lör 2014-09-20 klockan 14:54 +0100 skrev bruce bushby:

> First question: Does my DTS child node look ok?
> i2c0: i2c@01c2ac00 {
>         pinctrl-names = "default";
>         pinctrl-0 = <&i2c0_pins_a>;
>         status = "okay";
>         mpu@69 {
>                 compatible = "inv_mpu_iio";
>                 reg = <0x69>;
>         };
> };

compatible needs to match whatever devicetree compatible names the
driver registers itself for.

This is not the module name. Sometimes very similar but it's not the

Compatible should generally be on the form  "vendorname,devicename",
where devicename maps to the i2c id_table registered by the driver.

for example an i2c eeprom is

     compatible = "at,24c256"

where 24c256 is registered by driers/misc/eeprom/at24.c.


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