> usb_control_message gives you only the faculty to send a control messsage
> your device as it is described in the USB specs.
Er. Yes I know that. How do I use usb_control_message to send & recieve
as defined in the USB spec. I know how the messages are defined, I know
the messages are (supposed to be).
> I think you haven't studied your device enough...
> Try to look what happens on Windows with SniffUsb...
I don't have that facility.
> Does it use Vendor specific control message ?
Yes but that is irrelevant to the question I asked. I know what messages
I need, how to use the USB sysbstem to send and recieve them is causing
me problems due to lack of documentation on how to use it.
> You should know how the device will send you its response, maybe directly
> the buffer or maybe you'll have to send an other control message to get
> response in the bufffer (if it uses vendor specific control messages)...
> Only you can know how your device behaves...
I'm not asking how my device behaves, I wouldn't expect anyone here
to know that! I'm just asking a fairly basic question on how to
use the USB subsystem. Perhaps it's so basic that people
thought it beneath them to document it. ("Oh it should be obvious
by looking at the code"- it isn't trust me!)
Thanks to Georg who has gone part way to answering my question.
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