Linux-Setup Digest #335, Volume #21              Wed, 30 May 01 16:13:09 EDT

  Re: PCI modem recommendations for Linux box - what should I buy? (Roger Blake)
  X problems with Dell Latitude Xpi 133st (Steven Shapiro)
  Apache Dir Browsing ("Tommy")
  Re: ide-tape.o errors (Leonard Evens)
  Re: SCSI problems (Leonard Evens)
  Redhat7.1 login problem (Paul J Warren)
  Re: Linux PDA ("BetrOffDed")
  Re: Connecting Redhat to MS Small Biz Server (Scott Alfter)
  Re: Can't open dependencies file ("BetrOffDed")
  Re: Apache Dir Browsing (H.Bruijn)
  Re: Some partition shuffling, help needed! (Craig Goodrich)
  advice ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  RPM halts? (jamil shaikh)
  Toshiba laptop and Linux trouble ("Zachary Wolfenbarger")
  How to mount remote Win2K partition ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Dual Boot Win2K and Linux (Michael Dunlap)
  Re: Can't open dependencies file ("Tsugi")


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roger Blake)
Subject: Re: PCI modem recommendations for Linux box - what should I buy?
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 16:10:57 GMT

On Wed, 30 May 2001 11:51:05 +1000, pete <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>a few real modems out there and they have the noce advantage that they are 
>out of sight, out of mind, and don't add another brick to your power board.

...and the nice advantage that if the modem goes funny in the head due
to line noise or whatever you have to hard reset or power down your
entire system to clear it. Much nicer than just flipping the power
switch on an external box. :-)

  Roger Blake
  (remove second "g" and second "m" from address for email)


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,alt.os.linux.redhat
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steven Shapiro)
Subject: X problems with Dell Latitude Xpi 133st
Date: 30 May 2001 16:03:36 GMT

I've installed Red Hat 7.1 (with XFree86 4.0.3) on an Dell Latitude XPi P133ST
(NeoMagic 2070 video controller) but I'm having some problems with the display
under X.  When I move a window it does not refresh properly (although anything
below the window does refresh properly).  Also, when I move the mouse to about
an inch from the right edge of the screen a small white square appears under
the mouse cursor and a vertical line of moving white dots also appears.  I've
played with the XF86Config-4 file, but I have not been able to remedy the
problem.  Although, I have not been able to find the horizontal or
vertical sync rates for the laptop screen, so I've been shooting in the
dark.  Any ideas how to fix this problem?




From: "Tommy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Apache Dir Browsing
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 12:21:35 -0500

I want to be able to turn off directory browsing so people can't see the
contents of a directory that has files stored in it. Is there a way to do
this. I looked through httpd.conf but don't find reference to this.


Tommy Martin


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: ide-tape.o errors
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 12:06:25 -0500

Ga Mu wrote:
> I have an HP/Colorado 4/8 GB Travan-3 tape drive in a newly constructed
> RedHat Linux 7.1 system.  The tape drive is currently configured as
> /dev/hdd and I have /dev/tape linked to /dev/ht0.  (Or is that /dev/ht0
> linked to /dev/tape...)  I am trying to restore files from a backup made
> on another system. That system had no problem writing to the same drive
> (it was moved from the old system to the new).  mt commands appear to
> work fine.  E.g., I can retension the tape with 'mt retension'.
> However, tar can't read from the drive.  I get the following error
> messages when I try:
> -------------------------------------------
> [root@c1125351-a backup]# tar -xzf /dev/tape
> tar (child): /dev/tape: Cannot read: Input/output error
> <...snip...>
> [root@c1125351-a backup]#
> -------------------------------------------
> If I look in /var/log/messages, I see this:
> -------------------------------------------
> May 29 11:01:26 c1125351-a kernel: ide-tape: Reached idetape_chrdev_open
> May 29 11:01:26 c1125351-a kernel: ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc =  8,
> key =  5, asc = 2c, ascq =  0
> -------------------------------------------
> I remember having the same problem with the same error/log messages when
> I initially got the drive going in the original system.  Unfortunately,
> I can't for the life of me remember what I did to resolve the problem
> the first time.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> Greg

There have been several reports of HP ide tape drives not being
able to read with 2.4 kernels where they had had no trouble
with 2.2 kernels.  (Redhat 7.1 uses the 2.4.2 kernel.)  This is
really something that should be fixed, and I can't imagine it
will be terribly difficult since those drives have worked fine
since kernel 2.0.35.   But it is a matter of getting someone to
address it.   But for the moment, those of us with HP ide drives
are apparently out of luck.


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: SCSI problems
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 12:12:36 -0500

John English wrote:
> I've just installed Red Hat 7.1 on a machine at work which has an
> Adaptec 2940 SCSI controller, to which is attached a Fujitsu M2513A
> 640M magneto-optical drive. I've also got an HP 7100 IDE CD writer,
> which I've got set up for SCSI emulation as per the X-CD-Roast docs.
> I have problems with both devices...
> 1) I can mount a disk in the M-O drive, and I can list the contents
>    of the directory. As soon as I try to copy to or from the disk,
>    I either get a segmentation fault (following a null pointer) or
>    sometimes X freezes such that the mouse doesn't move and I can't
>    get out.
> 2) When I try to write a CD, it writes a few meg and then reports
>    a recoverable error. It then loops endlessly reading from the
>    drive (dunno why).
> Has anyone else got this hardware to work? Can anyone tell me what
> the problem is (or what other information I should post here about
> it)?
> TIA,

There have been other reports of problems with aic7xxx.  Browse
Bugzilla at the RedHat website.   I was concerned about this
because I have a machine with 2940 controller and a SCSI hard disk.
But I was able to install RedHat 7.1 without any problem.
Actually, originally the machine also had a SCSI CD drive, and
it was upgrading properly when the drive died.  I am pretty
sure this had nothing to do with the 2.4.2 kernel or the
RedHat installer.   The drive didn't respond properly even
just after the machine was turned on before Linux was loaded.
In any case, I put in a new IDE CD drive and installed RH7.1
without incident, and the disk seems to be functioning correctly.

> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>  John English              | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Senior Lecturer           |
>  Dept. of Computing        | ** NON-PROFIT CD FOR CS STUDENTS **
>  University of Brighton    |    -- see
> -----------------------------------------------------------------


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: Paul J Warren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Redhat7.1 login problem
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 18:36:04 +0100

Sorry for being a newbie....

Just installed redhat 7.1

Used authconfig to set NIS no-shadow (and nothing else)
Ssh2 and CtlAltF1-login (?not sure of the correct name for this) work 
fine but console login KDE appears to dump all non-local (ie NIS) users 
out by restarting the X session.
No useful messages in the /var/log/messages.
(except something about drm:r128_wait_for_fifo failed?? -not sure I can 
remember this bit correctly - which is to do with the video card?)

Any suggestions for how to find-out what the problem is?
It could be a shell problem but I already added the different shell 
location into /etc/shells (and I think non-console login's would not 
work either it it were a shell problem).


From: "BetrOffDed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux PDA
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 17:52:05 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Alexander Martinez"

> Hello,
> I want to purchase a Linux PDA, but I'm kind of clueless about the model
> to purchase. Is there a place, where I can get a complete listing of all
> the Linux PDAs and Organizers out there? It must be Linux, because I
> don't want to use any Windoze crap again.
> Thanks in advance.
> Greetings
> Alex

The PDA needs to run linux? Or just work with linux?

The only PDA currently available that I am aware of running linux
out-of-the-box is the Agenda.

You can use palms and visors with linux though.

YOPY, a multimedia PDA (akin to a pocketpc I suppose) is being developed,
but AFAIK is only availalbe in a developers kit at this time.

Sorry, I'm not aware of a linux PDA page. Have you tried


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott Alfter)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Connecting Redhat to MS Small Biz Server
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 17:52:22 -0000

Hash: SHA1

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Danny Bielik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have just installed RedHat V7 to a new PC (PIII-1000) and would like to
>hook it up to our server which is running Microsoft Backoffice Small
>Business Server 4.5 (SBS).  This is basically Windows NT Server V4.0 with
>Proxy Server 2.0, Exchange 5.5 and a few other things.
>Here is the setup: Server name - ntserver1, domain name - acnet2, Server IP
>, DHCP enabled (scope 10.0.0.x).
>Is it possible for the Linux computer to log into that server (for
>file/print sharing)?  If so, how?

The client components of Samba are supposed to be able to use domain-based
authentication, but I've never tried to get it working.

>Also, can the Linux machine be set up to go through the Proxy Server for
>internet access?  Again, how is this achieved???  I believe that you have to
>be authenticated as a user on the domain to have access to the Proxy server.

Ugh...I have bad memories of getting Linux to talk through Proxy Server.  If
all you need is HTTP proxying, set up your browser to use
(assuming that you didn't change it) as the proxy; no authentication is
needed.  If you need more complete access, you need to track down a SOCKS
proxy client.  I fooled with Dante for a bit and was able to get it to work
for a little while, but then the SOCKS proxy service ("Winsock Proxy," IIRC,
is what M$ calls it) would crash and would need to be restarted.

If you can, grab an old 486 (or whatever), a pair of NICs, and an LRP (Linux
Router Project) floppy.  Set it up as your firewall and switch all your
workstations over to it.  If you need something more intelligent (such as a
caching proxy for HTTP or NNTP), you can install whatever distro you want
and configure that; I have SuSE 7.0 running as a corporate firewall on an
old Compaq Deskpro 2000 (P5MMX-233) with a pair of 3C905s, and it's much
less hassle to set up workstations to access the Internet through it than it
ever was to set them up through Proxy Server (no proxy client software to
load at each workstation, for one thing).

 / v \
(IIGS(  Scott Alfter (remove Voyager's hull number for email address)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see



From: "BetrOffDed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't open dependencies file
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 18:05:47 GMT

In article <9f1tmp$1u2$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Tsugi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello.  During the boot from CD-Rom(vmlinuz root=/dev/hdc5), modprobe
> gives me an error such as
>   "modprobe:can't open dependencies file
> /lib/modules/2.4.2-2BOOT/modules.dep (No such file or directory)"
>   Although I have a directory "/lib/modules/2.4.2-2/modules.dep",
>   somehow
> modprobe tries to find
> the directory above.
>   Because of the error, it fails to have eth0 to work and I cannot
>   connect
> to the network.
>   Is there any way to make modprobe look into
> "/lib/modules/2.4.2-2/modules.dep" folder?
>   I changed the actual folder name from
>   "/lib/modules/2.4.2-2/modules.dep"
> to "/lib/modules/2.4.2-2BOOT/",
> but it failed some other process during the boot.
>   The reason I have to boot from CD-ROM is because my power cable for
>   FDD
> and FDD itself died.
>   Here is my installation config.
>   hda1 Win2K
>   hdc2 /boot
>   hdc5 /
>   hdc6 /swp
>   I tried both with and without Lilo installed on the first sector of
>   the
> root partition.
>   Only time it booted successfully was when I installed lilo on MBR,
>   which
> fails to dual boot with Win2K.
>   How can I successfully boot Linux from CD-ROM with network?
>   I have RedHat 7.1 installed.
>   Thank you,
> Tsugi

You'll probably have to write your own bootable CD with the proper kernel
and all. The cd, as you have seen, uses a special "BOOT" kernel, and
needs to find the proper files associated with that kernel.

I don't know what kind of problems you had with lilo on the mbr, as it
boots w2k just fine here with the following entry in lilo.conf:


You could also try to install the kernel-BOOT package from CD2, as it has
the proper modules, etc, but as the package description says, it is a
stripped down version of the kernel, with limited functionality.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (H.Bruijn)
Subject: Re: Apache Dir Browsing
Date: 30 May 2001 18:30:24 GMT

On Wed, 30 May 2001 12:21:35 -0500, Tommy allegedly wrote:
> I want to be able to turn off directory browsing so people can't see the
> contents of a directory that has files stored in it. Is there a way to do
> this. I looked through httpd.conf but don't find reference to this.

Comment out the module "mod_dir" and restart the webserver.

# httpd.conf Main apache config file
# LoadModule dir_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/

If a trainstation is the place where trains stop, what is a workstation?
Herman Bruijn                         website:
The Netherlands 


From: Craig Goodrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Some partition shuffling, help needed!
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 13:41:40 -0500

1)  Get an appropriate boot disk image from RH, Mandrake, whatever.  Use
RAWRITE (under Win or DOS) to create a boot floppy.

2)  Boot the floppy.  When LILO comes up, enter "rescue [or whatever] 
root=/dev/hda2 [or whatever]"

Then you can fix /etc/mnttab to mount everything in the right place.

3)  Reboot the floppy.  Same arguments.

Now everything is mounted where it's supposed to be.  So you can
edit /etc/lilo.conf to reflect the new root partition, run lilo, and you
should be in business again.  Try booting the hard drive; if it doesn't
work, boot the floppy again and fix it...


Axel Bergerhoff wrote:

>You need to tell us about your partition types and where the OS's reside.
>Chris Davies wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>I have rh7.1 dualbooting with Windows but I want to shrink the windows
>>partition and create another partition to kind of share between the two OS's
>>(as i can't write to NTFS). I have done this before and shafted the whole
>>machine by screwing lilo up. I just need some quick advice, after I
>>repartition obviously the hda1 hda2 numbers will change etc, and then upon
>>reboot poooof, all gone, how can i create a boot disc (or whatever changes
>>are needed) to allow me back in to Linux and reconfigure lilo?
>>Thanks in advance folks, you could save me some serious reinstalling time!
>>Chris Davies


Subject: advice
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 18:43:24 GMT

In the Sinclair era I used to do a little programming but all that seemed to

finish with the coming of the push and grunt GUI's. Using RH 7 I would like
to try my hand at programming once again. I would welcome advice where to
start. Also can someone help me with the following puzzle. I have configured

Pine and I do have the RH dialler up and running but how do I stitch them
together if indeed that is the right route. My ISP is a POP3. Only want
Usenet/email in text. Use only console. Regards


Net-Tamer V 1.10.1  - Registered


From: jamil shaikh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RPM halts?
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 15:10:57 -0400

I am trying to install bzip rpm package using rpm 3.0.1. But looks like
it is halt. It never comes back in hours until I use kill -9.
Here are the logs. Does any one has any clue.

# rpm -vv -i bzip2-1_0_1-2_ppc.rpm
D: counting packages to install
D: found 1 packages
D: looking for packages to download
D: retrieved 0 packages
D: New Header signature
D: Signature size: 68
D: Signature pad : 4
D: sigsize         : 72
D: Header + Archive: 72177
D: expected size   : 72177
D: opening database mode 0x42 in //var/lib/rpm/
D: found 0 source and 1 binary packages
D: dependencies: looking for /sbin/ldconfig
D: dependencies: looking for
D: dependencies: looking for
D: dependencies: looking for
D: dependencies: looking for /bin/sh
D: dependencies: looking for
D: dependencies: looking for
D: installing binary packages



From: "Zachary Wolfenbarger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Toshiba laptop and Linux trouble
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 19:41:18 GMT

I recently installed Redhat 7.1 on my Toshiba Tecra 730XCDT laptop, and it's
been one problem after another.

One: I installed kernel 2.4.5 in the hopes of it supporting my ethernet
card, a 3C589. It was there, I installed the module, and yet it doesn't show
up in the linuxconf. Wacky? That's just the beginning. Two: I run
Xconfigurator, and try to set the resolution to 1024x768 (anything less
would be uncivilized). First off, I get an error (There is a problem with
your X configuration...). Then, the screen begins to flicker on and off,
even though nothing was really changed. So, I go back in there, set it to
800x600, and the flickering stops. But I still get that error, so I can't
finish Xconfigurator. I've tried virtually all of the generic settings, and
I've set the Hsync and Vsync etc. manually according to the specs of the
machine. No matter what I set it to, I always get an error and can't finish.
    I think to myself, perhaps it's because X is currently running. So, I
ctrl-alt-backspace out of X. I am immediatly thrown right back to the GNOME
login screen. Again, same result. I can't seem to be able to quit X at all,
so I can't run Xconfigurator from a different virtual terminal without
getting that same error (I think). So, I can't edit the XF86Config file
manually. And I'm stuck with an icky-looking 800x600 (icky-looking due to
the resolution of the laptop LCD, I believe).
    Yeah, I'm really, really new at this. Just kind of frustrated with what
looks to be simple enough (famous last words). Any help would be greatly

Thanks in advance,
Zachary Wolfenbarger


Subject: How to mount remote Win2K partition
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 19:42:57 GMT

I used to mount my Windows NT 4.0 server NTFS partition locally on  my
RH 7.0 linux box using the following command;

mount -t smbfs -ousername=joeuser,password=joezpasswd
//$ /mnt/smb

and all was well in the universe.

We just upgraded to a Windows 2000 server and I get the following
error when using this command;

session setup failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.)
SMB connection failed

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated,

Thanks in advance...


From: Michael Dunlap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Dual Boot Win2K and Linux
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 15:48:46 +0500

Irving Ian Liaw wrote:
> 2) Is there any chance I can retain my present GRUB bootloader and not
> have to change to the Win2K one?
> 3) In relation to the previous question, What kind of complications
> will arise as a result of Win2K being installed 2nd?
>    Usually I know Windows has to be the first installed OS then
> afterwards running FIPS and Partition Magic, we then put in Linux.

I don't have an answer for your first question, but I have done the dual
boot NT/2000 and linux thing.  There are specific instructions in a
mini-howto located at:

Following those instructions, I had no problem.

Hope that helps a little,



From: "Tsugi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't open dependencies file
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 16:09:40 -0700

> You'll probably have to write your own bootable CD with the proper kernel
> and all. The cd, as you have seen, uses a special "BOOT" kernel, and
> needs to find the proper files associated with that kernel.
> I don't know what kind of problems you had with lilo on the mbr, as it
> boots w2k just fine here with the following entry in lilo.conf:
> other=/dev/hda3
>         label=W2K
>         table=/dev/hda
> You could also try to install the kernel-BOOT package from CD2, as it has
> the proper modules, etc, but as the package description says, it is a
> stripped down version of the kernel, with limited functionality.

  Thank you for your advice.  The problems I had with lilo on MBR was that I
could only boot from either one Win2K or Linux since I had NTFS on Win2K.
  If  I install lilo on MBR, it cannot see Win2K NTFS to boot it, and I
cannot avoid
module dependencies error if I have lilo on the first sector of linux root

  I realized not having a FDD makes things a lot difficult to dualboot with
linux and win2k.
  Probably it might be easier for me to get another FDD and Power supply and
see if the FDD
controller is still alive.  I might even have to replace Motherboard the
worst case.

  Anyways, is it possible to replace only the power cable that goes to FDD?

  Thanks you,




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