Linux-Setup Digest #437, Volume #21              Thu, 14 Jun 01 06:13:10 EDT

  Buying a CDR/RW (Julian Bordas)
  Re: ISP set up under Debian ("Will Muir")
  lm_sensors-2.5.5 ("Pavan")
  Can't Boot Machine! (Rand Simberg)
  Re: Can't Boot Machine! (David)
  Re: crc error ("Eric")
  Re: how to kill process when kill -9 is not working ? (Villy Kruse)
  Re: PPP HOWTO Fubar (Robert Davies)
  Re: alsa sound (Robert Davies)
  Re: Reference on security (Robert Davies)
  Re: ipchain settings for "soft" router ("Qisheng Pan")
  mouse problem ("gyro")
  Re: Can I LINUX on this PC? (Huw Lynes)
  bad format line XX (karl)
  Re: RH 7.1: piece of garbage? (Timo Voipio)
  Re: bad format line XX ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Mandrake 8.0 install CD error (Robert A Munro)
  Re: install linux on one harddrive and windows on another? (Ransom)
  Re: Hard Drive Re-partitioning (John Thompson)
  Epson Stylus 480 under LM 7.2 with CUPS.? (Stef Daniels)


From: Julian Bordas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Buying a CDR/RW
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 15:13:28 +1000

     I'm looking at buying a CDR/RW and have narrowed it down to three

Creative 32 8 4
LG         32 8 4
Cyber     32 8 4

Any comments or suggestions on these models?




From: "Will Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ISP set up under Debian
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 23:35:47 -0600

I guess I did not make myself clear.  I can connect fine but when ever I try
to do something with a browser I get an error message like "Could not look
up address."  I did use pppconfig to configure the account but it makes no
mention of IP addresses or writes any of the other files that the ISP howto

Will Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:gLOV6.5975$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> This is the first time that I have set up an internet account under
> Linux, and I finally got my winmodem working this week.  When I try to use
> Netscape,Lynx or FTP I cant't seem to connect with the server.  I have
> the ISP hookup howto, but the problem is that my provider has a dynamic
> and it makes no mention of how to connect to a dynamic DNS my IP address
> also dynamic.
> Is there a configuration tool under Debian that I can use to write all
> config scripts and address the above mention problem.  Any help in this
> matter would be greatly appreciated.


From: "Pavan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: lm_sensors-2.5.5
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 11:15:53 +0530


How do I configure lm-sensors to show the right values on a ASUS
A7VI-VM motherboard? I find that the other A7V boards use a asus chip
which is to be used with the w83* driver.

However sensors-detect detects a lm80 on this MB. The values displayed
are totally wrong. Using the via686a driver and i2c-isa, the values
are different but wrong. The w83* driver does not work even with the
force_a9... option.

Please help, I haven't done anything to the conf file. Where do I find
the right configuration for this motherboard? BTW the i2c-viapro
driver is used and it detects ( in /var/log/messages ) a via 596 chip
instead of the 686b chip that I have.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rand Simberg)
Subject: Can't Boot Machine!
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 05:57:03 GMT

I just upgraded the kernel on my firewall from 2.2.19 to 2.4.5.

I did a successful upgrade on my work station, so I went into the
project with full (and apparently unjustified) confidence.  Everything
went well, make menuconfig, make dep, make clean, make modules, make

I copied the bzImage to /boot, added it to lilo, keeping the original

When I rebooted, it said "loading linux, and uncompressing linux," and
then nothing.  Just died.  No keyboard even.

So I reset, and tried booting into the old kernel.  Same thing.  Died
upon "uncompressing linux."

So I got a rescue disk, and typed rescue on the prompt. 

"uncompressing linux"


What now?

--  * 310 372-7963 (CA) 307 739-1296 (Jackson Hole)  
interglobal space lines  * 307 733-1715 (Fax) 

"Extraordinary launch vehicles require extraordinary markets..."
Replace first . with @ and throw out the "@trash." to email me.  
Here's my email address for autospammers: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Re: Can't Boot Machine!
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 06:28:45 GMT

Rand Simberg wrote:
> I just upgraded the kernel on my firewall from 2.2.19 to 2.4.5.
> Almost...
> I did a successful upgrade on my work station, so I went into the
> project with full (and apparently unjustified) confidence.  Everything
> went well, make menuconfig, make dep, make clean, make modules, make
> modules_install.
> I copied the bzImage to /boot, added it to lilo, keeping the original
> one.
> When I rebooted, it said "loading linux, and uncompressing linux," and
> then nothing.  Just died.  No keyboard even.
> So I reset, and tried booting into the old kernel.  Same thing.  Died
> upon "uncompressing linux."
> So I got a rescue disk, and typed rescue on the prompt.
> "uncompressing linux"
> Nothing.
> What now?

You should be able to use the installation boot disk and/or CD to boot
the system. This will boot the kernel on the CD.

 At the installation boot prompt enter:

 linux rescue root=/dev/hdaX

Once you have it back up and running you can fix the problem or
recompile the kernel if needed. After you edited /etc/lilo.conf did you
run "lilo" to update the MBR with the changes you made to the
/etc/lilo.conf file?

Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538
Completed more W/U's than 99.251% of seti users. +/- 0.01%


From: "Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: crc error
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 08:34:11 +0200

run memtest86 to test your RAM



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Villy Kruse)
Subject: Re: how to kill process when kill -9 is not working ?
Date: 14 Jun 2001 06:54:23 GMT

On Wed, 13 Jun 2001 23:05:37 +0200,
       Olaf Stauffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I'm having problems with some crashed processes.
>These occur while accessing some faulty cdrom ...
>Unfortunatelly even kill -9 won't terminate them ?!?
>Please, can someone tell me how to terminate them without rebooting.

The process is stuck in the device driver, and until the device driver
decides it shouldn't be stuck anymore you can't do anything, short of
rebooting.  The cause might be faulty hardware that fails to tell the 
device driver when it has finished an operation.



From: Robert Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PPP HOWTO Fubar
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.ppp,comp.os.linux.networking
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 23:33:23 +0100

Felix Miata wrote:

> Robert Davies wrote:
>> Felix Miata wrote:
>> > Jonadab the Unsightly One wrote:
>> There's been an article recently, on troubleshooting ppp, I think it's at
>> O'Reilly Network, try searching for it.
> Maybe you'd like to find what you're talking about and post the URL.
> Google provided plenty hits using Reilly ppp troubleshooting, but none
> that looked like they had Reilly as part of the URL.

Since you ask nicely, and are new, what I did was type 'ppp' into the 
search field at, it's a pretty good news site.

O'Reilly are famous for their technical books, I thought you'ld know where 
I meant, they have a site with technical articles which can be good., and also have useful info, as does many 

This is what I meant :

Troubleshooting ISP Connection Problems

Testing and Automating PPP

These articles are part of a series, on ISPs and PPP, so you are in luck!

Usually comes up trumps.  I don't always have time to go 
and find info, and I think you learn more if you find the info to solve 
problems yourself.

Bye the way, I am serious, when you finish, you can help to improve the 

The experienced can not see the problems, that those new to Linux face.  So 
the LDP, really can benefit from the help of those setting 
up for the first time.  Your perspective would be a valuable contribution.

Secondly as Linux is an open project, everyone can help improve it, we 
don't have to just whine at a vendor, who looks to a fee for an 'upgrade' 
which ships with even more new bugs than the release that you wanted fixing.

Good Luck!



From: Robert Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: alsa sound
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 23:10:53 +0100

croc wrote:

> Have an onboard sound chip and had it working nice under rehatd 6.1 and
> then drake 7.2 .. upgraded to drake 8.0 and there is nothing now. I did
> origially have the startup sounds working and I could play mp3 files
> (all legal of course ;) )So I tried installing alsa (which is what I did
> sucessfully under redhat 6.1). I can compile and install the drivers and
> the libraries but the utils fail with this upon make:

IIRC LM8.0 already includes ALSA, so I suggest you undo your 'upgrade' it 
was probably older code, and patches for an older kernel.



From: Robert Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Reference on security
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.os.linux.mandrake
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 23:21:25 +0100

Peter T. Breuer wrote:

> In alt.os.linux Tarkan Erimer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 1-> You must convert all your file system to XFS, which have acl support
>> built-in. And this
> You _must_ not! ACL is a separate patch. You can apply it with or without
> xfs.
>> 2-> You can add acl support to ext2 file system via patches. You can find
> As you say, so (1) is wrong.
>>       all the patches you need, at this URL:

So this guy new to Linux from NT, and you're telling him to go and grab 
kernel patches, and go away from his distribution kernel, before he can 
understand all the implications, or built a kernel before.

Wouldn't it be better to point him to articles that explain UNIX file 
security first?  He will need this anyway.  With multiple group membership, 
most ppl do not need ACLs.

You simply add the users to the group and chgrp, the directories and files 
that need special access.



From: "Qisheng Pan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ipchain settings for "soft" router
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 00:35:26 -0700

Thanks. TrinityOS has a good reference.

"Qisheng Pan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:9g3mbc$6dm$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> My server/router is running on Redhat linux 7.1 and has Dual NIC (eth0 and
> eth1). eth1 connects to a cable modem that provides Internet service. eth0
> connects to internal subnetwork. It has worked fine on Windows95 with
> 3.1. However, it has problem on linux with ipchains.
> Following offical ip-chain-howto and ip-masquerade-howto, I set ipchains
> follows:
> (1) Modify /etc/sysconfig/network and change FORWARD_IPV4=false to
> (2) At the end of /etc/rc.d/rc.local, I add the following code:
> /sbin/depmod -a
> /sbin/modprobe ip_masq_ftp
> echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
> echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_always_defrag
> # As dynamic IP users of (DHCP) cable modem, I set:
> echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr
> /sbin/ipchains -M -S 7200 10 160
> # As dynamic IP users of (DHCP) cable modem, I set:
> /sbin/ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i eth1 -s 0/0 67 -d 0/0 68 -p udp
> /sbin/ipchains -P forward DENY
> /sbin/ipchains -A forward -i eth1 -s -j MASQ
> The linux server/router can connect to Internet. PCs on internal subnet
> also ping outside IPs, but they can not visit them by HTTP or Telnet. They
> cannot even resolve the name (though I already set DNS in resolv.conf). If
> use IP address directly on netscape, the error message is:
> "netscape's network connection was refused by the server
>, The server may not be accepting connection
> or may be busy. Try connecting again later".
> If anyone know what is the problem? Maybe probem come from firewall. But I
> don't know how to fix it. Any suggestion is welcome. Thanks.


From: "gyro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: mouse problem
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 17:39:40 +1000

Hi I running Im running caldera openlinux and can't get a resonse from my
The mouse works fine on another system. I tried to configure it with xf86
setup and used
 diffrent configrations but couldn't get a response from the mouse. Its a
serial mouse in tty0
Any ideas



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Huw Lynes)
Subject: Re: Can I LINUX on this PC?
Date: 14 Jun 2001 08:04:28 GMT

In article <9g9fn1$f1l$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Guz wrote:
>Hi there:
>I have a self built PC with:
>815E chipset on CUSL2 MoBoard
>BIOS 1003
>PIII 800EB -133
>512SDRAM memory 133.(non ecc).
>Sound Card is SB Live! Platinum.

Should be fine.
>And I have the 3 CDs packet from Debian-Linux.
Have you used linux before? If not I would go for a more newbie
friendly distribution such as mandrake or SuSE, but that is
just a personal opinion.

>Can I install this OS on this PC? ...

It's reasonably new so you shouldn't have too much problem with
the hardware.

>One more question:
>I can't boot from my CD-ROM Drive, How can I make a bootable Floppy Disc in
>order to have acces to my CD and install all the rest?
There should be a dos utility on the cd somewhere called rawrite.exe
you can use this to write a boot-disk image to floppy. Read the 
help files on the cd for more info.
However I suspect that all you need to do to be able to boot from
cd is to change some settings in the BIOS. Consult your motherboard
manual to find out what to change. You need to put the cd in the list
of devices that the BIOS checks on startup.


To reply you know what "dot" should really be.


From: karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: bad format line XX
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 18:17:29 +1000

after editing /etc/fstab I get  a  boot -up message that says -
'WARNING bad format line 29 /etc/fstab'
I'm using redhat 7.0 and kde. I've edited this file with vi and kedit 
but still get this message. Computer is not effected. Please help. 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Timo Voipio)
Subject: Re: RH 7.1: piece of garbage?
Date: 14 Jun 2001 01:18:49 -0700

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (JZ) scribbled something into the message

> 1. I instaalled FTP package in my laptop, but why 'ftp localhost'
> doesn't work? Maybe security setting? I couldn't find any related
> info, neither from RH web site. BTW, the 'firewall-config' from
> 'program->system' has nothing inside.

Are you sure that the FTP service is enabled? If you installed
xinetd, take a look at /etc/xinetd.d/ directory. As far as
I remember, man xinetd.conf might help.
> 3. DON'T USE RH 7.1!!! RH 7.1 just messed up lots of stuff. Stick with
> 6.2 or slackware, of course you have to apply necessary patches.

Why not? I upgraded my 6.2 to 7.1 last week and am certainly
not changing back. KDE2 is simply the best X wm I've tried.
Beats both KDE and Gnome to the ground.

> I just cannot find any docs about RH 7.1. No wonder RHAT drops like a
> champ, it will be down to under $1.

Did you try the Documentations CD?

"A firewall is a nice thing to have...
...if it's built of heat-resistant bricks..."


Subject: Re: bad format line XX
Date: 14 Jun 2001 08:25:26 GMT

karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> after editing /etc/fstab I get  a  boot -up message that says -
> 'WARNING bad format line 29 /etc/fstab'

If you don't post the line 29, we will never be able to give you
an advice...



From: Robert A Munro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mandrake 8.0 install CD error
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 02:01:33 -0700

It was a purchased CD set - Windows never touched the iso.  I've worked
around this problem by copying both CDs to a
spare HD partition and using the HD install from floppy.


Kris Stark wrote:
> Robert A Munro wrote:
> > I've run into a brick wall trying to install Mandrake 8.0
> > from CD.  The CD boots fine and enters install Stage 2,
> > then says "VERSION file not found" and starts the graphical
> > installation.  After selecting disk mount points, it says
> > "an error occurred basesystem package missing" and returns
> > to the filesystem setup screen.
> How did you create the CD?  Or is this a pre-purchased disk?  It sounds
> like it was not made from an ISO image, and what has happened is that (due
> to Windows weird way of doing things) it has capitalized the first letter
> of each file name.
> I've seen this before...  Can you get to a point where you have a second VT
> available with a shell?
> Kris
> >
> > It seems to act like it can't mount the CD and see the files
> > and directories on it, which is strange because it boots OK.
> >
> > The CD drive is a Teac CDR55S SCSI CDR on a Tekram 390U2W SCSI
> > controller (Symbios/NEC53c895 BIOS).  It works great
> > under Mandrake 7.2 and I had no trouble installing from it
> > then.  But the Mandrake 8.0 installer seems broken for it.
> >
> > I've tried disabling ROM cacheing in the BIOS, using text
> > expert mode and selecting the NCR53c895,0,3,0 driver - all
> > to no avail - the install still can't see files on the CD.
> >
> > Any help or suggestions will be appreciated.
> >
> --
> Kris Stark -- Remove NO-SPAM from address to reply...


From: Ransom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: install linux on one harddrive and windows on another?
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 10:59:27 +0200

On Thursday 14 June 2001 01:06 Erick Woertz Jr. wrote:

> I've got ME on one harddrive right now, and I just came across a
> free harddrive at work, and want to put linux on that one, keep
> windows on the
> one in my computer now, and set up a dual boot that way.  is it
> possible at
> all?  can anyone help?

Yes, it's possible. I have a similar setup on my system an old scsi 
disk with win95 on it (hardly use it anymore)  and a large eide 
with linux.  There are two major ways to set up a dual boot, lilo 
or loadlin. I installed lilo on the linux drive as a fall back, but 
I boot from the win drive using the win95 boot menu and loadlin, 
soI don't have to mess around with the boot sector from the win 
drive. This way I can either boot from the boot menu or from within 
windows or I can change the boot sequence in the bios and boot from 
/dev/hda with lilo.



Clean up your Windows
Stop paying your Bills


From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Hard Drive Re-partitioning
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 19:18:05 -0500

Steve Martin wrote:
> John Thompson wrote:
> > Thanks for responding.  The drive itself is a 9G Seagate in an
> > external enclosure attached to an Adaptec 2490 HBA.  It is the
> > only external device; internally, there are two 2G Seagate
> > drives, an Exabyte tape drive and a 40x HP CDROM drive.  All the
> > devices are ercognized by the HBA when the system boots and all
> > have unique SCSI ID's assigned.  All the internal devices work
> > fine; only the external drive is giving us problems.  Both ends
> > of the SCSI chain are terminated.

> Sorr to harp on this, but I'm just trying to be thorough and
> not miss anything. When you say "both ends of the SCSI chain
> are terminated", exactly how are they terminated? Does the
> drive itself have termination, or are you using an external
> termination on the cable? Normally, the controller card
> acts as the termination on that end of the cable, and you
> only terminate the far end, either with the last drive in
> the chain or else with a separate termination. Can you provide
> more details?

Both the device on the end of the internal cable and the external
HD device are jumpered for termination.  No other devices are
terminated.  We have configured the HBA for both "auto
termination" and "disable termination" with no joy.

> > The linux kernel identifies the device as "SCSI device sdc
> > 17755614 512-byte hdwr sectors (9091MB)" but the next line reads
> > "sdc: unknown partition table"
> Well, I guess I'd expect that, as you indicated that you were
> having trouble partitioning the drive.
> I suppose it's possible that you simply have a bad drive. Did
> you just purchase it, or is it one you've had around for a
> while? If it's new, maybe you can swap it for another one?

It is a NOS full-height drive, not a currently produced model but
ostensibly unused prior to this.  My next attampt will be to hook
the drive onto the internal cable to try to determine if the
cable may be the problem.




From: Stef Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Epson Stylus 480 under LM 7.2 with CUPS.?
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 19:41:00 +0930

Greetings and thanks for reading this..

                I have been trying to configure my system with LM 7.2 on to setup the 
printer [Epson Stylus Color 480] using local printer config.  There is NO 
selection in the list of drivers for my printer.!!  I tried updating the 
CUPS, however, this was unsuccessful.  If someone has managed to setup a 
fully operational configuration with the 480, I would be very much 
appreciate some guidence in obtaining it on my system..

Many thanks..

Stef Daniels [VK5HSX]
Adelaide, South Australia
-= Sent using KMail 2.0.1 =-



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