On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 12:13:42PM +0800, ke...@allwinnertech.com wrote:
> Hi, Luc,
> Thanks for your suggestion.
> We have update the Cedarx. What we have done is as follows:
> 1. Update the License text, the media-codec is fully following LGPL;

But it is not, it depends on a strange binary still.

> 2. Splite the binary to submodule media-codec-lib;
>     BTW, the binary is just video engine driver implement in user mode,
>     All code is wrote by Allwinner, based on Allwinner's video engine
>     hardware, no third part used;

Wrong. Even the latest binary has code that originated from 

It seems that Allwinner has absolutely no control or insight in what 
code came from where with Cedar.

> 3. Fix some issue of the code;

Oh? Which?

> With these actions, is there any license issue yet?


First off, LGPLed symbols and code remains. I have manually decompiled 
the disassembly of one of the functions, and for this function there is 
absolutely no doubt that the code originated from FFMpeg/libavcodec, and 
that code was always LGPLed.

I will not disclose which symbols and code these are at this point, as 
that will only trigger Allwinner to rename/restructure this code, and 
then Allwinner will subsequently (falsely) claim to adhere to the 
licenses. It is however rocksolid proof that will survive even the 
harshest legal scrutiny.

Secondly, removing or hiding LGPLed code does not change the fact that 
the LGPL license once applied to the full source tree (and still does). 
It also does not change the fact that hundreds of thousands of devices 
out there are shipping with LGPL licensed cedar binaries. Allwinner is 
still legally bound to release their whole source code for each and 
every version Allwinner distributed to any party, when requested by that 

> Please help to give a check, if any suggestion, please let me know.
> We will try to fix it ASAP.
> Thanks!

None of the current actions; namely splitting out of the binary into 
another repository, removing vp6 support and attached code, absolves 
Allwinner in any way. At best, it shows that Allwinner does not 
understand or does not want to understand the terms of the (L)GPL.

It is now also extensively proven that Allwinner has no control over the 
contents of the Cedar binaries. Allwinners Cedar binaries are tainted in 
many many different ways and this wholly illegal software cannot be 
distributed and should never have been distributed.

Luc Verhaegen.

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