On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 11:14:44AM +0200, Luc Verhaegen wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 11:59:50AM +0300, 'Simos Xenitellis' via linux-sunxi 
> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > Another relevant item from the Linux Foundation regarding new members,
> > http://www.linuxfoundation.org/news-media/announcements/2015/06/new-linux-foundation-members-advance-open-source-enterprise
> > 
> > Among the newest members is Allwinner and the press release mentions:
> > 
> > "*Allwinner is joining the Linux Foundation to support Linux and to improve
> > what we see as two important open source software development capabilities:
> > collaboration and compliance,*" said Jack Lee, Chief Marketing Officer,
> > Allwinner Technology.  "*These two concepts are critical yet difficult to
> > master for new Linux community entrants like ourselves.*"
> > 
> > Simos
> Would any of this have happened if Allwinner hadn't been so publically 
> exposed for being the GPL violators that they (still!) are?
> Luc Verhaegen.

Which reminds me... It's been almost a month since they released a 
partial replacement for CedarX.

I think some more noise needs to be made before Allwinner completes 

Luc Verhaegen.

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