I tried help from 
sunxi-tools from https://github.com/linux-sunxi/sunxi-tools

My player have only power button and reset button. Power buton do nothing, but 
after I press reset button I could run fel command:

root@martin:/tmp/sunxi-tools# ./fel version
AWUSBFEX soc=00165100(A20) 00000001 ver=0001 44 08 scratchpad=00007e00 00000000 
root@martin:/tmp/sunxi-tools# ./fel read 0x42400000 0x82d0 boot1.header
root@martin:/tmp/sunxi-tools# ./fel read 0x43000000 0x20000 script.bin 
root@martin:/tmp/sunxi-tools# ./bootinfo boot1.header > bootinfo.txt
root@martin:/tmp/sunxi-tools# ./bin2fex script.bin script.fex
fexc-bin: script.bin: version: 0.1.2
fexc-bin: script.bin: size: 131072 (85 sections)

now I have these files: boot1.header, bootinfo.txt, script.bin, script.fex. But 
how can I use these files?
All files are in 

I tried dd if=script.bin of=/dev/sdd bs=1024 seek=8 but anything happens. 
(script.bin read from fel).

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