Hi Kevin,

I just noticed your edits to our GPL violations page.

It seems that you and Allwinnwer still have not fully comprehended just 
how you went wrong and what can be done to fix it.

The most remarkable changes (which i have undone) were:

a) that since you aren't really using some parts of the code (dram 
scaling) anymore these days, Allwinner isn't really violating the gpl 
all that much anymore and then the fact that it once violated the GPL 
can be totally brushed under the carpet.
b) the fact that allwinner was not the original violator on some 
touchscreen drivers, the fact that it was not allwinner that produced 
those binaries, makes it all totally ok that allwinner shipped those 
binaries, which in turn makes allwinner definitely not a repeat violator 
of the gpl, and this bit of history should totally be brushed under the 
carpet as well.


Have you not learned anything, or are you actively playing with us? How 
many months now have you and the rest of your company had to get up to 
speed on this topic? What is it that is so difficult here, or why are 
you trying to play these games still?

Also, with changes like this, it would not be wrong for me or others to 
block your wiki account. Be very careful what future steps you take.

In a case like this, it is also seriously not done to execute such 
controversial edits yourself. You ask someone from the opposite side 
(like me) or someone totally independent (as in, not one of your 
pathetic strawmen) to review the current status and validity of the 
content of such a controversial wiki page.

It seems that you and Allwinner haven't learned anything there either.

Are the things that i beat into you and allwinner really the only things 
that stick?

Luc Verhaegen.

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