On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 01:24:29PM +0000, Paul Jones wrote:
> Well, for starters I found it very annoying having to constantly jump 
> between pages all the time. I kept getting lost and having to go back 
> to the start again, then I somehow take a different path the next 
> time. All the other bring up how-to guides I've used have been one 
> page per section, or one page in total, but all steps are in 
> chronological order: not just hyperlinks to mid way through some other 
> random page. Perhaps it makes sense to the pros who know what they are 
> doing, but if you already know then why read the wiki?

This is simply because we keep information in a single place, so that 
changes only need to happen in a single place, and so that nothing 
becomes outdated.

As for your YBKJ page, what is still needed is:
* a uboot patch or meminfo
* an explanation of how the clips are best released: do you need to push 
the lid inwards, away from the edge of the lower cover?
* a nice picture of the uart
* a complete set of exterior pictures.

I just completed http://linux-sunxi.org/Mele_A210 which is a good 
reference for this sort of device.

Luc Verhaegen.

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