Linux-Setup Digest #452, Volume #21              Sat, 16 Jun 01 05:13:09 EDT

  Re: Problems using RH 7.1 with SiS 630 Graphics Card (Yongchun Zhang)
  Re: Can't ping, cant see the Net, Linux DOA (Lew Pitcher)
  Setting up Linux on a fully scsi system (Todd)
  Re: setting Windows mount point ("Charles Sullivan")
  Installing Win2k AFTER Linux (John)
  Problem on SuSe 6.3 installation ("K K")
  Re: Linux on AMD (Colin)
  Re: extreme newbiness ("Duane Healing")
  help with cable modem ("MadMax")
  SuSE 7.0 on DVD (Camus Moire)
  Re: help with cable modem ("G.BULOT")
  Re: Access deny ("Bo")
  Re: extreme newbiness ("David Anderson")
  Floppy disk prolem in Mandrake 8 (BAZILLIO)
  Re: help with cable modem (olgnuby)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Yongchun Zhang)
Subject: Re: Problems using RH 7.1 with SiS 630 Graphics Card
Date: 15 Jun 2001 22:41:07 -0700

Hi, Jesper:

Thank you for your help.

Here is a not-so-complete summary of the difficulties I experienced so

Originally, I installed RedHat 7.1 (with kernel 2.4.2-2). With the
default configuration, the testing of X in the installation phase will
cause the system
to halt. Install RH 7.1 with text boot mode, it works fine. Run
after login, I was able to avoid system halt in testing the X
configuration. Select Generic Laptop with 1024x768, 8M ram, 640x480
16bit, X works but the screen is shifted, with the lower portion on
the top (you can imagine it). I was able to login and do something
with that resolution. If I selected Generic Laptop with 640*480, the
test of X totally screws. BTW, apply the "NoAccel" option is a bad
idea for me 'coz the text almost can never show up in X windows.

I then tried to rebuild the kernel with the following configurations:

with "Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers" support.
Under "Console drivers", select:

[*] VGA text console
[*] Video mode selection support
[*] Support for frame buffer devices (EXPERIMENTAL)
[*] VESA VGA graphics console
[*] Advanced low level driver options
<*> 8 bpp packed pixels support
<*> 16 bpp packed pixels support
<*> 24 bpp packed pixels support
< > 32 bpp packed pixels support   --- You can activate this
<M> VGA characters/attributes support

And the "make bzImage" failed with the Error as in last mail:

  drivers/video/video.o: In function `SetCRT2Group':
  drivers/video/video.o(.text=0xa02e): undefined reference to 'VBInfo'
  drivers/video/video.o: In function `GetRatePtrCRT2':
  drivers/video/video.o(.text=0xa1dd): undefined reference to 'VBInfo'
  drivers/video/video.o(.text=0xa2b9): more undefined references to
'VBInfo' follow

Next I DL kernel-2.4.5, with the same configuration as above, the 
building was
successful but the machine halts at the booting process,with the
screen turnign
gray and kinda "desolved".

In the light that you had luck with Mandrake 8.0, though being aware
that it is actually the kernel that matters.  I turned to Mandrake 8.0
(I had been playing  with RedHat for 1.5 years, but never Mandrake :-)
). Unfortunately,
it doesn't turn out to be not so lucky either. At the test of X phase
during installation, selecting "Generic Laptop with 1024x768" the test
page for 1024x768, as well as 800x600 looks fine, but the machine
halts no matter I respond with "yes" or "no" or just let it time out.
Test with 640x480 screws.

When I again tried to rebuild the kernel as described in the
reference. "make bzImage" again fails with some errors like:
   init301.o: multiple definition of 'SiSGetLVDSCRT1Ptr'
   init301.o: multiple definition of 'SiSWaitDisplay'
in the directory of drivers/viedo/sis

I am new in building kernel, not sure what exactly has gone wrong.

BTW, do you know what does the part  "You must also tell LILO to turn
it on at boot time (I don't know if you can turn it on later, let me
know if it is possible). I use vga=0x317 to get 1024×768×16." in the
reference mean? How to
select that vga=0x317 thing? And to tell LILO to turn what on? That
Module of
"VGA characters/attributes support".

Thanks again and hope you have a nice weekend.



From: Lew Pitcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't ping, cant see the Net, Linux DOA
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 05:43:59 GMT

mack1er wrote:
> I am a Linux newbie (as if you couldn't have guessed)
> Here's the deal. I am a Windows guy. I have 4 servers running W2K server
> here, all configured just fine. We have a Linux box (a fifth server) and I
> can't for the life of me bring it online.
> We have a bunch of static IP's, the Internet connection works fine and all
> that... We are running RH Linux 7.0...
> -I want to have the machine's IP as
> -The gateway is
> -the machine name is vegeta
> -domain -----> question 1--> does this have to be a registered Internet
> domain name, or a windows workgroup type domain?
> -subnet mask is
> -name severs are plugged in (let's leave those out)
> Question 1 - do we need to have a registered Internet  domain name, or a
> windows workgroup type domain for "DOMAIN"?

The 'domain name' here is an internet domain name. If you don't have an
internet domain name, use something like 'localnet' here. Just be aware,
you _need_ an internet domain name if you want to be able to access the
system _by name_ from the internet. 

> Question 2 - Can we name the machine anything?

Pretty much. _If_ you have internet (DNS) names for your hosts, the
machine name should be the high-level part of that name (i.e. if your
fqdn is thismachine.localnet, the machine name should be set to
> Question 3 - do we need apache running to see this machine on the web?

Yes. Or some other webserver.
> Question 4 - what is the broadcast address and do we need that from our
> Internet provider or can that be anything?

Broadcast relates to your subnet and IP address. For a host IP address
of aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd with a subnet of, the network address
is aaa.bbb.ccc.0 and the broadcast address is aaa.bbb.ccc.255
In other words, the lowest host address within the subnet is the network
address, and the highest address within your subnet is the broadcast
address. All other addresses in the subnet can be assigned to real live

> Question 5 - did I miss something/leave anything out?
> Any help will be GREATLY appreciated!!! Thanx!
> --
> Posted via CNET

Lew Pitcher

Master Codewright and JOAT-in-training
Registered Linux User #112576


Subject: Setting up Linux on a fully scsi system
Date: 15 Jun 2001 22:52:12 -0700

I am having trouble setting up red-hat 7.1 on my computer, which is a
dual PII 300mhz that is all SCSI.
When starting the Red hat install with default settings I get an error
similar to this:

Assuming 33 MHz bus
PIIx4: IDE control on PCI bus 00 dev c9
PIIx4: chipset revision 1
PIIx4 not 100% native will probe irqs later
SAMURI: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev c9
PCI: Enabling device 00:19.1 (0004->0005)
PCI: No IRQ know for interrupt pin A of Device 00:19.1 try pci=biosirq
ide1: BM-DMA at 0xfc70-0xfc77, bios setting hdc:pio, hdd:pio
ide2: BM-DMA at 0xfc78-0xfc7f

If I take the error messages advice and try setting pci=biosirq
I just get the same error where it freezes on the last line,
ide2: BM-DMA at... but without the suggestion to set pci=biosirq.
So, I tried setting pci=off, which got me past the ide2 freeze,
however, now it doesn't recognize the cd-rom drive.
I know Red-hat supports the cd-rom drive because it is in the list
of devices, Adaptec AHA2940 Ultra...

I believe the problem is that by disabling the pci bus I am losing 
communications with the SCSI device.  If anyone has any ideas
the help would be greatly appreciated my e-mail is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The SCSI control :
Adaptec AHA-2940V/AHA-2940VW PCI SCSI Controller
The cd-rom:
Plextor cd-rom PX-20TS SCSI
The IDE controller: (which I don&#8217;t believe is used by any


From: "Charles Sullivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: setting Windows mount point
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 06:16:45 GMT

Create an empty directory anywhere you like.  A more or less "standard"
place would be under /mnt, e.g. /mnt/win98, but I use just /dosc .

Then put an entry in your /etc/fstab file.  Here's a simple one that
will automatically mount the Win98 partition at boot time, allow
read/write access and mount/umount privileges to all users:

/dev/hda1   /dosc  vfat   auto,user,umask=000   0 0

You have to be root to do this.  Change /dev/hda1 to agree with your
particular Win 98 partition.  If you haven't yet rebooted, mount
the partition (now as a user, not root) with the command:
  mount /dosc

With the above you can access any file on the Win98 partition as
you would a file on one of your Linux partitions. (For example just
cd to /dosc and run the ls command.)  The file owner/group and
r/w/x permissions are faked by Linux since Win98 doesn't support them,
and they cannot be changed on a file by file basis, but only for all
files in the partition by the options you put in the /etc/fstab entry.

For more info on options, see:
  man mount

patrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> That would make data transfer much easier if I can access
> my Windows partition from Linux. What do I set the mount
> point to in order to do this?
> Also, once Linux is loaded, how will I actually access the
> Windows partition from the Linux partition?
> Thanks,
> Patrick
> >I have a 40G HD (~25G for Windows ME and ~15G for Linux)
> >
> >> As for the Windows partition in Disk Druid, It says my
> mount point is "<not set>". Is that o.k.?
> >
> >yes. Set it if you want to access it from linux
> ----
> Posted on - the FREE public USENET portal on the Web
> Complete SEARCHING, BROWSING, and POSTING of text and BINARY messages!


Subject: Installing Win2k AFTER Linux
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 07:13:30 GMT


I have a dual boot Win98/Linux system in which the Win98 system is beyond 

I wanted to renew my installation, but replace the Win98 partition with a 
Win 2000 NTFS partition, without upsetting Linux.

Is this possible?  I know Microsoft OS's have an aggressive installation 
routine that would overwrite the boot sector and make my Linux system 

Can someone advise me how to go about this, or perhaps direct me to a URL 
which explains how to preserve the Linux start instructions on the boot 
sector when I install Win 2000.  I am intending that the Win 2000 
installation would be a fresh one, not an upgrade.




Subject: Problem on SuSe 6.3 installation
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 15:13:26 +0800

When I boot the CD of SuSe 6.3, it automatically go to YaTS2.   However, the
screen font/resolution is too big to fit into the 9" VGA monitor.   Please
advise how to shrink the screen (adjust the resolution) to fit the monitor.


Pls reply directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Posted via
Complaints to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Re: Linux on AMD
Date: 15 Jun 2001 19:59:21 -0400

ganesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> I have a sony desktop with AMD athlon(1GHz) and 128 MB RAM. Can I install 
> linux on it. I already have windows Millenium running on it(It came 
> installed)

You can install Linux with it but the real question is what
peripherals do you have for your computer?  List them (exact name and
brand and people here could point out which ones will work.

> Where can I download or purchase the specific Linux version. Also where 
> can I find instructions for partitioning the drive.

You can purchase distributions of Linux at or

If you have a CD-burner, you can download the images from 

For a newbie, I'd recommend either Red Hat or Mandrake.


From: "Duane Healing" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: extreme newbiness
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 07:21:56 GMT

In a feverish moment of semi-lucidity, "Sean9182" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
flailed at the keyboard thusly:
> Using: RedHat Linux 5.1 (until i can download the upgrad which hasn't
> been working either), HP 533mhz, 64MB RAM, 20GB, etc etc
> well, I've successfully (and by successful I mean not) managed to
> partition my hard drive into two separate allocations of memory. I did
> this in DOS using fips.exe. Before I even begin to tell of my problems
> with creating partitions in Disk Druid, let me begin by saying that when
> I check the 'Properties' of this new 5GB hda I am perturbed by Windows'
> graphical blue cylinder which wields the sentences "Free Space   0
> bytes" "Used Space  0 bytes". Added to this is the 5GB missing from the
> other hda with now only contains 15GB, partially used by Windows.
> Moving on to Disk Druid, I can make the Swap Partition...hell, I can
> even make partitions for subdirectories,  but I am unable to create a
> linux root partition-- each and every time I receive this blasted error
> message: 'Root partition too big'.
> Could someone..anyone..please help me with this. I would be greatly
> indebted. Thanks,
> sean

I'd bet it's the ancient version of Red Hat you're using. The Disk Druid
that comes with it is probably choking on the 20GB drive. Get a newer
distro - it won't have these limitations.

-DNAware SoftLabs


From: "MadMax" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: help with cable modem
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 02:40:06 -0500

ok my isp is 21st century.  I have the my ip adress, which i believe is
dynamic because i can release and renew it, subnet mask, gate, dns, adapter,
and dhcp.  I dont have my host name.  Does anyone know how i can find my
hostname through windows without calling my isp?  Ive tried winipcfg but
that gives me jargon.  Also what else do i need to use a cable modem with
debian which is my linux distribution software ?


From: Camus Moire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SuSE 7.0 on DVD
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 08:44:45 +0200


is someone interested on a SuSE7.0 on DVD ?


Camus Moire


Subject: Re: help with cable modem
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 10:25:02 +0200

"MadMax" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message news:
9gf290$t6m$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I dont't find hello or something, like that there !

> ok my isp is 21st century.  I have the my ip adress, which i believe is
> dynamic because i can release and renew it, subnet mask, gate, dns,
> and dhcp.  I dont have my host name.  Does anyone know how i can find my
> hostname through windows without calling my isp?  Ive tried winipcfg but
> that gives me jargon.  Also what else do i need to use a cable modem with
> debian which is my linux distribution software ?

With winipcfg, do you use the 'more info' button ?, after at the first line
you have your hostname (and domain name)



Subject: Re: Access deny
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 10:33:40 +0200

Thanks this was one big help. Now it work fine.

Thanks again.


"Robert Davies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Yes your mount options.  You want to RTFM 'man 8 mount' and look for
> user,group options.  Here's my entry in /etc/fstab :
> /dev/hde2       /windows/C      vfat            noauto,user 0 0
> /home/rob> mount /windows/C
> /home/rob> ls -lgd /windows/C
> drwxr-xr-x   15 rob      users       16384 Jan  1  1970 /windows/C


From: "David Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: extreme newbiness
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 10:49:02 +0200
Reply-To: "David Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I had the same problem with Disk Druid in RedHat 6, but with a 30Gb drive. I
solved it simply by not using Disk Druid and using fdisk instead. Ever since
my install has worked fine.

David Anderson


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Floppy disk prolem in Mandrake 8
Date: 16 Jun 2001 01:52:05 -0700

Hello everybody,

When I try to access my floppy disk in Mandrake 8 for reading a FAT disk.
The system freezes with no error message.
Then, I can't do anything except a Reset of the computer.
Materially, I know my flopy disk is working.
In my /etc/fstab :

/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0

I changed fs=vfat in fs=fat but it's the same problem : Mandrake 8 freezes.

Can someone help me?



From: olgnuby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: help with cable modem
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 03:44:30 -0500

"G.BULOT" wrote:
> "MadMax" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message news:
> 9gf290$t6m$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I dont't find hello or something, like that there !
> > ok my isp is 21st century.  I have the my ip adress, which i believe is
> > dynamic because i can release and renew it, subnet mask, gate, dns,
> adapter,
> > and dhcp.  I dont have my host name.  Does anyone know how i can find my
> > hostname through windows without calling my isp?  Ive tried winipcfg but
> > that gives me jargon.  Also what else do i need to use a cable modem with
> > debian which is my linux distribution software ?
> >
> >
> hi,
> With winipcfg, do you use the 'more info' button ?, after at the first line
> you have your hostname (and domain name)
> ...
Bon Jour ;-)

He's a pretty good guy. 16, but trying hard and learning fast. You guys
help him out all you can. I pretty well stepped him through from scratch
on his Deb base install from off the web and he's done damn good. Going
to make a hell of a Linux user and maybe future asset to the community.
I've gone about as far as my limited knowledge can take him ;-)

I read his hostname as localhost.localdomain but know nothing about his
pci fa310fx eth card. Maybe one of you can clue him.

Regards from Texas to France.




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End of Linux-Setup Digest

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