works on console and from X.  When I try to run it
||  > from X, I get the error message:
||  >
||  > Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
||  > Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
||  >
||  > Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.0
||  >
||  > This happens both when I started X as a mortal and as root, and from a
||  > root shell and from an ordinary shell (sas itself requires you to login
||  > as root anyway).
||  >
||  > How can I get the X server to run this program?
||  It's a (kludgy) security measure.  Try this in a terminal window:
||       xhost +localhost
||  sas must be doing some su(1) related stuff.

Rather than use xhost (which is not so secure (it gives *all* users
from localhost access to your DISPLAY (where an application with root
permissions (sas) is doing interesting things (!)))), try this:

    export XAUTHORITY=~/.Xauthority                     #bash
    XAUTHORITY=$HOME/.Xauthority; export XAUTHORITY     #sh
    setenv XAUTHORITY ~/.Xauthority                     #[t]csh

If sas does strange things to $HOME, then this should still point X
applications to the right .Xauthority file.

Good luck.                                                   Vincent.
Vincent Zweije <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    | "If you're flamed in a group you
<>      | don't read, does anybody get burnt?"
[Xhost should be taken out and shot] |            -- Paul Tomblin on a.s.r.


Subject: Re: PartitionMagic: can't boot
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 04:21:51 GMT

In article <Vnt26.175572$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> [Posted and mailed]
> In article <92b1dt$uv8$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>       [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > I made a partition for Linux (logical and swap) on my second hard
> > driver and installed mandrake 7.1, then I rebooted the computer and
> > from grub I selected windows in order to reactivate my BootMagic and
> > add the new OS (linux) to the menu of OS to be booted. I restarted
> > computer and in the BootMagic menu I chose Linux but it doesn't boot
> > (it boots up windows without problem). What went wrong?
> > I thank you in advance for you valuable information.
> It sounds to me like you installed GRUB in the MBR, and then when you
> activated BootMagic, it wiped out GRUB. Your best bet is to boot Linux
> with an emergency boot floppy or some such and install GRUB in the
> Linux partition rather than in the MBR, if GRUB supports this.
> Alternatively, you could switch from GRUB to LILO, which I'm positive
> supports this option. If you don't have an emergency Linux boot
> you may be able to boot the system with LOADLIN (on the installation
> CD-ROM) and the kernel from an installation floppy. Copy the kernel
> LOADLIN to a floppy, boot DOS, and type:
> LOADLIN VMLINUZ root=/dev/hda5 ro
> Substitute the kernel name for VMLINUZ, and specify your Linux root
> partition for /dev/hda5.
> --
> Author of books on Linux & multi-OS configuration

Thanks for the information. Somebody else told me that the problem may
be with BootMagic. I'll heed his advice and stick with Grub, really -
whats the difference? Well... I would like to have Windows as the boot
default (in Grub) but because  I tried to do that and I screwed every
thing (I had to reinstall windows and linux!), yeap, I will leave it
this way.

Sent via


From: Tom Neilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AT&T Global Network Dialer on Linux?
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 23:26:17 -0600

Pleasae visit

"Lars Preben S. Arnesen" wrote:

> I have an account at AT&T's Global Network. Is it possible to connect
> to it using Linux or am I stuck with Windows?
> I have been searching for more info about the subject, but without
> success. What I need is a URL to a HOWTO or a detailed description of
> how to connect to the "Global Network".
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Lars Preben


From: Tom Neilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AT&T Global Network Dialer on Linux?
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 23:27:16 -0600

Pleasae visit

"Lars Preben S. Arnesen" wrote:

> I have an account at AT&T's Global Network. Is it possible to connect
> to it using Linux or am I stuck with Windows?
> I have been searching for more info about the subject, but without
> success. What I need is a URL to a HOWTO or a detailed description of
> how to connect to the "Global Network".
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Lars Preben


From: Tom Neilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AT&T Global Network Dialer on Linux?
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 23:28:00 -0600

Pleasae visit

"Lars Preben S. Arnesen" wrote:

> I have an account at AT&T's Global Network. Is it possible to connect
> to it using Linux or am I stuck with Windows?
> I have been searching for more info about the subject, but without
> success. What I need is a URL to a HOWTO or a detailed description of
> how to connect to the "Global Network".
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Lars Preben


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: PartitionMagic: can't boot
Date: 28 Dec 2000 06:00:45 GMT

In <92ef4s$hha$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>Thanks for the information. Somebody else told me that the problem may
>be with BootMagic. I'll heed his advice and stick with Grub, really -
>whats the difference? Well... I would like to have Windows as the boot
>default (in Grub) but because  I tried to do that and I screwed every
>thing (I had to reinstall windows and linux!), yeap, I will leave it
>this way.

?? How did you screw up everything? Youcan certainly make windows the
default in lilo (place a line
or whatever it is you call windows in you lilo options in /etc/lilo.conf)
 and run lilo as root.


From: "tszeto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How to modify Profile?
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 22:28:39 -0800

I'm trying to set my path to recognize the jdk1.3 I just installedm,
so that the change will be permanant from boot to boot.

I open the file /etc/profile and change the path to this:

But when I echo $PATH, the jdk path that I added doesn't appear.
I've tried logging out and logging in again but still nothing.

Any help appreciated. BTW I'm using Redhat 7.


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: New Kernal Upgrade
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 07:24:50 GMT

Steve Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> pcrum wrote:

>> 6)  copy the bzimage file found in the arch/i386/ to boot (which is where
>> lilo says the original vmlinuz is at.

> You didn't indicate whether you copied over as well. The
> kernel needs that file to resolve internal symbols (at least I think
> it does).

You think wrong. Try It And See.



From: SivaramaKrishnan Nageswaran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Recover deleted files
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 13:04:45 -0500

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Is there any command like debugfs (as that in LINUX) for UNIX so that I
can find the deleted inodes and then recover them


Wolfgang Denk wrote:

> SivaramaKrishnan Nageswaran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >    I've deleted files in / directory as root. If the
> I guess you've learned the lesson now.
> >deleted file is from any extended partition then it can be
> >recovered using "debugfs" command. But since it is from /
> ...if you are very, very lucky. Usally, block get reused  very  soon,
> so you cannot recover any data this way.
> >directory that cannot be done as that command involves
> >unmounting the filesystem for recovering. Can anyone suggest
> >any way to recover the files?
> Sure: just restore from backup.
> >    Can anyone suggest how to configure lost+found directory
> >so that the deleted files are automatically tranferred to
> >that directory?
> No, this is _not_ the purpose of lost+found.
> Wolfgang Denk
> --
> Software Engineering:  Embedded and Realtime Systems,  Embedded Linux
> Phone: (+49)-8142-4596-87  Fax: (+49)-8142-4596-88  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Every little picofarad has a nanohenry all its own.      - Don Vonada

SivaramaKrishnan Nageswaran
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innocations
Tel Dir:- (091)(080)5052490

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Is there any command like debugfs (as that in LINUX) for UNIX so that I
can find the deleted inodes and then recover them
<p>Wolfgang Denk wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>SivaramaKrishnan Nageswaran &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
<p>>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I've deleted files in / directory as root. If the
<p>I guess you've learned the lesson now.
<p>>deleted file is from any extended partition then it can be
<br>>recovered using "debugfs" command. But since it is from /
<p>...if you are very, very lucky. Usally, block get reused&nbsp; very&nbsp;
<br>so you cannot recover any data this way.
<p>>directory that cannot be done as that command involves
<br>>unmounting the filesystem for recovering. Can anyone suggest
<br>>any way to recover the files?
<p>Sure: just restore from backup.
<p>>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Can anyone suggest how to configure lost+found directory
<br>>so that the deleted files are automatically tranferred to
<br>>that directory?
<p>No, this is _not_ the purpose of lost+found.
<p>Wolfgang Denk
<br>Software Engineering:&nbsp; Embedded and Realtime Systems,&nbsp; Embedded
<br>Phone: (+49)-8142-4596-87&nbsp; Fax: (+49)-8142-4596-88&nbsp; Email:
<br>Every little picofarad has a nanohenry all its own.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
- Don Vonada</blockquote>

SivaramaKrishnan Nageswaran
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innocations
Tel Dir:- (091)(080)5052490</pre>


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title:Software Engineer
adr;quoted-printable:;;Golf View Campus=0D=0AWind Tunnel Road=0D=0AMurgesh 
fn:Sivarama Krishnan Nageswaran



From: SivaramaKrishnan Nageswaran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Win2000 + Red Hat Linux
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 13:08:50 -0500

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I think the lilo.conf is not configured properly. One suggestion is that you
can try to install linux with the rescue option where you can give the
option for booting either the windows partition or linux partition and this
basically writes the lilo.conf for providing the lilo.conf.


Eduard de Vries wrote:

> Hi Zdavko,
> I am relative newbie to Linux to, but here is the way I do this.
> I use the Windows 2000 loader to do this,
> you will then get the choice Windows 2000 Professional or Linux.
> You get this where you now get the message Windows 2000 Professional
> and it waits for 30 seconds (unless you chaged that)
> I used a freeware tool bootpart, which does this for you.
> It looks complicated, but follow the manual and it is a piece of cake.
> To find bootpart, do a search in a searchengine, and if you can't find
> it, mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Good luck,
> Eduard
> On Tue, 26 Dec 2000 15:56:42 +0100, Zdravko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >Hi everybody,
> >
> >I have an HDD of 20GB. I have two partititions, the first one is a NTFS
> >for a Win2000 an the second one is a linux native partitition for a Red
> >Hat Linux.(I haven't overwritten the MBR and I have instaled LILO)I can
> >boot Windows without any problems, but Linux can't be run without the
> >boot floppy I've made during the instalation. I've heard that there
> >might emerge problems with the booting of Linux if the linux partitition
> >is placed after the 1024 cylinder of the hard drive. That's exactly the
> >case with me.
> >
> >Can anybody tell me if that can be fixed!
> >
> >Thanks in advance!
> >Zdravko
> >

SivaramaKrishnan Nageswaran
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innocations
Tel Dir:- (091)(080)5052490

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I think the lilo.conf is not configured properly. One suggestion is that
you can try to install linux with the rescue option where you can give
the option for booting either the windows partition or linux partition
and this basically writes the lilo.conf for providing the lilo.conf.
<p>Eduard de Vries wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Hi Zdavko,
<p>I am relative newbie to Linux to, but here is the way I do this.
<br>I use the Windows 2000 loader to do this,
<br>you will then get the choice Windows 2000 Professional or Linux.
<br>You get this where you now get the message Windows 2000 Professional
<br>and it waits for 30 seconds (unless you chaged that)
<p>I used a freeware tool bootpart, which does this for you.
<br>It looks complicated, but follow the manual and it is a piece of cake.
<p>To find bootpart, do a search in a searchengine, and if you can't find
<br>it, mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<p>Good luck,
<p>On Tue, 26 Dec 2000 15:56:42 +0100, Zdravko &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
<p>>Hi everybody,
<br>>I have an HDD of 20GB. I have two partititions, the first one is a
<br>>for a Win2000 an the second one is a linux native partitition for
a Red
<br>>Hat Linux.(I haven't overwritten the MBR and I have instaled LILO)I
<br>>boot Windows without any problems, but Linux can't be run without
<br>>boot floppy I've made during the instalation. I've heard that there
<br>>might emerge problems with the booting of Linux if the linux partitition
<br>>is placed after the 1024 cylinder of the hard drive. That's exactly
<br>>case with me.
<br>>Can anybody tell me if that can be fixed!
<br>>Thanks in advance!

SivaramaKrishnan Nageswaran
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innocations
Tel Dir:- (091)(080)5052490</pre>


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org:Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs Innovations;GSM OMC - CCC
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Software Engineer
adr;quoted-printable:;;Golf View Campus=0D=0AWind Tunnel Road=0D=0AMurgesh 
fn:Sivarama Krishnan Nageswaran



From: SivaramaKrishnan Nageswaran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Which OS to install first for multiple-boot?
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 13:19:56 -0500

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1) One suggestion I can give is that install linux at the last and I've no
idea regarding the other 3.
2) I think you can mount the filesystems of other OS in Linux and you can
use them. But I've got no idea whether you can use linux partition files
from other OS


> hi everyone,
> I would like to install a quad-boot WIN98, WIN2000pro, WINNT4, Linux.
> I
> intend to use BootMagic from PartitionMagic 6.0.
> 1) In what order should I install the OS, does it matter? I eventually
> plan to merge the WIN98 and WIN2000 partitions.
> 2) I'm a Linux newbie.  Is there a file system that Linux supports that
> both WIN98 and WIN2000pro support?  I would like to have a partition
> that allows me to share files (not applications) with all three OS.
> Thanks everyone
> R
> Sent via

SivaramaKrishnan Nageswaran
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innocations
Tel Dir:- (091)(080)5052490

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1) One suggestion I can give is that install linux at the last and I've
no idea regarding the other 3.
<br>2) I think you can mount the filesystems of other OS&nbsp;in Linux
and you can use them. But I've got no idea whether you can use linux partition
files from other OS
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>hi everyone,
<p>I would like to install a quad-boot WIN98, WIN2000pro, WINNT4, Linux.
<br>intend to use BootMagic from PartitionMagic 6.0.
<p>1) In what order should I install the OS, does it matter? I eventually
<br>plan to merge the WIN98 and WIN2000 partitions.
<p>2) I'm a Linux newbie.&nbsp; Is there a file system that Linux supports
<br>both WIN98 and WIN2000pro support?&nbsp; I would like to have a partition
<br>that allows me to share files (not applications) with all three OS.
<p>Thanks everyone
<p>Sent via
<br><a href=""></a></blockquote>

SivaramaKrishnan Nageswaran
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innocations
Tel Dir:- (091)(080)5052490</pre>


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tel;work:00 (91) (080) 505 2490
org:Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs Innovations;GSM OMC - CCC
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Software Engineer
adr;quoted-printable:;;Golf View Campus=0D=0AWind Tunnel Road=0D=0AMurgesh 
fn:Sivarama Krishnan Nageswaran



From: SivaramaKrishnan Nageswaran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I Can't heard nothing !!!!
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 13:16:13 -0500

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Run the command sndconfig as the root and I hope this will solve your

Rudy Ceciliato wrote:

> I just ask help to someone...
> I want to use my new OS, it's just a week I've installed it on my
> computer...
> The only thing don't work is my Sound Blaster 1024 Live!...
> How could I hear something ?????    Help me !!!!!
> I have installed Linux Red Hat v.6.1 - kernel 2.2.12-20
> If all works I can connect to Internet using my new OS and discard this
> awfull Windows !!!
> Help me  fuck Bill !!!!
> Thanks,
> Rudy 31!!!!

SivaramaKrishnan Nageswaran
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innocations
Tel Dir:- (091)(080)5052490

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Run the command sndconfig as the root and I&nbsp;hope this will solve your
<p>Rudy Ceciliato wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>I just ask help to someone...
<p>I want to use my new OS, it's just a week I've installed it on my
<p>The only thing don't work is my Sound Blaster 1024 Live!...
<p>How could I hear something ?????&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Help me !!!!!
<p>I have installed Linux Red Hat v.6.1 - kernel 2.2.12-20
<p>If all works I can connect to Internet using my new OS and discard this
<br>awfull Windows !!!
<p>Help me&nbsp; fuck Bill !!!!
<p>Rudy 31!!!!</blockquote>

SivaramaKrishnan Nageswaran
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innocations
Tel Dir:- (091)(080)5052490</pre>


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tel;work:00 (91) (080) 505 2490
org:Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs Innovations;GSM OMC - CCC
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Software Engineer
adr;quoted-printable:;;Golf View Campus=0D=0AWind Tunnel Road=0D=0AMurgesh 
fn:Sivarama Krishnan Nageswaran



From: SivaramaKrishnan Nageswaran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: RH 7.0 cannot find address of localhost
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 13:14:49 -0500

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Even I had the same problem and it got recovered by itself. What I think
is that the problem might be due to the network problem


Hal Burgiss wrote:

> On Wed, 27 Dec 2000 15:39:46 GMT, Victor S. Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >the point of "Starting lpd:" -- things then hung up for about 2
> >minutes, and then I got a message saying that it couldn't obtain the
> >IP address of localhost.  It wouldn't proceed any further.  I tried
> >shutting down, powering off, and rebooting with the same thing.  When
> Do you have a line like this in /etc/hosts?
> [hal@feenix hal]$ cat /etc/hosts
>        localhost      localhost.localdomain
> [...]
> Or do you have any ipchains rules that might be inadvertantly blocking
> access to that IP?
> --
> Hal B
> --

SivaramaKrishnan Nageswaran
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innocations
Tel Dir:- (091)(080)5052490

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Even I had the same problem and it got recovered by itself. What I think
is that the problem might be due to the network problem
<p>Hal Burgiss wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>On Wed, 27 Dec 2000 15:39:46 GMT, Victor S. Miller
<br>>the point of "Starting lpd:" -- things then hung up for about 2
<br>>minutes, and then I got a message saying that it couldn't obtain the
<br>>IP address of localhost.&nbsp; It wouldn't proceed any further.&nbsp;
I tried
<br>>shutting down, powering off, and rebooting with the same thing.&nbsp;
<p>Do you have a line like this in /etc/hosts?
<p>[hal@feenix hal]$ cat /etc/hosts
<p>Or do you have any ipchains rules that might be inadvertantly blocking
<br>access to that IP?
<br>Hal B

SivaramaKrishnan Nageswaran
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innocations
Tel Dir:- (091)(080)5052490</pre>


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tel;work:00 (91) (080) 505 2490
org:Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs Innovations;GSM OMC - CCC
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Software Engineer
adr;quoted-printable:;;Golf View Campus=0D=0AWind Tunnel Road=0D=0AMurgesh 
fn:Sivarama Krishnan Nageswaran



Subject: Re: How to modify Profile?
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 08:01:39 GMT

On Wed, 27 Dec 2000 22:28:39 -0800, tszeto 
> I'm trying to set my path to recognize the jdk1.3 I just installedm,
> so that the change will be permanant from boot to boot.
> I open the file /etc/profile and change the path to this:
> PATH="$PATH:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/java/jdk1.3/bin"
> But when I echo $PATH, the jdk path that I added doesn't appear.
> I've tried logging out and logging in again but still nothing.
> Any help appreciated. BTW I'm using Redhat 7.

Check to see if any other commands in /etc/profile append information or 
change the path. Also in your profile in your home directory is PATH 
appended to the default profile PATH?



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