
Am 21.08.2014 12:21, schrieb Simo Xefil:

Hello to all,

I've followed your instructions posted on http://linux-sunxi.org/XBMC to install XBMC on a board A20 based. It's a BananaPI device: http://www.lemaker.org/.

I'm noticing a strange behavior. Using an external player, mplayer, in XBMC the video flickers.
Using external players is neither part of this XBMC implementation nor described in the wiki. So it's supposed to be a mess. Surely there will be problems with XBMC<->Display<->X11..... No priorities, threads, clean free-ups ....
(native player doesn't support HW acceleration)
But it should kind of. That's why the wiki and XBMCA10 was made.
I'm not posting this on XBMC forum because I think it could be a driver issue.
It IS, because xbmca10 is POC and not ready for production usage. It needs a LOT of improvement.
I'm not proof with the FEX settings, framebuffer vs x11 or sunxi libraries settings. I've installed sunxi-vdpau, libump and then XBMC. using mplayer from the command line, all works well. Using it from within XBMC not.

The result is shown here:


Even on exit from XBMC sometimes it hangs and sometimes i need to move the mouse to clean the desktop and see the desktop again.

I've tested this on a Lubuntu distro and on a Fedora 20 distro as well, fresh installed on my ARMhf BananaPi board.

Any suggestion? I've no idea where to investigate... :(
Remember, xbmca10 is a buggy messed up POC thing which wasn't improved for months (or years?) The only thing you can do is to do some investigations in the xbmca10 source code and try to fix it yourself. Or wait until someone wants to do that. But this would probably not happen with the closed source binaries. Probably you can take a look at https://github.com/warped-rudi/xbmc/tree/Gotham-A10 This is the xbmc fork wich is used in openbricks. I never tried it myself, but it may be worth a try as it seems not to be too outdated and used in a recent distribution.
Thank's a lot!

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