On 03/17/2014 02:04 PM, mosmith1...@gmail.com wrote:
recently i learn to use the interrupt controller of allwinner a10.but i just 
couldn't relocate the vector table to 0x00000000.i am sure that the i did the 
relocation correctly,because there is no problem when i relocate the vector to 
0x4000(use p15,c12).I have been searching for a few days about this problem but 
couldn't find what the problem is.here is part of my code,could you give me a 
help,thanks(which is very rough):

wow, you are doing asm yourself using an A10? pretty interesting and also i'm sure you are pretty much the only one ;)

The A10 has its own IRQ controller, chances are it was actually developped by AW inhouse. But nothing is certain here of course ...

I assume there is a reason you can't use regular linux?


.global _start
.global copy_myself1
.extern main
.extern led_gpio_setup
.extern led2_light
.extern timer0_irq_c
.extern led1_off
.extern test
.extern main2
.extern uart0_puts
.extern load
        b reset
        ldr     pc, _undefined_instruction
        ldr     pc, _software_interrupt
        ldr     pc, _prefetch_abort
        ldr     pc, _data_abort
        ldr     pc, _not_used
        ldr     pc, _irq
        ldr     pc, _fiq
_undefined_instruction: .word undefined_instruction
_software_interrupt:    .word software_interrupt
_prefetch_abort:        .word prefetch_abort
_data_abort:            .word data_abort
_not_used:              .word not_used
_irq:                   .word irq
_fiq:                   .word fiq
_pad:                   .word 0x12345678

.align 4

        ldr sp,=(0x8000);
        adr r0,undefined_instruction_isr_string
        bl uart0_puts
        b .
        ldr sp,=(0x8000-0x200);
        adr r0,software_interrupt_isr_string
        bl uart0_puts
        b .
        ldr sp,=(0x8000-0x200);
        adr r0,prefetch_abort_isr_string
        bl uart0_puts
        b .

        ldr sp,=(0x8000-0x200);
        adr r0,data_abort_isr_string
        bl uart0_puts
        b .

        ldr sp,=(0x8000-0x200);
        adr r0,fiq_isr_sring
        bl uart0_puts
        b .
.align 4
        .ascii "fiq isr\n"
.align 4
        .ascii "data_abort isr string\n"
.align 4
        .ascii "prefetch_abort\n"
.align 4
        .ascii "software_interrupt\n"
.align 4
        .ascii "undefined_instruction\n"
.align 4
        .ascii "irq request\n"
.align 4
        ldr sp,=0x8000;
        stmfd sp!,{r0-r12,lr}
        adr r0,irq_isr_string
        bl uart0_puts
        bl timer0_irq_c;
        ldmfd sp!,{r0-r12,lr}
        subs pc,lr,#4;/*return from exception*/

        mrs r0,cpsr;
        orr r0,r0,#(0x3<<6);/*disable the fiq and irq*/
        bic r0,r0,#0x1f
        orr r0,r0,#0x13;/*turn to svc mode*/

        bl cpu_init_cp15;/*mmu setup(diable mmu and related cache)*/
        bl setup_sp;/*setup stack pointer(SP)*/
        bl irq_stack_setup;
        bl led_gpio_setup;
        mrs r0,cpsr /*open the irq and fiq*/
        bic r0,r0,#(0x3<<6);
        msr cpsr,r0
        adr r0,_start
        mrc p15,0,r1,c1,c0,0
        mrc p15,0,r2,c12,c0,0
        mrc p15,0,r3,c12,c0,1
        b main;
        mov r1,sp;
        mrs r2,cpsr;/*save the cpsr*/
        mrs r0,cpsr
        bic r0,r0,#0x1f
        orr r0,r0,#0x12;/*turn to the irq mode*/
        msr cpsr,r0;/*then we are in the irq mode*/
        mov sp,r1;
        msr cpsr,r2;/* restore the cpsr*/
        sub r1,r1,#0x400 ;/*0x100:reserve irq stack size*/
        mov sp,r1;
        mov pc,lr;
         * Invalidate L1 I/D
        mov     r0, #0                  @ set up for MCR
        mcr     p15, 0, r0, c8, c7, 0   @ invalidate TLBs
        mcr     p15, 0, r0, c7, c5, 0   @ invalidate icache
        mcr     p15, 0, r0, c7, c5, 6   @ invalidate BP array
        mcr     p15, 0, r0, c7, c10, 4  @ DSB
        mcr     p15, 0, r0, c7, c5, 4   @ ISB

         * disable MMU stuff and caches
        mrc     p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0
        bic     r0, r0, #0x00002000     @ clear bits 13 (--V-)
        bic     r0, r0, #0x00000007     @ clear bits 2:0 (-CAM)
        orr     r0, r0, #0x00000002     @ set bit 1 (--A-) Align
        orr     r0, r0, #0x00000800     @ set bit 11 (Z---) BTB
        bic     r0, r0, #0x00001000     @ clear bit 12 (I) I-cache
        orr     r0, r0, #0x00001000     @ set bit 12 (I) I-cache
        mcr     p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0
        mov     pc, lr                  @ back to my caller

        ldr r0,=CONFIG_SYS_INIT_SP_ADDR;
        mov sp,r0;
        mov pc,lr;
        mov r0,lr
        mov r1,pc
        mov r2,r4
        adr r3,_start
        bl test
        b .
        stmfd sp!,{r0-r4}
                ldr r0,=RELOCATION_ADDR;/*destination*/
                adr r1,_start/*copy of start*/
                mov r4,r1;/*save the offset*/
                ldr r2,=0x1000
                ldr r3,[r1]
                str r3,[r0]
                add r1,r1,#4
                add r0,r0,#4
                cmp r1,r2
                bls copy_loop1;/*complete copying*/

        adr r1,copy_myself2;
        sub r1,r1,r4;
        add r1,r1,#RELOCATION_ADDR
        mov pc,r1
        stmfd sp!,{r0-r4,lr}
        bl led2_light
        ldmfd sp!,{r0-r4,lr}
        ldr r0,=0x0;/* destination*/
        ldr r1,=RELOCATION_ADDR; /*source */
        ldr r2,=0x1000;
        ldr r3,[r1];
        str r3,[r0];
        add r0,r0,#4;
        add r1,r1,#4;
        cmp r0,r2
        bls copy_loop2
        stmfd sp!,{r0-r4,lr}
        bl load
        ldmfd sp!,{r0-r4,lr}
        stmfd sp!,{r0-r4,lr}
        mov r0,lr
        mov r1,pc
        mov r2,r4
        adr r3,_start
        bl test
        ldmfd sp!,{r0-r4,lr}

        ldr r0,=0x0000
        mcr p15,0,r0,c12,c0,0
        sub lr,lr,r4;
        add lr,lr,#RELOCATION_ADDR
        ldmfd sp!,{r0-r4}

        mov pc,lr

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