I'm running this Arch distro on my Banana Pi:


Straight out of the box this distro runs my OpenGl ES code without a problems.

I decided to use a second LCD screen and set the Xorg.conf and script.bin 

This gives me a second screen to use in LXDE. I'm able to move my mouse to the 
second screen and open programs. Keyboard doesn't seems to function though and 
I can't drag windows across the screens.

Enabling Xinerama in Xorg.conf fixes this, now I can drag windows across the 
screens with proper keyboard and mouse support.

However, nowmy OpenGL ES code doesn't function properly anymore. eglInitialize 
returns 3003 (EGL_BAD_ALLOC 0x3003 EGL failed to allocate resources for the 
requested operation.).

I verified I have enough RAM available. Dmesg and Xorg.0.log doesn´t mention 
any memory problems. This error also occurs in es2gears_x11, so I'm fairly 
certain this is not related to my code.

How and why does Xinerama break EGL? Is there a way to fix this?

My goal is to start two EGLContexts from my program and render both 
(fullscreen) to a separate framebuffer (fb0 and fb1 for both screens). With 
DevilSpie I'm able to move windows to the correct screen, but this requires 
Xinerama. Maybe there's a (verified) way to skip X11 and render to framebuffers 

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