I'm trying to bring up an OMAP4 system based on Variscite's OM44 module running 
Linaro's Ubuntu Precise in a headless configuration.  The system contains two 
SMSC LAN7500 USB-GigE chips (not dongles), both of which are fully functional.

The GigE chips don't have EEPROMS, so no permanent MAC addresses can be 
assigned in hardware.  As expected, the smsc75xx driver assigns a random MAC 
address when the interface is discovered and initialized.  However, we need to 
provide consistent MAC addresses on these interfaces.  (Yes, we could respin 
the board to add EEPROMS, but that's a last, and expensive, resort.)

After the system boots, I'd like to change the MAC addresses to specific 
values.  While there are multiple ways to do this (using commands such as 
ifconfig, ip, macchanger, and others), it seems the updated MAC address is 
always overridden when I do "ifconfig ethX up", which causes yet another 
different random MAC address to be created and assigned.  Simply repeating 
ifconfig up/down causes an endless list of random MAC addresses to be generated.

I created a udev rule that I hoped would handle the situation, but it is also 
    SUBSYSTEM=="net", KERNEL=="eth0", RUN+="/sbin/ip link set dev %k address 
    SUBSYSTEM=="net", KERNEL=="eth1", RUN+="/sbin/ip link set dev %k address 

For a single interface, I can use u-boot variables or kernel boot arguments, 
but they seem to work only for the first interface, and I have two.

I've searched extensively for other solutions, but have found none that will 
survive "ifconfig ethX up".

Is there a way to "permanently" tell the smsc75xx device driver to use my 
desired MAC addresses instead of generating random ones every time?  And to 
have the MAC addresses remain unchanged when I bring the interfaces up and down?

I suspect there's a big, obvious clue I'm missing.  Would someone please beat 
me over the head with it?  Using small words and simple examples?



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