Linux-Setup Digest #390, Volume #21               Thu, 7 Jun 01 06:13:10 EDT

  Re: changing the time?? ("Duane Healing")
  Re: linux box cannot be seen in networkneighbourhood of win2000. (David Spence)
  Re: RH7.1 & "LABEL" in /etc/fstab ("Duane Healing")
  Re: changing the time?? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: rc.local file. (serafim)
  radius server ("apple")
  Re: enabling port ? ("AcidJello")
  Installing Mandrake 8.0 ("Steven V.")
  Re: Weird lilo problem, never seen before (Jason Lott)
  linux/xwindows/gnome newbie:  cant open display ("Michael Hastings")
  Re: Weird lilo problem, never seen before (Jason Lott)
  Re: imap vs imaps? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Linux, CPU HLT instruction et software cooling ! (Harri Haataja)
  Re: Port forwarding (Carlos Novo)


From: "Duane Healing" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: changing the time??
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2001 07:21:39 GMT

In a feverish moment of semi-lucidity, "hoffy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> flailed at
the keyboard thusly:
> OK, I did the man thing (I didn't even know man had switches and
> arguments and stuff).  I know, I know.  man man, right?  And I did the
> grep thing.  The list consisted of 10 or so commands, 9 of which
> apparently are not installed on my system.
> I did "man date".  You talk about criptic!!  All I want to do is change
> the time!!!  FOR PETE's SAKE!!!  The only thing man helped me with is to
> do "info date".  So I went there.  Less criptic but why do I have to
> read a manual to change the time?
> OK, I read this damn thing.  It still is not giving me an intuitive way
> of just changing the time.  Jezzzz, evidently Windows has brain-washed
> me.  Now Linux is turning my brain to mush.  I want my brain back.  You
> do have to have an IQ greater than 100 to play around with Linux.
> So after 20 minutes of reading I conclude that since how my minutes are
> good but my hours are off, I'll try " date --set='+5 hours' ".  Viola!!
> It worked!!  I need a beer.
> Linux has reduced me to a proud child who just learned to ride his bike
> all because I successfully changed the time on my system.  Now if it
> will just stay that way after I reboot.  I dread the thought.

Congratulations! With a bit more time, patience and work you'll be well on
your way to knowing how to actually run a computer. Keep at it, it's well
worth the effort.

BTW, if you're sharing your computer with another OS (such as windows -
not that it really qualifies) you _don't_ want your HW clock set to GMT,
it will just confuse issues. Lemme guess, you live in the Central time
zone. That'd be why your time was off by five hours.

If that's the case you can edit /etc/default/rcS to change system behavior
to assume that hwclock time is local time.

-DNAware SoftLabs


From: David Spence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: linux box cannot be seen in networkneighbourhood of win2000.
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 00:29:17 -0700

Glitch wrote:

> does the win2k box have Service pack 1 installed on it?   I think I read
> on another group that SP1 messes things up with communication with Linux
> computers.

I have SP1 installed and everything works fine.  I have read on another 
group that SP2 messes things up.  However, I have not installed SP2 myself, 
so consider this hearsay.


From: "Duane Healing" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RH7.1 & "LABEL" in /etc/fstab
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2001 07:34:20 GMT

for D in `grep "[hs]d" /proc/partitions  | tr -s " " | cut -f5 -d" " | \
grep "...."`; do echo /dev/$D; tune2fs -l /dev/$D | \
grep "Filesystem volume name:"; done

-DNAware SoftLabs

In a feverish moment of semi-lucidity, "Guillaume Hénin"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> flailed at the keyboard thusly:
> In my RH7.1 the file /etc/fstab has lines begining with "LABEL=" where I
> normally would find some /dev/hdxx or /dev/sdxx.
> Where are these labels defined ?


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: changing the time??
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 09:54:55 +0200

hoffy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I did "man date".  You talk about criptic!!  All I want to do is change the

man date is correct.  But you shouldn't have to read the man page to
understand it (it'd be like reading an essay on the use of "the" in
english language).  Just do it.

    date  060512002001.24

for example.

> time!!!  FOR PETE's SAKE!!!  The only thing man helped me with is to do "info
> date".  So I went there.  Less criptic but why do I have to read a manual to
> change the time?

How else can you expect to do it, if you don't know?

> OK, I read this damn thing.  It still is not giving me an intuitive way of

It's intuitive to me!

> just changing the time.  Jezzzz, evidently Windows has brain-washed me.  Now
> Linux is turning my brain to mush.  I want my brain back.  You do have to
> have an IQ greater than 100 to play around with Linux.

Well of course. 100 is way below the population average, which in
itself is way below anything you could consider human.

> So after 20 minutes of reading I conclude that since how my minutes are good
> but my hours are off, I'll try " date --set='+5 hours' ".  Viola!!  It
> worked!!  I need a beer.

That's advanced use of date! I had no idea it accepeted --set, nor that
you could do relative set. Probably nobody has ever read the manpage
before you. I'd just glance at the first line and take the default:

  date  [MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]]

> Linux has reduced me to a proud child who just learned to ride his bike all
> because I successfully changed the time on my system.  Now if it will just
> stay that way after I reboot.  I dread the thought.

There's no way it should or could stay that way across reboots. How
would it? It has to take the time from the hardware clock when it
starts up, and you know that's off. If I were you I'd

  /sbin/hwclock -w --utc

to engrave the result in the bios. But it strikes me that you have
probably configured the wrong timezone.

> P.S.  Thanks for the heads up with the man | grep thing and
> I'll be all over that site.



From: serafim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: rc.local file.
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2001 10:18:45 +0200

Liverpool_fc wrote:
> hello,
> it appears that in rh7.0 the rc.local file is the new autoexec.bat (dos)
> equivalent.
> however this file looks like a script. and i need to add a few services/
> modules that start on boot.
> example virtport (command) (options).
> from my experience if you fiddle with a script your syntax needs to be
> correct.
> adding a command line like the example above will cause the script to give
> errors.
> any suggestions?

Tell us exactly what you want to do and we might find a solution.

Quite common is to add your own module loading commands just befor the
of rc.local.

Some people prefer using insmod for module loading and in that case
you enter one line per module taking into account that not all
paths have been set yet, e.g

/sbin/insmod modulename-1 module-params-1
/sbin/insmod modulename-2 module-params-2

Mark that entries have to be in the right order. Check dependencies to
get it right.
Exepriment first by loading modules manually.
You may also use modprobe instead of insmod.

Check the result with lsmod after restart.



From: "apple" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: radius server
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 16:43:35 +0800

I want to build a radius server support 200 user to access intranet,
do you know where I can find the step-by-step document to build it ?
I mean fully document,thankx~~~

I use RedHat 6.2 ,I just install xtradius,but I don't know how to use?


From: "AcidJello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: enabling port ?
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 16:48:49 -0700

"MD" wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been using my Linux box (Redhat 7) eth0 which is a local
> address & eth1 with DSL static ip, and I have my own apache web server
> is hosting a web page. I used masquerading operations (ipchains) to share
> my network with internet and its working fine... Now I need to set my
> server (email Anywhere) which is installed in Windows 2000 server, but
> I connect to my Linux server, using outlook I couldn't able to receive my
> mails, but I 'm able to send them..and finally I found out that the port
> is not been enabled to perform the task. Pls tell me how do I fix this
> problem at my Linux box.
> Thank you so much,
> best regards,
> Merv

wow i saw two things in your post that caught my attention, actually make
that three. First i have a dsl modem too from sympatico and i tryed to use
adsl-setup/start/stop and for some stupid reason it doesnt work, i get
connected but then i cant browse or do anything. and second thing was you
not only successfully made your dsl work but you got it with static ip
I guess i got a lot more to learn, hehe, do you have any url that i might
use to help me setup my dsl ?



From: "Steven V." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Installing Mandrake 8.0
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2001 08:48:53 GMT

I was trying to install Mandrake 8.0 earlier, and I downloaded the ISO
(twice) and I burned it without any problems.  However, when I was
installing it, right after it said it was creating the partition, or
formatting the partitio, whatever it said :P  I got an error saying I was
missing the base system files =(

I downloaded the ISO from two different mirrors, and I used a different
program to burn each one.  I tried both FireBurner and Padus Disc Juggler.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks for any help


From: Jason Lott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Weird lilo problem, never seen before
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2001 03:59:50 -0500

On Wed, 6 Jun 2001 14:38:27 +0200, "David Anderson" 

>> and changing the rootfs with rdev in the kernel?
>Nope, still not :-)
>> (I have no clue why you have this problem, I'm just
>> suggesting ways around it now)
>Thanks for trying to help me out!
>And if the worst comes to the worst, I'll just have to make do with this bug
>and set the timeout to a lower value to be able to multiboot (I need to be
>able to boot to a Compaq utilities partition and the floppy). It's just a
>bit silly that if I ever have a problem i'll have to boot from a floppy...

Ahhhh... The plot thickens!... 
Compaq Utilities partition is present on the hard drive.
Linux boot's okay if the prompt time's out...
You don't have F10 access to the Compaq utilities but...
You can boot to the Compaq utilities through a floppy...

Did I get that right?

     hmmm... is lilo on the MBR by chance?

Can you boot to linux from a boot floppy?

I'm curious, because if lilo is on the MBR, as I suspect, then you may be
dealing with some Compaq magic... Especially when it comes to the 
diag/utilities partition (which is controlled by the MBR). 

Seperate /boot partition? I'm thinking it's seperate since the kernel loads,
and is able to panic (unless you have a copy of the kernel on the utilities

Interesting... Could I get a post of the server partition table (from /etc/fstab or
something similar)?

>Maybe if I try upgrading lilo and the kernel? lilo is ver 21 (found 21.5)
>and I'll have a go at upgrading to kernel 2.2.19 ...
>Thanks again


From: "Michael Hastings" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: linux/xwindows/gnome newbie:  cant open display
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 14:45:31 +1000

hi all,

i have just installed debian and configured xf86 to run on my toshiba
satallite pro 4300 laptop. this all works great so far except that when i
startx i get three icons on a very pretty debian background: one starts a
terminal session, one configures xwindows options and the other one doesnt
appear to do anything!

i have installed gnome but when i try to start it by typing gnome-session it
returns an error that it 'cant open display'

i have looked into this alot on the web, etc and it appears that i might be
missing some kind of environment variable or something. i am pretty good
with unix but this is my first time with linux and xwindows/gnome.

if anybody could help shed some lighton these topics (good web pages,
newsgroups, etc) or even just come up with an answer to get gnome to run, it
would be most appreciated.



From: Jason Lott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Weird lilo problem, never seen before
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2001 04:56:08 -0500

On Thu, 07 Jun 2001 03:59:50 -0500, Jason Lott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Wed, 6 Jun 2001 14:38:27 +0200, "David Anderson" 
>>> and changing the rootfs with rdev in the kernel?
>>Nope, still not :-)
>>> (I have no clue why you have this problem, I'm just
>>> suggesting ways around it now)
>>Thanks for trying to help me out!
>>And if the worst comes to the worst, I'll just have to make do with this bug
>>and set the timeout to a lower value to be able to multiboot (I need to be
>>able to boot to a Compaq utilities partition and the floppy). It's just a
>>bit silly that if I ever have a problem i'll have to boot from a floppy...
>Ahhhh... The plot thickens!... 
>Compaq Utilities partition is present on the hard drive.
>Linux boot's okay if the prompt time's out...
>You don't have F10 access to the Compaq utilities but...
>You can boot to the Compaq utilities through a floppy...
>Did I get that right?
>     hmmm... is lilo on the MBR by chance?
>Can you boot to linux from a boot floppy?
>I'm curious, because if lilo is on the MBR, as I suspect, then you may be
>dealing with some Compaq magic... Especially when it comes to the 
>diag/utilities partition (which is controlled by the MBR). 
>Seperate /boot partition? I'm thinking it's seperate since the kernel loads,
>and is able to panic (unless you have a copy of the kernel on the utilities
>Interesting... Could I get a post of the server partition table (from /etc/fstab or
>something similar)?

What the @%#$& was I thinking!?!?! I don't need a server partition table, I'm
not that sadistic :) ...

What I'm curious about is the partition of the Compaq Utilities (sda3)? Which may not
matter, because there are 2 ways to work around it... 
1) add the following lines to lilo.conf
other=/dev/sda3 ## sda3 should be the utilities partition...
          label=F10             ## or utils...
          table=/dev/sda        ## this may have to change

when you reboot, if you want to boot the utilities enter the label name...
if you want to boot linux, just let it timeout. This keeps lilo in control, and 
access to the utils. I know that on one of the systems I work with, we have the 
timeout set very low - that way, the machine boots without delay, and if we need to
boot to the utilities, we can just press a key to cancel the timeout value.

        - or -

2) move lilo to the first sector of the root partition, restore the MBR of the hard 
perform a few more configuration details... on boot, you'll have the original Compaq
F10 option before lilo takes control.

My instructions are not verbatim, but I think the general idea is there.

>>Maybe if I try upgrading lilo and the kernel? lilo is ver 21 (found 21.5)
>>and I'll have a go at upgrading to kernel 2.2.19 ...
>>Thanks again


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: imap vs imaps?
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 11:53:55 +0200

ivo welch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ivo welch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>> mandrake 8, standard imap-2000: how do I enable imaps?  I have imaps
>> enabled in xinetd.d/imaps, and the xinetd server is telling me that it
>> is "readjusting imaps" on xinetd startup, but my netscape navigator
>> client refuses to connect when ssl security is checked.
>> this all works fine when I use imap and no security.  of course, I would
>> rather not transmit passwords in the clear...
>> /iaw

> Good news and bad news.  I got to first base:

> First, one needs to create some SSL certificates.  The best description was in


> Second, one needs to put it so that imaps can find the right information (which is
> indicated by an error message in /var/log/syslog).  This is best described in:


> (Basically, this requires pasting the certificate and private key into
> /usr/share/ssl/certs/imapsd.pem .)  This will at least inducate Netscape Navigator
> to now wait forever, and the previous error in the syslog to be no longer
> there.

> Third, one needs to do something I do not know yet.  This seems like an awful
> lot of work, given that all I want to do is avoid transmission of passwords
> in the clear.

?? imaps is usually implemented by running imap under the sslwrap
container. If you get sslwrap from somewhere it will tell you how. The
certs need to be visible to sslwrap, which implies they need to be 
where sslwrap looks for them, which you will find out by reading the
sslwrap docs or running sslwrap under strace!

At the other end, netscape does its own thing with certs. You can
import certs by jumping through a few hoops. It's a netscape thing.
With luck it'll happen automagically the first time you connect.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Harri Haataja)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Linux, CPU HLT instruction et software cooling !
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2001 10:06:10 GMT

faeychyld wrote:
>Georges Goncalves wrote:

>>  Hardware : AMD Duron 700 @ 950 on Abit KT7, OS Win2K SP2
>>             AMD Duron 700 @ 900 on Abit KT7, OS GNU/Linux (Debian SID)

>> PS: I've recompiled the kernel with APM support "Make Idle CPU calls" or
>> some
>> to try the feature but the temperature variation was about a quarter of
>> a degree.

Check dmesg if it's actually enabled. I'm not sure if there are other
(APM/ACPI) options that affect this.

>> Georges 'Melkor' Goncalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Just an observation here, Linux uses sys logging and cron
>to perform various housekeeping tasks constantly.
>I am not sure if the cpu would be halted and started each time these 
>functions were accessed. Windows approach is quite different,it will
>sit idle for hours with the drive(s) shut down, so why not the CPU?.

AFAIK it should be much, much more fine-grained. It's not apm-suspend, 
just idle cpu cycles. He said his load is 0.00 which means that
on any given timeframe within the minute there's approximately 0
processes using the cpu. ie it's 100% idle. Total amount of used cycles
falls below 0.5%. The rest should be HLT's.


From: Carlos Novo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Port forwarding
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2001 12:04:25 +0000

Ufff, I've got what you say working fine, but I can't see your draw ...
Please, could you send me a more clear draw ??



"P. Daalmans" wrote:

>     WS                     Webserver / Cache                       Linux
> Router/Firewall
> ---------                           ---------
>  ---------
>           |---------------------|          |---------------------|
> |-------  Internet
>    |               |
> With regard,
> Peter

Carlos Novo
Dpto. Informática
I.C. & Asociados
Tfno.: 954 404323

There is no way to Linux. Linux is the way !!



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