Hi Alan,

Need your help looking over this detail here. When I run g_mass_storage
with stall=0 everything works fine. As soon as I remove it, things go

Looking at the bulk-only spec, I see:

"6.7.2 Hi - Host expects to receive data from the device

[ ... ]

The specific device requirements are:

1. The device shall receive a CBW.
2. When the CBW is valid and meaningful, then:
        . The device shall attempt the command.
        . [Case (6)]
        If the device intends to send dCBWDataTransferLength, then:
                The device shall send dCBWDataTransferLength bytes of

                The device shall set bCSWStatus to 00h or 01h.

                The device shall set dCSWDataResidue to zero.

Case (6) is when Hi == Di, looking at my logs, I have:

720 [  286.843965] SCSI CDB: 1a 00 3f 00 c0 00
721 [  286.844000] g_mass_storage gadget: SCSI command: MODE SENSE(6); Dc=6, 
Di=192;  Hc=6, Hi=192
722 [  286.844018] g_mass_storage gadget: bulk-in set halt
723 [  286.844034] g_mass_storage gadget: sending command-failure status
724 [  286.844045] g_mass_storage gadget:   sense data: SK x06, ASC x29, ASCQ 
x00;  info x0

Isn't it wrong to halt in this condition ?



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