I have a Corsair Flash Voyager GT and a Lenovo x220 running Fedora's
3.8.2 kernel.  It doesn't work very well, and the problems vary
depending on whether I'm using usb2 or usb3.

 - On usb3, the device node can't be opened with O_DIRECT (using, for
example, dd oflag=direct).  It returns -EINVAL.  (On usb2, O_DIRECT
 - Also on usb3, if I dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M, dd finishes
in a second or two and no I/O occurs.  This system only has 2GB of RAM
-- caching shouldn't be that extreme.

On either usb version, if I mount an NTFS partition and write a few GB
of data, I get tons of buffer I/O errors.  The point at which they
happen varies, but this is entirely repeatable.  Oddly, dd
if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc oflag=direct bs=1M works fine and
successfully zeroes the whole device.

Other computers (running Windows or OS X) seem fine with this USB
stick.  I don't think the stick is bad.

Any ideas?

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