Hello Alan,

2012/11/26 Alan Stern <st...@rowland.harvard.edu>:
> On Mon, 26 Nov 2012, Daniele Palmas wrote:
>> Maybe I have to explain better my scenario:
>> Modem is registered to the network. Host suspended, I want my device
>> to wake up the host when it receives, for example, a call or an sms.
> What if the modem isn't registered to the network?  For example, if the
> cdc-acm driver is unloaded.  Does it need remote wakeup to be enabled
> then?

That is a good question: in my specific scenario it is not useful to
have the remote wakeup enabled if the cdc-acm driver is unloaded. But,
though at the moment I cannot identify any, maybe there are situations
in which it is useful to have the remote wakeup enabled even if the
driver is not loaded.

>> This doesn't happen if the driver doesn't send the
>> DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP request. Moreover without this request the modem
>> is bricked.
> Are you sure that "bricked" is the right word?  It means that the
> modem's firmware got corrupted so that it is impossible ever to use the
> modem again unless an EPROM chip is replaced.  Maybe you just meant
> that the modem crashed.

You are right, sorry for my poor English... The modem is crashed, but
after the device reset it still works.

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