Linux-Setup Digest #310, Volume #20              Sat, 30 Dec 00 07:13:05 EST

  Re: Apache Web Server Help (daemonX)
  Re: major problem with suse 6.3 (Michael Heiming)
  Re: NT boot loader, no boot.ini file ("Eric en Jolanda")
  Re: Newbie Partion Question ("Eric en Jolanda")
  Re: Apache Web Server Help (daemonX)
  Re: how to change X settings? (Anita Lewis)
  Re: Help on ftp and telnet problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Help on ftp and telnet problem (Bit Twister)
  Re: ALSA Compiling Driver ALS4000 ("Roy Batty")
  Re: SuSE-7.0    No sound  with ALSA ("Roy Batty")
  Slackware Trouble ("LenBum")
  Re: crossover cable ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  help!   no printing under Linux (glen stark)


From: daemonX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Apache Web Server Help
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 17:19:27 +0800


Thank you for the reply, I shall give it a try !




Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 10:26:02 +0100
From: Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: major problem with suse 6.3

Glitch wrote:

> hello,
> I never thought Linux could damage other partitions but I guess it can,
> not physically though.
> Both of my hard drives are on an HPT366 controller. I only have a cdrom
> and dvd on my IDE controllers, those drives are hda and  hdb
> respectively. My Windows drive is the master on HTP366 controller and
> its hde and my linux drive is the slave being hdf.  Boot partition is
> hdf1 and root is hdf3.
> The first problem i ran into was that I couldn't use all of my 15 gigs
> for Linux. I could only partition the first 1027 cylinders which came
> out to be 8 gigs even though before partitioning for Linux the
> installation program was able to see the whole partition that I had of
> Windows. The cylinders still weren't correct though for that partition.
> But I figured I'll just use fdisk later on to assign the last 7 gigs to
> a partition.
> I tried to put LILO on the MBR but since no hard drive existed there (my
> cdrom is hda) I couldn't do that so I chose the MBR of the boot
> partition which ended up not working. Later I changed the boot= variable
> in lilo.conf to be /dev/hde1 so that I got a LILO prompt when I booted.
> This worked and I could get into Linux.
> But I could not get into WIndows.  I type in Win to get into Windows and
> all I get in return is this:
> Loading windows...
> LI
> and that's it.  I have no clue why. I added the linear option to
> lilo.conf and put 'compact' in but neither helped.   I tried fdisk /mbr
> from a dos bootdisk which had no affect (maybe b/c I had no MBR on
> /dev/hda).  Luckily I could do lilo -u and that got me back to loading
> Windows.
> However when I load Windows I get illegal ops with explorer.exe about 3
> times and a few other programs and within seconds the whole system is
> frozen, every time I boot.  Using a DOS bootdisk and typing 'win' at the
> prompt I get 'system registry' not found and vfat errors. (i've since
> reinstalled windows and so far things seem to be ok regarding that but i
> can't boot into it while using LILO and im even afraid to do that now
> considering what just happened with my windows partition messing up
> somehow)
> So can anyone tell me what might be wrong?
> Also, I noticed when Linux boots that it can't mount my Windows
> partition. it says wrong fs type, bad superblock or too many filesystems
> mounted already and therefore i cant mount automatically or manually my
> windows partition, probably for the same reason I can't boot from it
> either using LILO, even though regular booting w/o LILO works fine from
> the UDMA66 controller.
> any ideas are appreciated.


tons of info about lilo not booting the right way and the solutions for
these problems,
I had it only once, are on the net.



Good luck

Michael Heiming


From: "Eric en Jolanda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: NT boot loader, no boot.ini file
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 10:46:35 +0100

> There's a little twist to my dual booting problem.  I am no stranger to
> linux dual boot with the NT boot loader.  In fact, my win2000/dos dual
> boot system loader appears to be the same app as the boot loader on my
> NT machine at work.  My problem is that I can't find the boot.ini file
> in my win2000 root directory.  Actually, I searched the computer's
> whole fat16/fat32 file system (including the dos 6.22 C: drive) and I
> can't find boot.ini.  But, when I boot the system, here comes the boot
> system choice screen, just like my NT machine.  Windows 2000 help is no
> help at all.  Maybe someone else has seen this?  Where is boot.ini???

Obviously this has nothing to do with linux.
Please ask questions like this in a Win2K NG



From: "Eric en Jolanda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie Partion Question
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 10:57:21 +0100

> I am a total Linux... and partitioning.. newbie. Partition Magic has been
> highly recommended to me, so I hope that what I have heard about it is

Depends on what you heard, but yes it's a good program

> Currently I have a Windows 98 2nd edition machine, 6.32g hard drive, 65

W98 is less good a program than PM :-)

> of ram, Pentium 3.
> I will be installing Red Hat 7.0 Deluxe Workstation- it has been
> to me as the best way to get started as it comes with a lot of different
> components and software.

I don't think this is the best choice. I have to admit that I haven't tried
it yet though. I still run RH6.x and like them very much. RH7.0 does have
some nasty "bugs", although as a beginner you wil probably not even notice

> My question concerns the size of the two partitions. Realistically, how
> large of a partition does Linux need to run comfortably? I understand that
> this will be, in part, concerned with if I install everything or not, but
> am wondering if there is a general rule of thumb when considering
> size. I am considering giving W98 3.5G and RH 2.82G. I would make it more
> even, but will be installing GIS software on the W98 side in the near
> future.. sadly ESRI products aren't ported for Linux, though they are for
> Unix.

I don't think you will have any problems with this scheme. Be aware though
that it's a good idea to give linux a swap partition though. It's not
required, but is good practice.

> I assume the the documentation coming with both will be adequate, I just
> like to think ahead.
> Thank you for any thoughts,




From: daemonX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Apache Web Server Help
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 18:50:58 +0800


Sorry it did not do you set the permissions ?




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anita Lewis)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.redhat,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: how to change X settings?
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 10:55:53 GMT

On Sat, 30 Dec 2000 05:58:24 GMT, Steve in Phx wrote:
>I'm having trouble.  I installed Redhat 6.2 on my P100 machine and am having
>trouble with the X windows system.  I'm running KDE.
>The problem I'm having is that with my current monitor limitation of
>640X480, I can't see the bottom of any of my windows!  If I open up
>linuxconf or netconf or KDE Control Center or anything else, I can't even
>get to the buttons on the bottom of the screen because the screens are so
>huge.  They move off the page to the right also, but at least I can move the
>page left and right to find the button to click on.  I'm sure that there has
>to be a way to change this, right?

Most likely cause is the monitor specs are not correct.  You can run
Xconfigurator as explained in another post or xf86config which is text only. 
Another way to cure it is to edit /etc/X11/XF86Config.  Check the Monitor
Section and put your horiz and vert ranges in.  While you are there, check
the Screen Section to make sure that you have the Modes listed in the order
you want to see them.  The default will be the first in the list.  Be sure
to make a backup of XF86Config whether you edit or run the config program,
just in case it gets worse instead of better, or you make a mistake.


Section "Monitor"
   Identifier      "Primary Monitor"
   VendorName      "Unknown"
   ModelName       "Unknown"
   HorizSync       31.0-65.0
   VertRefresh     50-100

Section "Screen"
   Driver          "Accel"
   Device          "Primary Card"
   Monitor         "Primary Monitor"
   DefaultColorDepth 16
   SubSection "Display"
      Depth        8
      Modes        "1024x768""800x600"   "640x480"
   SubSection "Display"
      Depth        16
      Modes        "1024x768" "800x600"  "640x480"


Subject: Re: Help on ftp and telnet problem
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 11:17:55 GMT


I edit /etc/hosts and make telnet run fast.  But ftp still takes 3-5
minutes to come back with username/password prompt.

My /etc/hosts now looks like this:   localhost

RH7.0 running wu-ftpd and telnetd is and my laptop is

After this change, telnetting to RH7.0 with username/password comes back
immediately.  ftp has some improvement.  In the past, connection
refused.  Now need to take 3-5 minutes to get RH7.0 returning

Does the RH7.0 do reverse DNS lookup and we need to wait until it
timeout?  What is the RH7.0 telnetd and ftpd waiting for?


n article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Chan Chung Hang Christopher
> Is the Ip of the server or Windows 2000 machine?
> > Chris,
> >
> > Yes, my /etc/hosts looks like this:
> >
> >    localhost   localhost.localdomain
> >
> >
> > It still takes very long to get the telnet login prompt.  FTP
> > refused by RedHat.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Roger
> >
> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >   Chan Chung Hang Christopher
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > have you set the hostname properly in the server's /etc/hosts
> > >
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hi,
> > > >
> > > > I installed RedHat 7.0 workstation and installed xinetd, wu-ftpd
> > > > telnetd.
> > > >
> > > > I connect my Win2K PC on the same LAN and try to telnet and ftp
> > the
> > > > RedHat server.  It takes very long (over 2 minutes) to have a
> > > > login screen coming back from RedHat.  For ftp, it does not ask
> > for
> > > > and username/password and connected refused.
> > > >
> > > > I setup my hostname and doman name properly.  The ftpaccess file
> > > > default.
> > > >
> > > > However, if I use the telnet and ftp clients on the RedHat, it
> > > > quick.
> > > >
> > > > Any clue?
> > > >
> > > > Regards,
> > > > Roger Luk
> > > >
> > > > Sent via
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Sent via
> >

Sent via


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bit Twister)
Subject: Re: Help on ftp and telnet problem
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 11:42:58 GMT

If I were you, /etc/host would have       localhost.localdomain   localhost gemini rogerluk

rogerluk hosts file would have the same info for gemini

On Sat, 30 Dec 2000 11:17:55 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I edit /etc/hosts and make telnet run fast.  But ftp still takes 3-5
>minutes to come back with username/password prompt.
>My /etc/hosts now looks like this:
>   localhost
>RH7.0 running wu-ftpd and telnetd is and my laptop is
>After this change, telnetting to RH7.0 with username/password comes back
>immediately.  ftp has some improvement.  In the past, connection
>refused.  Now need to take 3-5 minutes to get RH7.0 returning

The warranty and liability expired as you read this message.
If the above breaks your system, it's yours and you keep both pieces.
Practice safe computing. Backup the file before you change it. 
Do a,  man command_here or cat command_here, before using it.


From: "Roy Batty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ALSA Compiling Driver ALS4000
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 12:48:19 +0100

What is the exact error message? If it is something like
"fatal signal 11" then you have a hardware problem.
See for more information.
- Roy

"Moeller Dirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:92k6ne$p1c$06$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I wand to use a ALS4000 Soundcard.
> I got the ALSA Driver 5.10 sources witch include a driver for the ALS4000.
> When i compile the Driver i got an error:
> A program "cc1" stopps with an fatal error number 11,
> if i restart the make file i get the error some files later.
> Sometimes there ist the error number 4.
> Restarting the makefile often works, but the compiled module doesn´t work
> What does the error messages mean?
> Any Idea what to do?
> Thanks
> Dirk Möller


From: "Roy Batty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SuSE-7.0    No sound  with ALSA
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 12:52:07 +0100

Did you configure the sound card with
or did you run
- Roy

"Herbert Hildebrandt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:92ho0f$a32$06$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hallo,
> I have a soundcard CMI8330 on my motherboard. With windows 98 it works
> But with SuSE-Linux 7.0 and ALSA I have Problems: also isapnp found the
> and IRQ,DMA and PORT are set there only a report over WSS(AD1848) in the
> sound segment and no report over SB(Soundblaster Emulation). Modprobe
> no module like sound-card-slot-1 but slot 0 seems to be found. In the
> there was no sound.
> Who can help me?
> Thank you for the answer!
> Herbert


From: "LenBum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Slackware Trouble
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 11:56:22 GMT

For the past 2 weeks I've been trying to install
Linux.................anyone of them. I've tried 4 or 5 versions and right
now have installed Slackware on my Windows partition. The install went ok,
going through set up and then installing the packages. I reboot and come to
the login screen. I login and everything seems to be ok. But at the next
prompt I type startx and the system seems to want to start but I get a fatal
server error basically telling me it can't find device FB0. I checked my
Linux files and there is such a file but has 0 bytes in it. I'm going to try
to update the kernel next. I used the ata66.i to start with. Any other
ideas? It's probably some kind of hardware conflict, but not know all that
much about Linux, trying to troubleshoot is pretty complicated for me.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: crossover cable
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 11:49:48 GMT

There are 2 ways to verify a cross-over cable.

(1) Hold the RJ45 plug with gold fingers facing you.  Record the colour
of pin 1,2,3 and 6 (for ethernet).  Pin 1 is on your left hand side of
the RJ45 plug.  Check the colour code at the other end of the RJ45
plug.  For cross-over, pin 1 and 2 at one end should go to pin 3 and 6
on the other.  Pin 3 and 6 should go to pin 1 and 2 of the other end.
(2) 10BaseT/100BaseTX ethernet specifications require link signals to
check link connectivity.  Look at link lights at BOTH end of the NIC
cards.  Make sure both are ON.  One ON and one OFF or both OFF mean
cable problem.

That's my 2cents.


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> On Fri, 15 Dec 2000 12:31:40 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] staggered
> into the Black Sun and said:
> >I'm trying to connect the two computers I have at home with a
> >cable. I have cable modem (att@home). One computer has two NICs (an
> >EtherPower and a linksys card) and the other has a 3com card. If I
> >the cable modem in any of these 3 cards separately, I can connect to
> >outer world without a hitch (after configuring the interface and the
> >routing table, of course). The only thing that I can't do is have the
> >computers talk to each other. I noticed that when I plug the cable
> >into any of the card, the leds light up, but when I plug the
> >cable, neither end lights up, so I suspect it is a hardware problem.
> >this normal? Do I change the cable? Do I get a hub?
> If you have a good cable of the right type connecting 2 good NICs that
> are powered-on, you should see a link light.  First, make sure that
> not the cable.  (If you made the cable yourself, after drinking 4
> it's unlikely the cable will work.  Personal experience.)  Borrow a
> known good crossover cable and see if that solves your problem?  You
> don't need a hub unless you want to expand your little network beyond
> machines at some point in the future, so if you do, get a hub or
> now.
> --
> Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us
to see
> Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin'
>     /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
> -----------------------------/    I hit a seg fault....

Sent via


From: glen stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: help!   no printing under Linux
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 13:02:32 -0500

I used to have a working printer under linux (it's an epson photo 870),
until I borrowed a friends parallel port zip drive to copy some files
under windows (I had left it connected under linux, but never used it).
The zip is now gone, and I can no longer print.  After hours of effort,
I gave up and since I wanted to install a newer version of red hat
anyway, I installed (not upgraded) pinstripe from a friend's cds.
Still no working printer.

printtool finds the printer/port, but printing ascii diretly to port
produces no effect.  the same if I try to echo something directly do

Here are what I think are relevent lines from dmesg:
parport0: PC-style at 0x3bc [SPP,PS2]
parport_probe: succeeded
parport0: Printer, EPSON Stylus Photo 870
lp0: using parport0 (polling).

and here is my /etc/modules.conf:
alias scsi_hostadapter aic7xxx
alias eth0 rtl8139
alias sound-slot-0 emu10k1
alias usb-controller uhci
alias char-major-195 NVdriver
alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
options parport_pc io=0x3BC, 0x278, auto

I'm completely at a loss.  can someone help me?



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