On Fri, 7 Sep 2012, Michael J Gruber wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 11:30 AM, Michael J Gruber
> <michaeljgruber+fedora-li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > [Originally posted to fedora general, where Alan Cox suspected a usb
> > issue and suggested this list.]
> >
> > F17 with current updates gets the sector count wrong (too large by 5)
> > for my SSD (Jetflash USB), resulting in read errors (during boot, fdisk
> > reading the disk etc.) for those sectors. While everything "seems to
> > work" this is not OK, of course. I'd be grateful for any clue.
> >
> > [The device provides USB to S-ATA, is USB3, connected to a USB2 port.]
> >
> > Test systems
> > ============
> > F16 with updates (kernel 3.4.9-2)
> > F17 live (kernel 3.3.4-5)
> > F17 with updates (kernels 3.3.4-5, 3.5.0-2, 3.5.2-3, 3.5.3-1)
> >
> > F16 and F17 live are OK, F17 with updates is not (no matter which
> > kernel), where "OK" means no read errors. So the relevant difference is
> > not in the kernel but something else which has been updated since release.
> Some additional info on the confusing part about 3.3.4-5 being OK with
> live (everything release), not with an otherwise updated install:
> The real issue here seems to be the difference between a (soft) reboot
> and a hard shutdown, then boot. More specifically:
> Boot with 3.3.4-5: OK
> Reboot into 3.5.3-1: not OK
> Reboot into 3.3.4-5: not OK
> Shutdown, then boot into 3.3.4-5: OK
> So, something in the newer kernels seems to put my SSD into a state
> which is cleared by a power off only. Smells like HPA??

This proves the problem is not a USB issue, because USB sends only the
data it is told to send by the SCSI layer.  Try posting your problem on
the linux-scsi mailing list.

Alan Stern

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