On Fri, 27 Jul 2012, Alexey Filin wrote:

> So USB is not a "classic" bus and not universal, it is a network with
> non-constant delay.
> Are there USB controllers with the "synchronous transfers" reported
> not on microframe boundary, so we can get response less 125 us?
> Is there any USB2.0 spec extension declaring "synchronous transfers"?
> USB is a good choice for some bus adapters, it is used widely, cheap,
> simple. For 2-byte read/write we could use either two bulk IN/OUT
> endpoints (131 * 8kHz ~ 1 MHz) or one control endpoint (table 5-3, 42
> * 8 kHz = 336 kHz). Ethernet is overkill for the task even if it could
> provide 1 us delay.

Gigabit ethernet can transfer around 1000 bits every microsecond.  In
theory that's enough to handle two 2-byte transfers.  But I don't know
what the latency is; probably it depends on the hardware and the

> Is it possible for USB Implementers Forum to add extension for
> "synchronous transfers" to be handled asynchronously with microframe
> boundaries?
> Existing bus adapters use frequently closed proprietary protocols for
> pc-adapter link, e.g. CAEN CONET for PCI(e)-VME (I talk about remote
> adapters to access with a link, not bridges)...

Peter's response was right on the money.  USB wasn't designed to do 
what you want and it wasn't intended to be used that way.  You should 
look into a different technology.  I don't know offhand what schemes 
offer latencies under 1 us, however.  With a general-purpose OS like 
Linux, even with the realtime modifications, you'll find it very 
difficult to achieve such a low latency.

Alan Stern

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