On Wed, Apr 04, 2018 at 01:55:36PM +0000, Benjamin Henrion wrote:
> CHIP goes bankrupt?:
> https://hackaday.com/2018/04/03/is-this-the-end-for-the-c-h-i-p/

Another $hitpi down the drain.

($hitpi: a cheap board, often chinese, trying hard to compete with the 
raspberry pi)

The only notable difference is that this was (at least superficially, 
they did seem to have quite some chinese ties) a .us based kickstarter, 
and their crowdfunding campaign got bitten hard by the GPL violations 

So much so that they made a u-turn halfway through their kickstarter 
campaign and ended up paying free-electrons to have some of their 
developers work on upstream code on paid time.

But mostly, NTC is/was a lot more noise compared to other $hitpis.

The only $hitpi i truly am not glad to have seen go was the cubieboard, 
as Tom Cubies board(s) and attitude helped make linux-sunxi big. And 
that was soon 6 years ago.

Luc Verhaegen.

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