Linux-Setup Digest #453, Volume #21              Sat, 16 Jun 01 10:13:08 EDT

  Re: prob with install LinuxRedHat ("Vladimirov Ivan")
  Re: Problems using RH 7.1 with SiS 630 Graphics Card (Jesper Petersen)
  Re: Installing Win2k AFTER Linux (Ian Northeast)
  Re: compiling qpopper and installing (Michael Heiming)
  Re: Floppy disk prolem in Mandrake 8 ("Rick O'shay")
  HELP! KERNEL COMPILATION (Christian Diego Cernuschi)
  Re: Sound-Problem und README.linux (Robert Davies)
  Ports (adam851)
  The Three Fingered Salute ("Lew Targett")
  mandrake 8 install ("Jon_H")
  Re: The Three Fingered Salute (Michael Heiming)
  Re: The Three Fingered Salute (Phil Standen)
  USB mouse and kernel config (Andrey Shipsha)
  Now I've gone and lost my hard disk (Sean9182)
  Visual Network Monitoring Tools?? (Subba Rao)
  Multiboot Win98 (FAT32) W3K (NTFS) RH 7.1 (Jan Sverre =?iso-8859-1?Q?B=F8dtker?=)
  Visual Network Monitoring Tools?? (Subba Rao)
  Re: Workaround to get HP Colorado IDE tape drives to work under RH7.1 (2.4  
kernels). (Robert Davies)
  Re: What to install for a laptop? (Robert Davies)
  Re: Cannot open master raw device '/dev/rawctl' (No such device) (Robert Davies)
  Re: crc error (Robert Davies)
  Re: linux ftp, ncftp etc (Robert Davies)
  Re: init.d problem - starting program from home directory (Robert Davies)
  Re: Help a newbie with GRUB PLEASE!!!!! (Robert Davies)
  Re: Suse 7.1 and SB Live! problem (Robert Davies)
  Re: bad format line XX (Robert Davies)
  Re: modem instal (Robert Davies)
  Re: extreme newbiness (Robert Davies)
  Re: Linux on AMD (Robert Davies)
  Re: /bin/login cannot be removed (Robert Davies)


From: "Vladimirov Ivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: prob with install LinuxRedHat
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 11:19:29 -0700
Reply-To: "Vladimirov Ivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

thanks for answering. e: is a part of the same physical drive. My PC was
made 1997. I gues its BIOS cant handle LBA32.
It works whit a second hard disk. No probs.
Wel my second hard drive could not be recognised by Windows98/2k, it brought
win to a blue screen, beacouse of some wrong sectors.
Linux has got no problems with recognising bad sectors and installing
RedHat. Great job!!
> Kristijan,
> Are c:, d: and e: all partitions of the same physical hard drive? If so,
> you may be stuck, particularly if your computer's BIOS can't handle LBA32
> addressing.
> But if e: is in fact a separate hard drive, try this instead:
> hdc1 /boot <--we'll put this first, so that it's below cylinder 1024
> hdc2 swap
> hdc3 /
> Older BIOSes and older versions of Lilo don't work if /boot is above
> cylinder 1024. Red Hat 7.1 however, *does* support LBA32 addressing and
> *will* allow you to do this, but it involves a little extra work.
> Jeff S
> Boulder, Colorado


From: Jesper Petersen <jesperp**Delete**>
Subject: Re: Problems using RH 7.1 with SiS 630 Graphics Card
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 11:38:44 +0200

>Originally, I installed RedHat 7.1 (with kernel 2.4.2-2). With the
>default configuration, the testing of X in the installation phase will
>cause the system
>to halt. Install RH 7.1 with text boot mode, it works fine. Run
>after login, I was able to avoid system halt in testing the X
>configuration. Select Generic Laptop with 1024x768, 8M ram, 640x480
>16bit, X works but the screen is shifted, with the lower portion on
>the top (you can imagine it). I was able to login and do something
>with that resolution. If I selected Generic Laptop with 640*480, the
>test of X totally screws. BTW, apply the "NoAccel" option is a bad
>idea for me 'coz the text almost can never show up in X windows.

Maybe you shouldn't run the test during installation, it seems to only give
you problems, and you have to alter the X setup afterwards anyway :-)

>Next I DL kernel-2.4.5, with the same configuration as above, the 
>building was
>successful but the machine halts at the booting process,with the
>screen turnign
>gray and kinda "desolved".

Does it boot in X? I'll paste my lilo.conf at the end of the mail maybe you
need something from it (you write about it later in the mail)? And if it
starts up in X you might need something from my XF86Config-4 file - the "guru"
who made it work for me couldn't figure out what was wrong with the
XF86Config-4 file he made, and it didn't work until he used the config file
from the link I gave you (that's why I pasted it in the first mail I sent).

>In the light that you had luck with Mandrake 8.0, though being aware
>that it is actually the kernel that matters.  I turned to Mandrake 8.0
>(I had been playing  with RedHat for 1.5 years, but never Mandrake :-)
>). Unfortunately,
>it doesn't turn out to be not so lucky either. At the test of X phase
>during installation, selecting "Generic Laptop with 1024x768" the test
>page for 1024x768, as well as 800x600 looks fine, but the machine
>halts no matter I respond with "yes" or "no" or just let it time out.
>Test with 640x480 screws.
>When I again tried to rebuild the kernel as described in the
>reference. "make bzImage" again fails with some errors like:
>   init301.o: multiple definition of 'SiSGetLVDSCRT1Ptr'
>   init301.o: multiple definition of 'SiSWaitDisplay'

Maybe you should just work around with the kernel you succeeded in compiling.

>BTW, do you know what does the part  "You must also tell LILO to turn
>it on at boot time (I don't know if you can turn it on later, let me
>know if it is possible). I use vga=0x317 to get 1024×768×16." in the
>reference mean? How to
>select that vga=0x317 thing? And to tell LILO to turn what on? That
>Module of
>"VGA characters/attributes support".

I don't know what it does, but again look at my lilo.conf file, I'm sure the
guy who did for me knew what it does.


BTW you could look at SiS homepage, the have a suggestion of how to make it
work, it just didn't workout for me:

Here goes the lilo.conf, but it doesn't seem to have anything like vga=0x317.



From: Ian Northeast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Installing Win2k AFTER Linux
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 11:14:48 +0100

John wrote:
> Hi
> I have a dual boot Win98/Linux system in which the Win98 system is beyond
> help.
> I wanted to renew my installation, but replace the Win98 partition with a
> Win 2000 NTFS partition, without upsetting Linux.
> Is this possible?  I know Microsoft OS's have an aggressive installation
> routine that would overwrite the boot sector and make my Linux system
> unstartable.
> Can someone advise me how to go about this, or perhaps direct me to a URL
> which explains how to preserve the Linux start instructions on the boot
> sector when I install Win 2000.  I am intending that the Win 2000
> installation would be a fresh one, not an upgrade.

I don't think Win2K will actually overwrite the MBR. Only 9x does this
IME. However, to be on the safe side, make a Linux boot disk with
mkbootdisk and test it before you start. Then if Windows does damage the
MBR you can boot back into Linux to fix it.

Regards, Ian


From: Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: compiling qpopper and installing
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 12:50:20 +0200

gabriel wrote:
> i have downloaded that latest version of qpopper from eudora and
> uncompressed it into its own dir. when i type "./configure " i get an
> error.. "checking for cc:no" checking for gcc:no" "no valid cc found in
> path"
> what the hell is a cc, is it perhaps refering to a compiler of some sort?

Right, looks like you don't have any C compiler installed on your
install gcc from your distro CD.

Michael Heiming


From: "Rick O'shay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Floppy disk prolem in Mandrake 8
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 03:50:51 -0700

Back-up /etc/fstab. Then change fstab entry to

/dev/fd0    /mnt/floppy    vfat     noauto




> Hello everybody,
> When I try to access my floppy disk in Mandrake 8 for reading a FAT
> disk. The system freezes with no error message. Then, I can't do
> anything except a Reset of the computer. Materially, I know my flopy
> disk is working. In my /etc/fstab :
> /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
> I changed fs=vfat in fs=fat but it's the same problem : Mandrake 8
> freezes.
> Can someone help me?
> Thanks
> David


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christian Diego Cernuschi)
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 11:02:03 +0000 (UTC)

I am setting up a linux box with a suse 7.1.
I first made a minimal installation and now i want to install only what i
I need to enable disk quota, so i guess i have to recompile the kernel.
Which packages i need to install?

Thank you very much

Posted from [] 
via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG


From: Robert Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Sound-Problem und README.linux
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 11:45:44 +0100

Thomas Niercke wrote:

>  Ich hab den Kernel für sound-Unterstützung konfiguriert und die Module
>  compiliert und installiert.
>  Die Module lassen sich auch laden uns aktivieren.
>  Aber wenn ich einen Sound spiele, dann stürzt der Rechner in 95% aller
> Fälle
>  nach einigen
>  Sekunden Soundausgabe komplett ab...
>  Ich hab auch die /etc/conf.modules angepasst, wie bei Suse beschrieben.
>  - IBM Thinkpad 755cx (soundkarte wird unterstützt als SB 2.0 oder SB 16)
>  - SuSE Linux 6.2
>  - Kernel 2.2.x
>  Auch hat SuSE nicht die Datei /usr/src/linux/drivers/sound/README.linux
>  dabei.
>  In dieser Datei ist aber ein Script, dass ich brauche um die Devices neu
>  zu initialisieren
>  (ich glaube daran liegt das Problem).
>  Hat jemand diese Datei für mich ? Oder das Script ?
>  Für Hilfe wäre ich sehr Dankbar.
>  Thomas Niercke

SuSE 6.2 ist etwas alt, Sound Support jetzt benuetz ALSA, eine tolle 
Verbesserung.  Gibt's keine Moeglichkeit SuSE auf 7.2 zu Upgraden?

Es scheint mir der Treiber Mangelhaft ist.  Pruf mal die SuSE 

mfg Rob


From: adam851 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Ports
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 12:07:19 GMT

Can somebody please give a quick definition of Ports.What they do,and
how you find out more info about them.(Most Linux books always talk
about ports but forget that many people arn't computer profesionals)


From: "Lew Targett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The Three Fingered Salute
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 12:10:34 GMT

An easy question. When a program freezes, such as Netscape which does so not
infrequently, how do you close the program down without re-booting.
Ctrl/Alt/Backspace does not always work.
Lew Targett


Reply-To: "Jon_H" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: mandrake 8 install
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 12:36:50 +0100

keep getting the error message
Error! unable to uncompress second stage ramdisk

any ideas


From: Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The Three Fingered Salute
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 14:36:34 +0200

Lew Targett wrote:
> An easy question. When a program freezes, such as Netscape which does so not
> infrequently, how do you close the program down without re-booting.
> Ctrl/Alt/Backspace does not always work.
> Thanks,
> Lew Targett

A small script, I wrote once, to handle this
situation, called "kill-nscrap", could be helpful.

cat kill-nscrap

ps aux | awk '/[n]etscape/ {system ("kill -9 "$2)}'
sleep 3
rm ~/.netscape/lock  

Good luck

Michael Heiming


From: Phil Standen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The Three Fingered Salute
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 13:48:43 +0100

Try xkill, killall netscape. CTL-ALT F1.
I still blame Tony Blair.


From: Andrey Shipsha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: USB mouse and kernel config
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 14:50:30 +0200

Could anyone share a succesfull config file for 2.4.x kernels
(preferably 2.4.5) with working USB mouse configuration...

My USB mouse works as a charm in default Redhat 7.1 kernel (2.4.2). I am
trying to compile the new 2.4.5 kernel and I can't get my USB mouse to




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sean9182)
Date: 16 Jun 2001 13:07:54 GMT
Subject: Now I've gone and lost my hard disk

well, I've lost a good 5GB of it. Here is what happened:  I recently
partitioned my hard disk so I could make room for linux. It was doing something
very wrong with windows and I didn't know how to fix it, so I went into fdisk
and deleted the entire 5GB partition I had set up for linux. Now I am back in a
working Windows environment with 5GB of memory missing. What can I do?



From: Subba Rao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Visual Network Monitoring Tools??
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 13:15:25 GMT

Are there any visual tools that will generate network maps for network admins?
Most of the tools are commercial and are specific to some platform (OpenView
from HP and NetView from IBM). I am looking for something that could be used on
Linux or OpenBSD.

Any information or pointers appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Subba Rao


From: Jan Sverre =?iso-8859-1?Q?B=F8dtker?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Multiboot Win98 (FAT32) W3K (NTFS) RH 7.1
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 15:16:33 +0200

Hi everybody!

I have a system w 20gigs and win98 installed as the first OS. Win2000
installed next and working with NTs bootmanager. I have also added an
entry in the boot.ini file that resides on the Win98 partition. RH 7.1
is installed and working via bootdisk but not via C:\bootsect.lnx="Linux
RedHat 7.1a"

bootsect.lnx is created by(in RedHat):
dd if /dev/hda5 of=bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1 (hda5 is /)
dd if /dev/hda2 of=bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1 (hda2 is /boot)

then i mount the c-drive by

mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /c-drive
mount -t msdos /dev/hda1 /c-drive

mv or mcopy bootsect.lnx /c-drive

(umount, exit, restart)
neither of theese methods let me start redhat via the NT bootloader
have any of you guys found out how this is solved?

Thanks for any and all help



From: Subba Rao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Visual Network Monitoring Tools??
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 13:25:25 GMT

Are there any visual tools that will generate network maps for network admins?
Most of the tools are commercial and are specific to some platform (OpenView
from HP and NetView from IBM). I am looking for something that could be used on
Linux or OpenBSD.

Any information or pointers appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Subba Rao


From: Robert Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Workaround to get HP Colorado IDE tape drives to work under RH7.1 (2.4  
Crossposted-To: redhat.general,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.hardware
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 13:29:57 +0100

Denis Leroy wrote:

> Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>> I think that as long as I don't try to access the tape drive first
>> as /dev/ht0 (and thus load the ide-tape module), then Denis's
>> fix works fine.   I think I could just put this is rc.local
>> or just load the modules when I need them to use the tape drive.
>> I know several people had complained about not being able to use
>> the HP Colorado IDE tape drives under RH7.1.   I've been trying
>> to track them down without success.  I just came upon Denis's
>> solution by luck, and I think it should be better advertised.
> To do that, you can add the line
>   alias ide-tape off
> in the /etc/modules.conf file
> Also, adding
>   below st ide-scsi
> will force the auto-load of ide-scsi when you access /dev/st0

Now that is a nice way of handling it, but is less general than the method 
I use as it will probably interfere with SCSI tape drives you have.

I like the ide-tape off, I wonder if ide-tape works for anyone?  My drive 
seemed to work, but positioning commands failed completely and I gave up on 
it.  IDE tape drives have a bad reputation, I'm wondering if it's the 
driver's fault (ide-tape) because they seem fine once you've got them 
operating correctly.



From: Robert Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What to install for a laptop?
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,,linux.redhat.install
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 12:59:11 +0100

3FE wrote:

> On Mon, 28 May 2001 15:06:59 GMT, LRW <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Need some advice from experienced people.
>> I have an icky 486DX-66 with 16MB RAM and 2GB HD 640x480 laptop.
>> I have RedHat 5.0, RH 6.2, and RH 7.1 and Mandrake 6.0.
>> What would be a better package for this thing? Latest and greatest, like
>> with Windows, is not always a good idea. So I'm leaning toward RH 6.2.
>> But
> Personally, I'd go with Mandrake.

Bad choice, he has a 486 and Mandie is optimised for pentium!

RH-6.2 is not bad.

If I were you I'd give Debian (potato) a try, it is very configurable, has 
a small minimum footprint, and you can try out lots of Window managers eg) 
fvwm2, icewm, sawfish, windowmaker), very easily.  It also has a way to 
automatically update with fixes, and a clever way of upgrading to a new 
release when it is stable.

>> if I can't get Xwindows to run anyway, the is there any problem with
>> using RH 7.1?

No, but they use a bad compiler version breaking binary compat with other 
distros (gcc-2.9.6).

>> Speaking of Xwindows, think any desktop will work? I know Gnome and KDE
>> are right out (darn it), but what about one of the lesser memory
>> intensive
> I liked fvwm (not fvwm2) and wm2.

It should work.



From: Robert Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Cannot open master raw device '/dev/rawctl' (No such device)
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 13:16:59 +0100

Sean Marshall wrote:

>> For RAM, you can set it in append lines, newer kernel versions are much
>> better at recognising correct amount correctly however.
>> Is it because you have really shed loads of RAM, and need the large
>> memory models, >1GB?
> Do you append this into the lilo.conf file?  How would I go about doing
> this? Is there a white paper that describes how?

The mem parameter only applies if you BIOS does not pass the correct RAM 
size, in a way the kernel can recognise.  I had this, but flashing a BIOS 
upgrade fixed it.

You need append="mem=128M", or whatever your RAM size is, it's in the linux 
FAQ.  If you get it slightly wrong it is ignored, try it on booting first, 
before tinkering with lilo (remember to run lilo, after altering lilo.conf).

LDP (, lilo HOWTO

There is also docs for kernel parameters, in /usr/src/linux/Documentation

boot    = /dev/hda
vga     = normal
menu-scheme = Wg:kw:Wg:Wg
timeout = 80
message = /boot/message
image  = /boot/vmlinuz
label  = linux
    root   = /dev/hda6
    initrd = /boot/initrd
    append = "noapic hdb=ide-scsi hdc=ide-scsi apm=poweroff reboot=warm"

You can also have append in global section to apply to all linux kernels.

If you are using 4GB extensions because you have lots of RAM, then you 
probably do need to compile and configure the kernel for that, though most 
distro's do support 2GB, and with 2.4 the limit is 64GB of RAM!

If you ahve this much I am jealous



From: Robert Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: crc error
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 13:37:49 +0100

Pianoman wrote:

> Eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> run memtest86 to test your RAM
> I just finished doing that, and there were no errors. The only other
> thing I can think of to test, hardware-wise, is the BIOS (like,
> reinstalling the software for the BIOS. If you have any other
> suggestions, I'd appreciate them.

Here (UK) the magazine PC Plus, has Amidiag 6 on it's cover disk.  Can you 
use a hardware testing program like that?

I am suspecting you have a corrupted kernel, it uses a CRC on the 
compression, so perhaps it is noticing there is a problem.

Did you have foresight to have a backup kernel in lilo.conf?

Type <TAB> at boot: prompt and see if you can boot another kernel.

If not then you need to boot from floppy, or use the rescue system.  Try 
booting from CD-ROM and reading your distro docks about rescue.



From: Robert Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux ftp, ncftp etc
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 13:38:03 +0100

Riyaz Mansoor wrote:

> i've already said that its an http proxy to a reply post to Robert. the
> ncftp config file says ncftp does not support this.
> so there is nothing to guess.

Right well when I answered 2nd time, I said to use the browser if it's an 
HTTP proxy.

> As an alternative, does your browser use a proxy?  These support ftp as 
> well, so you could use the browser for ftp downloads if you tell it to 
> the proxy for all protocols.

> The right solution is to find out what proxy you are offered, and 
> your ftp client to use that.



From: Robert Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: init.d problem - starting program from home directory
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 13:33:03 +0100

Mark Grimshaw wrote:

> Done what you suggested - replace
>  /usr/local/shoutcast/sc_serv /usr/local/shoutcast/sc_serv.conf &
> with
> (cd /usr/local/shoutcast/; ./sc_serv /usr/local/shoutcast/sc_serv.conf)
> &
> and it works fine - thanks.
> How would I run this with the daemon you mentioned?  What's the
> advantage?

Consistency with the rest of the scripts, they may be writing the PID of 
the program started to make it easier to kill in /var/run or similar.

If it works, don't worry about it, but perhaps you might take a look at 
other scripts on your system, and see what they do, and why.



From: Robert Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help a newbie with GRUB PLEASE!!!!!
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 13:52:39 +0100

Alok wrote:

> Help a newbie with GRUB PLEASE!!!!!
> So heres the low-down. I have a dual boot system with Windows ME, Windows
> 2000, and Linux Mandrake. What happens is that when I turn on my computer
> grub pops up and then gives me the option to go to windows or linux. If I
> choose linux it takes me to Linux. If I choose Windows it takes me to the
> Windows boot loader which gives me the folowing options: Windows ME,
> Windows 2000, and Linux Mandrake. So the GRUB screen is completely useless
> and annoying.
> In other words - HOW IN THE HECK DO I STOP GRUB FROM LOADING?!??!?!?

You don't, it needs to be run from the MBR, or you could only use the Win 
options, but you could configure it to boot Win 2000, Win ME directly.

Can't help you with that, I use lilo :)

If you don't find out about GRUB configuration, you could always give Boot 
Magic a try (commercial product), or there's SBT, sbt at sourceforge which 
claims to be a smart boot loader for various systems.  You'll need however 
some linux boot loader in the partition if you go this route, or you won't 
be able to pass in boot parameters to the linux kernel, for things like 
ide-scsi or reboot=warm.



From: Robert Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Suse 7.1 and SB Live! problem
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 13:55:14 +0100

kyi wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> You need to subscribe to the SBLive! mail list that is an issue that
> is being fixed as we speek, or it might even be done already.
> - -Jayson
> Dominic Maraglia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Hello,
>> I have a fresh install of Suse 7.1 -- the system works fine, except
>> for my SB Live! Value.  Sounds comes out of the front channels, but
>> not the rear.  Any ideas?

Hey I hadn't even noticed that, it's same here for me!

If you have a joystick you need to read the manual section, there's a trick 
to using the Soundblaster gameport, it has it's own module, and you need 
entries in modules.conf for it.



From: Robert Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: bad format line XX
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 13:37:53 +0100

karl wrote:

> after editing /etc/fstab I get  a  boot -up message that says -
> 'WARNING bad format line 29 /etc/fstab'
> I'm using redhat 7.0 and kde. I've edited this file with vi and kedit
> but still get this message. Computer is not effected. Please help.

First, you seem to be using ext2 but have turned off fsck, for /usr and 
/archive, this is _not_ a good idea, you will not detect disk corruption.  
Set your fsck pass to 2, for /usr & /archive (the last numbers should be 2 
not 0 on their lines).

I can't see anything obviously wrong with your fstab(5), so I have 2 
suggestions to check :

1) Try altering the LABEL=/, to use the root device name.  Maybe a label 
shouldn't have '/' in it, or some piece of software doesn't expect that, 
but normal device names, or labels like ROOT etc.

2) Check your whitespace, in vi(1), use :l to show what's really on the 
line.  Have you anything odd there, like <CR> characters, or backspaces?

od -c /etc/fstab will also give you a printing character by character.



From: Robert Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: modem instal
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 13:48:04 +0100

GuBause wrote:

> Hi everybody here,
> i ve a question concerning the modem installation under linux.
> Im using Suse, I ve installed the modem (56K) but i cant reach
> the modem if i try to dial a number. Any ideas how to solve the problem.
> Thanx in adv.

Is it a supported modem?  Most delivered by OEMs do not work, as they are 
done in software and have windows only drivers. search for 'winmodems'

Some internal PCI modems do work, (possibly with software drivers if you 
have Lucent chipset), ISA ones do after you have used setserial(8) to tell 
Linux about the ISA card settings, or used PnP tools.

Easiest is external modems.



From: Robert Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: extreme newbiness
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 14:00:48 +0100

Sean9182 wrote:

> Could someone..anyone..please help me with this. I would be greatly
> indebted. Thanks,

Even with the newer distro when you get it, it's a good idea to make sure 
/boot is in first 1024 cylinders of disk, just 2 LBA cylinders making 16MB 
is large enough.

Then you don't have to worry about BIOS limitations and booting, though new 
versions of linux permit booting from anywhere on disk, if the BIOS has 
been extended to permit it.

Do get a newer distro, I'd try SuSE 7.2, Mandrake 8.0, Red Hat 7.1 in that 
order of preference.  If you are a very technical user, Debian is another 
popular choice, though configuration is a bit daunting for newcomers to 



From: Robert Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux on AMD
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 13:45:26 +0100

ganesh wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a sony desktop with AMD athlon(1GHz) and 128 MB RAM. Can I install
> linux on it. I already have windows Millenium running on it(It came
> installed)

Yuck, how will you recover the OS if you don't have a CD-ROM?

> Where can I download or purchase the specific Linux version. Also where
> can I find instructions for partitioning the drive.

Good distro like SuSE-7.2 or Mandrake 8.0 will do it for you.

It may be wise to invest in a 2nd harddrive, so you can install linux 
without interfering with your windows disk at all, otherwise you have to 
defragement and resize the windows partition, as part of the linux 



From: Robert Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: /bin/login cannot be removed
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 14:07:03 +0100

Pantek Technical Support wrote:

>> That still does not protect you from a kernel module, which could be
>> altering system calls, in such a way to defeat your tripwire run.
>> You can mostly only detect problems, not prove their abscence :)
> Anyone can download a kernel module (search google for "adore.o") that
> loads itself and then hides itself and any specified file or program.  I
> beleive it also hides specified file modifications from md5sum and rpm -V
> checks.

Thanks for that interesting info Richard, funnily enough we've discussed 
such kernel modules at my LUG, though we didn't actually know of adore 

It's certainly the reason, why I advocate booting off a clean room 
installation, to do postmortem after an incident.

Obviously backup tapes, restoring, and doing checks with tools like rsync, 
can also be useful in pointing out changes.

Some advocate static kernels, but my experience is that they are too costly 
in time, to be practical, unless you have limited hardware set and a small 
number of machines.




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