Stanescu Victor <> writes:

> victor@victor-laptop:~$ lsusb -vd 03f0:521d

>      Interface Descriptor:
>        bLength                 9
>        bDescriptorType         4
>        bInterfaceNumber        4
>        bAlternateSetting       1
>        bNumEndpoints           3

Yup, there's the expected 3 endpoint altsetting.

>    Configuration Descriptor:
>      bLength                 9
>      bDescriptorType         2
>      wTotalLength          129
>      bNumInterfaces          3
>      bConfigurationValue     2
>      iConfiguration          3 configuration 1
>      bmAttributes         0xa0
>        (Bus Powered)
>        Remote Wakeup
>      MaxPower              500mA
>      Interface Association:
>        bLength                 8
>        bDescriptorType        11
>        bFirstInterface         0
>        bInterfaceCount         2
>        bFunctionClass          2 Communications
>        bFunctionSubClass      14
>        bFunctionProtocol       0
>        iFunction               0
>      Interface Descriptor:
>        bLength                 9
>        bDescriptorType         4
>        bInterfaceNumber        0
>        bAlternateSetting       0
>        bNumEndpoints           1
>        bInterfaceClass         2 Communications
>        bInterfaceSubClass     14
>        bInterfaceProtocol      0
>        iInterface              0
>        CDC Header:
>          bcdCDC               1.10
>        CDC MBIM:
>          bcdMBIMVersion       1.00
>          wMaxControlMessage   1024
>          bNumberFilters       16
>          bMaxFilterSize       20
>          wMaxSegmentSize      1500
>          bmNetworkCapabilities 0x20
>            8-byte ntb input size

And this was what I was hoping for in the 2nd configuration.  You should
be able to use this with the cdc_mbim driver and a very recent
ModemMananager without adding any device IDs.

But I don't understand how you ended up with Linux selecting cfg #1 by
default? I thought Linux would prefer cfg #2 here because the first
interface has a proper class.  Strange.  In any case, you should be able
to switch to it by using

 echo 2 >  /sys/bus/usb/devices/x-y/bConfigurationValue

where 'x-y' is the bus and port the device is connected to.

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