On Thu, 2013-08-15 at 03:47 -0500, Peter Hyman wrote:
> On 08/14/2013 06:03 PM, Dan Williams wrote:
> snip...
> > It's almost certainly not the domain of the driver to switch this mode,
> > it's the responsibility of userland.  Kernel drivers must only talk to
> > the device, they are not supposed to do any kind of policy or switching.
> > Also, it would have to be a choice to switch, since some users may
> > already be using the out-of-tree Beceem WiMAX stack and drivers and we
> > can't screw it up for them.
> >
> > It's possible that we could determine the current mode via the
> > proprietary QCDM using the "modepref" tool from ModemManager sources:
> >
> > http://cgit.freedesktop.org/ModemManager/ModemManager/tree/libqcdm/tests
> >
> > but QCDM has no "WIMAX" option that I'm aware of, so I'd be quite
> > curious to see what modepref reports when the device is in 4G-only mode.
> > I've attached an x86_64 build of modepref, give it a shot on ttyUSB1,
> > ttyUSB2, or ttyUSB3 and see what comes out:
> >
> > modepref /dev/ttyUSB1 --debug
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Dan
> I ran modepref in both 3G and 4G modes. Output attached. They look
> identical to me. Anything stand out?

Nothing, except that QCDM doesn't appear to know anything about the mode
here.  There must be some other mechanism that controls the 3G/4G mode
stuff, can you send me the traces you sent Bjorn so I can see if
anything there looks interesting?


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