On Thu, 11 Jul 2013, Victor Yeo wrote:

> Thanks. The USBCV test has tight timing requirement. Once Set-Config
> request is sent out, USBCV sends out Get-Config request to get the
> config value immediately. At that time, gadget driver has not yet done
> the handle_exception. So Get-Config request returns old config value,
> and USBCV declares the test failed. Please see the log below.
> Is there any way to speed up the handle_exception


>  or to ask the USBCV
> host to not send out Get-Config immediately?

I am not at all familiar with USBCV, but I doubt it.

However, the USB-2 spec says (section that devices should be
able to carry out requests with no Data stage (such as Set-Config)
within 50 ms.  Does your gadget really take longer than that to handle
the exception?

To find out, collect a usbmon trace showing what happens when your new 
driver is plugged into a Linux host.

>  I have set the NAK and
> stall the endpoint 0 after receiving Set-Config request, however,

That doesn't make sense.  Stalling the endpoint means sending a STALL 
packet.  You can't send both a STALL and a NAK.

> Get-Config request is still sent out by USBCV host immediately.

There should be at least a 50-ms delay, unless the UDC driver is doing 
something wrong.

Alan Stern

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