On Mon, Jun 04, 2001 at 02:31:39PM -0700, David Brownell wrote:
> > > And there I was thinking "bandwidth reclamation" was
> > > for optimizing bandwidth usage, not pessimizing it!  :)
> > 
> > USB bandwidth, other busses don't matter...
> I think Pavel was suggesting that's not correct, and PCI bandwidth
> utilization is actually a significant issue.

I know that, I forgot the :-) 
> > But seriously, what should be the correct heuristic for that?
> Would it be practial to have the "one per frame" poll rate until
> an URB starts to see progress, and then try to "reclaim" that
> bandwidth till end-of-URB?  That'd mean a max sized Ethernet
> packet (24 bulk packets) could take a frame or two more than
> necessary, but still much less than 24 frames.

That would need a one ms interrupt to inspect all running TDs, which sounds
like a much higher CPU usage. No real gain...

> >     Decreasing the
> > reclamation duration leads to problems with some devices (as a posting
> > recently showed...). No reclamation provides miserable USB bandwidth and
> > depth first sequence has no fair scheduling.
> I'm not sure I'd see unfair scheduling as a problem, unless there's
> starvation going on.  And it's not like most folk have so many bulk
> USB devices that they'd notice the issue ... scheduled traffic is
> the way to get any "fairness" required.

It is no problem to switch back to depth first, but then it is suboptimal
again for a device that NAKs very often...
         Georg Acher, [EMAIL PROTECTED]         
          "Oh no, not again !" The bowl of petunias          

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