On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 04:20:43PM +0200, Nikolas Zimmermann wrote:
> > I had the Lego cam for while and tried to reverse-engineer it. Its low
> > level protocol is very similar to the Logitech Quickcam Express, but it
> > uses a hardware compression, which I was not able to decode. There is a
> > small hack on my homepage
> > http://wwwbode.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/~acher/quickcam/
> > (under Experiemnting), that gets the raw data stream out of it. Maybe
> > someone has a clue...
> >
> > BTW: The CCD itself is a VV6410 by ST and I have a datasheet for it, but
> > that doesn't help much, since the USB-ASIC (STV610) has no documentation.
> ouf :( STV610 sounds bad...as _you_ (*gg*) know that we only support the
> STV0600

The point is, that the init sequence for the 600 also works for the 610 (ie.
uncompressed mode), BUT the sensor has a different interface (5bit...), so
the data received is synced, but (noisy) black. If yut point the cam to a
large contrasts, it is possible to see a week scheme...

If we find the correct register settings for the VV6410 sensor, we could
use the LegoCam at least in a (slower) uncompressed mode.

         Georg Acher, [EMAIL PROTECTED]         
          "Oh no, not again !" The bowl of petunias          

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