Hi All,
    I want to help the "Allwinner V5" bsp development. Can I know where can 
i buy the board.
ryan...@gmail.com 在 2022年4月19日 星期二清晨6:40:30 [UTC+8] 的信中寫道:

> Hey all,
> I'm trying to upstream support for the Allwinner V5 using the Lindenis V5 
> SBC <http://wiki.lindeni.org/index.php/Lindenis_V5>. I hope to eventually 
> build a completely open source stereo camera board using the SOC. Before 
> building the hardware I want to ensure I can provide proper support for 
> building images in Buildroot. The vendor's BSP is a really old fork of 
> uboot and Linux (2014), I've been merging some parts from the forks.
> This is what I've done so far.
>    1. Pulled in the sun8iw12p1-*.dts from forks. Files here 
>    <https://pastebin.com/raw/N7HxS8Zm>.
>    2. Took genimage.cfg from board/olimex/a33_olinuxino/genimage.cfg
>    3. Several u-boot patches here <https://pastebin.com/raw/DdFppeM0>,
>       1. Merging in cpu_sun8i.h from the vendor fork
>       2. Snubbing out functions in arch/arm/cpu/armv7/sunxi/psci.c
>       3. Added the board aliased against some CONFIG_MACH_SUN50I_H6 
>       config. As the H6 is a similar chip.
>    4. Took board/interruptlabs/stereo/lindenis_v5_defconfig from the 
>    vendor linux fork.
> Here is the entire diff <https://pastebin.com/raw/TvfP7HAu>.
> I've created a sdcard image, flashed it, and powered it up but nothing 
> yet. I would really appreciate any guidance, documents or feedback on this 
> task. Thanks!

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