Linux-Setup Digest #442, Volume #21              Thu, 14 Jun 01 19:13:14 EDT

  Re: Dual Boot Solaris 8 and linux (Dave Uhring)
  Re: How to integrate Oracle http Apache server (Oracle 8.1.7) with   Apache come 
with Redhat 7.1 (Dave Uhring)
  Can't ping, cant see the Net, Linux DOA (mack1er)
  Re: RH 7.1: piece of garbage? (JZ)
  Re: How to tell current Kernel configuration ("David Dorward")
  Re: Cannot open master raw device '/dev/rawctl' (No such device) (Sean Marshall)
  FIPS and Windows ME ("Steven.H.Huang")
  Re: Problem with Apache + PHP + mod_perl installation ("bored with TV")
  Re: Remote network printing overseas ("bored with TV")
  Re: RH 7.1: piece of garbage? ("bored with TV")


From: Dave Uhring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Dual Boot Solaris 8 and linux
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 16:10:27 -0500

Jie Feng wrote:

> Hi, all
>    I am trying dual boot  my Solaris 8 and Linux machine. Currently,
> solaris is on the sda and Linux is on sdb. The machine will boot to
> Solaris unless I stick in the Linux boot disk.. Does't any one have
> experience on dual boot both systems?
>    Thankx!
> Jie

My system uses IDE drives so the devices will have to change:





Solaris takes over the MBR and will multi-boot any other OS's which also 
reside on its drive.  You might be able to modify the Solaris boot 
selector.  But lilo seems to work here.  You do have to execute /sbin/lilo 
after configuring /etc/lilo.conf.


From: Dave Uhring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to integrate Oracle http Apache server (Oracle 8.1.7) with   Apache 
come with Redhat 7.1
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 16:13:45 -0500

Frank van Bortel wrote:

> Dave Uhring wrote:
>> Huy Vu wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > I'm trying Oracle 8.1.7 database server on Redhat 7.1.
>> > There is Oracle http Apache server installation options in Oracle 8.1.7
>> > for Linux. I still thinking how can I integrate Oracle http Apache
>> > server with the one come from with Redhat 7.1.
>> >
>> > Does someone try it already?
>> >
>> > Thanks in advance for any advise.
>> >
>> > DH
>> Did you get Oracle 8.1.7 installed on RedHat-7.1?  If you did, would you
>> mind sharing how you did it?
> Have just gone thru a ton of trouble trying to get the Universal
> Installer to start
> on RH7.1 - no way. Installed RH6.2 plus JDK (as per documentation) and
> voila!

I got the installer to run OK but it choked when running the database 
configuration assistant on the "demo" instance.  Wound up installing RH-6.2 
over my Windoze 98SE partition to get the installation to run to completion.

But with the environment changes recommended by Red Hat in their 
RELEASE-NOTES, I can run dbastudio with no problems from RH-7.1.  It is 
just the installer which appears to be broken.


From: mack1er <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can't ping, cant see the Net, Linux DOA
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 21:30:06 -0000

I am a Linux newbie (as if you couldn't have guessed)

Here's the deal. I am a Windows guy. I have 4 servers running W2K server 
here, all configured just fine. We have a Linux box (a fifth server) and I 
can't for the life of me bring it online.

We have a bunch of static IP's, the Internet connection works fine and all 
that... We are running RH Linux 7.0...

-I want to have the machine's IP as
-The gateway is
-the machine name is vegeta
-domain -----> question 1--> does this have to be a registered Internet  
domain name, or a windows workgroup type domain?
-subnet mask is
-name severs are plugged in (let's leave those out)

Question 1 - do we need to have a registered Internet  domain name, or a 
windows workgroup type domain for "DOMAIN"?

Question 2 - Can we name the machine anything?

Question 3 - do we need apache running to see this machine on the web?

Question 4 - what is the broadcast address and do we need that from our 
Internet provider or can that be anything?

Question 5 - did I miss something/leave anything out?

Any help will be GREATLY appreciated!!! Thanx!

Posted via CNET


Subject: Re: RH 7.1: piece of garbage?
Date: 14 Jun 2001 14:51:30 -0700

Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (JZ) writes:
> > I just installed RH 7.1 in my laptop, looks cool initially. But bad
> > things happen:
> > 
> > 1. I instaalled FTP package in my laptop, but why 'ftp localhost'
> > doesn't work? Maybe security setting? I couldn't find any related
> > info, neither from RH web site. BTW, the 'firewall-config' from
> > 'program->system' has nothing inside.
> > 
> > 2. Try to use my laptop's interface to install Oracle into another
> > Linux machine. Since Oracle installation requires X, so I do 'xhost +'
> > as root in both machines. But I still get the 'connection refused'
> > error. Of course it works when I try the same thing in another RH6.2
> > laptop.
> > 
> > 3. DON'T USE RH 7.1!!! RH 7.1 just messed up lots of stuff. Stick with
> > 6.2 or slackware, of course you have to apply necessary patches.
> > 
> > I just cannot find any docs about RH 7.1. No wonder RHAT drops like a
> > champ, it will be down to under $1.
> ... or maybe you seleced the 'High' security setting?
> You get what you ask for.  If you're really interested in fixing the
> problem instead of spouting off like a lunatic, try running 'lokkit'
> as the root user and turn off your draconian firewall setup.

THanks for your suggestion!


From: "David Dorward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to tell current Kernel configuration
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 22:55:31 +0100

It seems that on Thu, 14 Jun 2001 17:29:03 +0100, someone claiming to be
"IByte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed this:

> Try 'make menuconfig'

Assuming you are in the kernel source directory and haven't made any
changes since the last time you compiled (like put a new source tree in

David Dorward                      
The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink
what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not. -- Mark Twain


From: Sean Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Cannot open master raw device '/dev/rawctl' (No such device)
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 18:05:39 -0400

> So I was right, now go and get a RH 2.2.19 kernel rather than a Linus one.
> Unless sanargy needs patches applied that come with the software (unlikely)
> then it should work.
> If you previously used a RH binary generic kernel, stick to it, you'll not
> get much from compiling your own kernel, and it'll save you lots of time.
> 5 minute upgrade to new version, with rpm, and running lilo.

The precompiled kernel isn't very efficient nor does it see all my RAM either.
I need a custom kernel I'm afraid.


From: "Steven.H.Huang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FIPS and Windows ME
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 22:19:03 GMT

I am getting a new PC with Windows Millenium (ME) pre-installed on a 40GB
IDE HD. I am
assuming that Windows ME will be installed in one 40GB FAT32 partition.

Does FIPS work with WinME and FAT32? I understand that it supports Win95 and
FAT32 and possibly WinNT.


From: "bored with TV" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem with Apache + PHP + mod_perl installation
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 00:19:55 +0200
Reply-To: "bored with TV" <moihahahaha>

Personally, I know that you can run into problems trying to get all these
things (and then throw in SSL to boot) to run properly with Apache.

I'd really recommend getting Apache Toolbox (search on freshmeat) if you
want to install and compile from source rather than with RPMs. It'll do it
all automagically and it does a pretty damn good job in its latest

Saves pulling your hair out.

Luck from Paris,

"Kit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> I'm very new to linux in general, so please bear that in mind. I just
> purchased a new machine to replace my current linux web server.  Last
> night I installed Red Hat 7.1 (as the sole operating system) on it and
> everything went smoothly.
> Today I am trying to install Apache 1.3.19 with the modules for php
> and mod_perl and I'm having all sorts of trouble.  I hope I can
> describe my problem well enough for someone here to help me out.
> I am using apache 1.3.19, php-4.0.5, and mod_perl-1.25.
> I've tried configuring one or the other modules first and it seems to
> make no difference. So the summary is that first I install PHP like
> so:
> ./configure --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql
> --with-apache=/usr/src/apache_1.3.19 --enable-track-vars
> make
> make install
> That runs fine, no errors. The correct files magically appear in
> /usr/src/apache_1.3.19/src/modules.
> Next I install mod_perl like so:
> perl Makefile.PL
> make
> make install
> Again, runs fine, no errors, files appear in
> /usr/src/apache_1.3.19/src/modules.
> Next I do a configure on Apache:
> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache \
> --activate-module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a \
> --activate-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a
> Again, works great, says that it is activating my modules properly,
> and is all happy. So now I do:
> make
> It runs fine for awhile and then at the very end I get all these
> errors (hope I'm not pasting in too much):
> Table.o(.text+0x14cf): undefined reference to `PL_stack_sp'
> Table.o(.text+0x1513): undefined reference to `Perl_sv_setpv'
> Table.o(.text+0x1524): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x1547): undefined reference to `Perl_mg_set'
> Table.o(.text+0x1566): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x156b): undefined reference to `PL_stack_sp'
> Table.o(.text+0x1570): undefined reference to `PL_stack_sp'
> modules/perl/libperl.a(Table.o): In function `XS_Apache__Table_add':
> Table.o(.text+0x1584): undefined reference to `PL_stack_sp'
> Table.o(.text+0x1589): undefined reference to `PL_markstack_ptr'
> Table.o(.text+0x1598): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x159e): undefined reference to `PL_markstack_ptr'
> Table.o(.text+0x15a7): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x15cf): undefined reference to `Perl_croak'
> Table.o(.text+0x15de): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x15f8): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x1615): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x1624): undefined reference to `PL_na'
> Table.o(.text+0x1630): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x1648): undefined reference to `PL_na'
> Table.o(.text+0x1654): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x165e): undefined reference to `Perl_sv_2pv'
> Table.o(.text+0x1676): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x16a2): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x16aa): undefined reference to `PL_stack_sp'
> Table.o(.text+0x16af): undefined reference to `PL_stack_sp'
> modules/perl/libperl.a(Table.o): In function `XS_Apache__Table_merge':
> Table.o(.text+0x16c0): undefined reference to `PL_stack_sp'
> Table.o(.text+0x16c5): undefined reference to `PL_markstack_ptr'
> Table.o(.text+0x16d4): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x16da): undefined reference to `PL_markstack_ptr'
> Table.o(.text+0x16e3): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x170b): undefined reference to `Perl_croak'
> Table.o(.text+0x171a): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x1734): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x1751): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x1760): undefined reference to `PL_na'
> Table.o(.text+0x176c): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x1784): undefined reference to `PL_na'
> Table.o(.text+0x1790): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x179a): undefined reference to `Perl_sv_2pv'
> Table.o(.text+0x17b2): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x17de): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x17e6): undefined reference to `PL_stack_sp'
> Table.o(.text+0x17eb): undefined reference to `PL_stack_sp'
> modules/perl/libperl.a(Table.o): In function `XS_Apache__Table_do':
> Table.o(.text+0x17fc): undefined reference to `PL_stack_sp'
> Table.o(.text+0x1801): undefined reference to `PL_markstack_ptr'
> Table.o(.text+0x1810): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x1816): undefined reference to `PL_markstack_ptr'
> Table.o(.text+0x181f): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x1847): undefined reference to `Perl_croak'
> Table.o(.text+0x1856): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x1870): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x18be): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x18db): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x18f4): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> modules/perl/libperl.a(Table.o)(.text+0x1915): more undefined
> references to `PL_
> stack_base' follow
> modules/perl/libperl.a(Table.o): In function `XS_Apache__Table_do':
> Table.o(.text+0x191d): undefined reference to `Perl_sv_2pv'
> Table.o(.text+0x1984): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x198c): undefined reference to `PL_stack_sp'
> Table.o(.text+0x1991): undefined reference to `PL_stack_sp'
> modules/perl/libperl.a(Table.o): In function `boot_Apache__Table':
> Table.o(.text+0x19a0): undefined reference to `PL_stack_sp'
> Table.o(.text+0x19a5): undefined reference to `PL_markstack_ptr'
> Table.o(.text+0x19b4): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x19ba): undefined reference to `PL_markstack_ptr'
> Table.o(.text+0x19c3): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x19f4): undefined reference to `Perl_newXS'
> Table.o(.text+0x1a0c): undefined reference to `Perl_newXS'
> Table.o(.text+0x1a24): undefined reference to `Perl_newXS'
> Table.o(.text+0x1a3c): undefined reference to `Perl_newXS'
> Table.o(.text+0x1a65): undefined reference to `Perl_newXS'
> modules/perl/libperl.a(Table.o)(.text+0x1a8e): more undefined
> references to `Per
> l_newXS' follow
> modules/perl/libperl.a(Table.o): In function `boot_Apache__Table':
> Table.o(.text+0x1c0b): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x1c10): undefined reference to `PL_sv_yes'
> Table.o(.text+0x1c21): undefined reference to `PL_stack_base'
> Table.o(.text+0x1c26): undefined reference to `PL_stack_sp'
> Table.o(.text+0x1c2b): undefined reference to `PL_stack_sp'
> modules/perl/libperl.a(mod_perl_opmask.o): In function
> `mod_perl_set_opmask':
> mod_perl_opmask.o(.text+0x1f): undefined reference to `Perl_croak'
> /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.a(my_compress.o): In function
> `my_uncompress
> ':
> my_compress.o(.text+0x9a): undefined reference to `uncompress'
> /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.a(my_compress.o): In function
> `my_compress_a
> lloc':
> my_compress.o(.text+0x12a): undefined reference to `compress'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make[2]: *** [target_static] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/apache_1.3.19/src'
> make[1]: *** [build-std] Error 2
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/apache_1.3.19'
> make: *** [build] Error 2
> I have no ideas whatsoever as to what I've done wrong. I'd appreciate
> any help or suggests y'all can offer!
> Thanks,
> Kit
> --
> webcam:
> "Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder,
> But Vanity is a gift you give Yourself." -Steve


From: "bored with TV" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Remote network printing overseas
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 00:21:15 +0200
Reply-To: "bored with TV" <moihahahaha>

I have a *very* similar problem, so if anyone has an answer for this one,
I'd love to see it.


"Scotty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:Dd2W6.258482$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Question on Network Printing to a specific Port - - -
> My client has a network in Michigan, running a DSL router with a fixed ip
> address. (using Network Address Translation)
> He has a linux box on the network.
> DSL router ip (ethernet) address -
> DSL router ip (WAN) address -  (just for this example)
> Linux box is configured to be able to hit the internet - has the DSL
> as gateway, etc....
> He also has an office in the Netherlands with a ISDN router, with a fixed
> address. (using Network Address Translation)
> This router supports port / ip address forwarding.
> ISDN router ip (ethernet) -
> ISDN router ip (WAN) - (just for this example)
> Local IP for printer in netherlands
> What we need is to be able to have the linux box in Michigan have a print
> queue - ie - NETHER1 - print to an
> address on a specific port.  The address would be the wan ip of the router
> in Netherlands, ( the port would be 9015.
> If the linux print queue NETHER1 could print to  on port 9015,
> the router in Michagan would just pass the request on
> to the internet.  Then the router in Netherlands could very easily be
> to redirect the inbound
> request coming in on port 9015   to, on port 9100 on the
> network to the print
> server. (9100 is standard for HP jet direct print servers)
> We just can't figure out if, and if so, how to get Linux to print to an ip
> address on a particular port.
> All the information I can find is that Network printing to an HP is done
> a port called RAW,  or something to that effect.
> Please email / respond to newsgroup if you think you could provide
> assistance
> Scotty
> Technical Support Consultant


From: "bored with TV" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RH 7.1: piece of garbage?
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 00:30:20 +0200
Reply-To: "bored with TV" <moihahahaha>

I think the problem here is that Red Hat has added in a lot of things that
are slightly different from what you would normally expect.

I was kind of shocked when certain things weren't installed by default
('like no linuxconf? - sheesh) unless you go through and pick the packages
you want to put in.

Still, I think, other than that, I mean, it's not a bad job. I also think
its because you picked a laptop installation which has some differences than
what you'd expect.

Oh, and definitely read the manuals for thnings like Samba and Mail
configuration. Not exactly like it used to be.

Sometimes in trying to make things easier, they just make them harder.


"JZ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I just installed RH 7.1 in my laptop, looks cool initially. But bad
> things happen:
> 1. I instaalled FTP package in my laptop, but why 'ftp localhost'
> doesn't work? Maybe security setting? I couldn't find any related
> info, neither from RH web site. BTW, the 'firewall-config' from
> 'program->system' has nothing inside.
> 2. Try to use my laptop's interface to install Oracle into another
> Linux machine. Since Oracle installation requires X, so I do 'xhost +'
> as root in both machines. But I still get the 'connection refused'
> error. Of course it works when I try the same thing in another RH6.2
> laptop.
> 3. DON'T USE RH 7.1!!! RH 7.1 just messed up lots of stuff. Stick with
> 6.2 or slackware, of course you have to apply necessary patches.
> I just cannot find any docs about RH 7.1. No wonder RHAT drops like a
> champ, it will be down to under $1.
> Anti-RH



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