I'm sorry to disturb you again.
The writer in usb-skeleton.c use devfs_register funcation to creat a device 
node providing
user access usb device.
I want to creat device node using register_chrdev function,
if I don't use devfs_register funcation.

In the case,I have a error message when I write 
Because 180 major number is usb,I can't get the 180 major number again.

In another case,I try to write "register_chrdev(0,"usb",&fops)",then get major 
number 254 
from usb core.I type "mknod /dev/usb/test c 254 0" in command line to creat a 
device node in /dev/usb/.
Worryingly,usb core tell me have not such device,when I type "cat 
/dev/usb/test" in command line.
???????? WHY......

I want to let read_skel function in usb-skeleton.c operate 
when I type "cat /dev/usb/test" in command line. 
How can I to do if I don't use devfs_register to creat device node.

Please help me
            I am grateful to you.

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