Kevin - it works! the key seems to be in the tx_fixup function; there is a 
special handling for frames effectively.
Please ... help me backport those changes to the standard Linux driver - it 
will be a gain for us all, and in general you'll have a more probable 
maintenance than you would with the driver from huawei.
Sorry huawei guys - I respect you, but there is a reason if drivers needs some 
modifications to get merged. Hoping not to sound arrogant, my intent was only 
to be clear.

On Tue, 2 Dec 2014, Kevin Zhu wrote:

==Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2014 09:03:21
==From: Kevin Zhu <>
==To: Eli Britstein <>,
==    Enrico Mioso <>
==Cc: Bjørn Mork <>, Alex Strizhevsky <>,
==    Midge Shaojun  Tan <>,
==    "" <>,
==    "" <>,
==    "" <>
==Subject: Re: Is this 32-bit NCM?
==Below is the content of the INF file oem54.inf.
==; Copyright (c) 2010,2011 Huawei Incorporated
==; Manufacturer: Huawei Incorporated
==; CDC ECM & NCM driver
==Signature="$WINDOWS NT$"
==%Mfg% = DeviceList,NTx86,NTamd64
==1 = %ew_wwanecm.DiskName%,,,""
==ew_wwanecm.sys  = 1,,
==; For Win2K
==%PNP21_HW_NetworkDesc%     = ew_wwanecm.ndi,
==%PNP21_VDF_NetworkDesc%    = ew_wwanecm.ndi,
==%PNP21_NetworkDesc%        = ew_wwanecm.ndi,
==%PNP21_HW_3G_NetworkDesc%  = ew_wwanecm.ndi,
==%PNP21_VDF_NetworkDesc%    = ew_wwanecm.ndi,
==%PNP21_NetworkDesc%        = ew_wwanecm.ndi,
==%PNP21_HW_NetworkDesc%     = ew_wwanecm.ndi,
==; for logo test
==%HUAWEI_NDISDeviceDesc%    = ew_wwanecm.ndi, USB\VID_12D1&PID_158F&MI_00
==; For WinXP and later
==%PNP21_HW_NetworkDesc%     = ew_wwanecm.ndi,
==%PNP21_VDF_NetworkDesc%    = ew_wwanecm.ndi,
==%PNP21_NetworkDesc%        = ew_wwanecm.ndi,
==%PNP21_HW_3G_NetworkDesc%  = ew_wwanecm.ndi,
==%PNP21_VDF_NetworkDesc%    = ew_wwanecm.ndi,
==%PNP21_NetworkDesc%        = ew_wwanecm.ndi,
==%PNP21_HW_NetworkDesc%     = ew_wwanecm.ndi,
==; for logo test
==%HUAWEI_NDISDeviceDesc% = ew_wwanecm.ndi, USB\VID_12D1&PID_158F&MI_00
==; For XP and later x64
==%PNP21_HW_NetworkDesc%     = ew_wwanecm.ndi,
==%PNP21_VDF_NetworkDesc%    = ew_wwanecm.ndi,
==%PNP21_NetworkDesc%        = ew_wwanecm.ndi,
==%PNP21_HW_3G_NetworkDesc%  = ew_wwanecm.ndi,
==%PNP21_VDF_NetworkDesc%    = ew_wwanecm.ndi,
==%PNP21_NetworkDesc%        = ew_wwanecm.ndi,
==%PNP21_HW_NetworkDesc%     = ew_wwanecm.ndi,
==; for logo test
==%HUAWEI_NDISDeviceDesc% = ew_wwanecm.ndi, USB\VID_12D1&PID_158F&MI_00
==; Virtual Ethernet Adapter
==*IfType            = 243 ; IF_TYPE_WWANPP
==*MediaType         = 9; NdisMediumWirelessWan
==*PhysicalMediaType = 8 ; NdisPhysicalMediumWirelessWan
==EnableDhcp         = 0 ; DHCP Disabled
==Characteristics    = 0x84 ; NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL
==BusType            = 15 ; if you specify NCF_PHYSICAL, you must specify
==AddReg             = ew_wwanecm.Reg, ParamsPromiscuous, ParamsFrameType,
==ParamsIsNtb32, ParamsNTBInputSize, ParamsPacketsAccumulationTimeout,
==ParamsMaxNumOfDatagramsInNTB, FlowControlTimeOut,
==DisableAccumulationUpdate, WwanMbimEnable, NcmReinitializeEnable
==CopyFiles          = ew_wwanecm.CopyFiles
==HKR,, Platform,0x00010001,0x3
==HKR,, WWAN,0x00010001,0x1
==HKR,, "SelectiveSuspendIdleTime", 0x00010001, 0x05
==AddService      = %ServiceName%, 2, ew_wwanecm.Service, ew_wwanecm.EventLog
==AddReg = WWAN_AddReg
==HKR,    ,                         BusNumber,           0, "0"
==HKR,    ,                         MPRadioState,        0x00010001,
==0x00000001       ;RadioState
==HKR, Ndi,                         Service,             0, "hwusb_wwanecm"
==HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,              UpperRange,          0, "flpp4" and
==HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,              LowerRange,          0, "ppip"
==;    Should the physical NIC be set to Promiscuous mode
==HKR, Ndi\Params\Promiscuous,     ParamDesc, , %Promiscuous%
==HKR, Ndi\Params\Promiscuous,     Default,  ,"0"
==HKR, Ndi\Params\Promiscuous,     type, ,      enum
==HKR, Ndi\Params\Promiscuous\enum,"1",  ,     %Promiscuous_Enable%
==HKR, Ndi\Params\Promiscuous\enum,"0",  , %Promiscuous_Disable%
==HKR, Ndi\Params\FrameType,     ParamDesc, 0, %FrameType%
==HKR, Ndi\Params\FrameType,     type,      0, enum
==HKR, Ndi\Params\FrameType,     Default,   0, "0"
==HKR, Ndi\Params\FrameType\enum,"1",       0, %FrameType_IP%
==HKR, Ndi\Params\FrameType\enum,"0",       0, %FrameType_Ethernet%
==HKR, Ndi\Params\IsNtb32,      ParamDesc, , %IsNtb32%
==HKR, Ndi\Params\IsNtb32,      Default, , "1"
==HKR, Ndi\Params\IsNtb32,      type, , enum
==HKR, Ndi\Params\IsNtb32\enum, "1", , "Yes"
==HKR, Ndi\Params\IsNtb32\enum, "0", , "No"
==HKR, Ndi\Params\NTBInputSize,     ParamDesc, , %NTBInputSize%
==; If the following size is larger than the maximum allowed by the
==device, the
==; maximum value is used. 0 means to use the maximum allowed value of the
==HKR, Ndi\Params\NTBInputSize,     Default, , "0"
==HKR, Ndi\Params\NTBInputSize,     type, , dword
==HKR, Ndi\Params\PacketsAccumulationTimeout,     ParamDesc, ,
==; Unit of PacketsAccumulationTimeout is usecs. Default value is 20 us.
==HKR, Ndi\Params\PacketsAccumulationTimeout,     Default, , "20"
==HKR, Ndi\Params\PacketsAccumulationTimeout,     type, , dword
==HKR, Ndi\Params\MaxNumOfDatagramsInNTB,     ParamDesc, ,
==HKR, Ndi\Params\MaxNumOfDatagramsInNTB,     Default, , "64"
==HKR, Ndi\Params\MaxNumOfDatagramsInNTB,     type, , dword
==HKR, Ndi\Params\FlowControlTimeOut,     ParamDesc, , %FlowControlTimeout%
==HKR, Ndi\Params\FlowControlTimeOut,     Default, , "2800"
==HKR, Ndi\Params\FlowControlTimeOut,     type, , dword
==HKR, Ndi\Params\disable_accumulation_update,     ParamDesc, ,
==HKR, Ndi\Params\disable_accumulation_update,     Default, , "0"
==HKR, Ndi\Params\disable_accumulation_update,     type, , dword
==HKR, Ndi\Params\WwanMbimEnable, ParamDesc, , %WwanMbimEnable%
==HKR, Ndi\Params\WwanMbimEnable, Default, , "0"
==HKR, Ndi\Params\WwanMbimEnable, type, , dword
==HKR, Ndi\Params\NcmReinitializeEnable, ParamDesc, , %NcmReinitializeEnable%
==HKR, Ndi\Params\NcmReinitializeEnable, Default, , "1"
==HKR, Ndi\Params\NcmReinitializeEnable, type, , dword
==; DestinationDirs
==ew_wwanecm.CopyFiles = 12
==; Driver and Service Section
==ServiceType     = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%
==StartType       = 3 ;%SERVICE_DEMAND_START%
==ErrorControl    = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL%
==ServiceBinary   = %12%\ew_wwanecm.sys
==LoadOrderGroup  = NDIS
==AddReg          = ew_wwanecm.Service.Reg
==HKR, , TextModeFlags,    0x00010001, 0x0001
==HKR, Parameters, DebugLevel, 0x00010001, 1
==HKR, Parameters, WwanLogoTestOn, 0x00010001, 0
==AddReg = ew_wwanecm.AddEventLog.Reg
==HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll"
==HKR, , TypesSupported,   0x00010001, 7
==; Localizable Strings
==Mfg = "HUAWEI"
==HUAWEI_NDISDeviceDesc      = "HUAWEI Mobile Connect - Network Adapter"
==;PNP2.1 Device descriptor
==PNP21_HW_3G_NetworkDesc = "HUAWEI Mobile Connect - 3G Network Card"
==PNP21_HW_NetworkDesc = "HUAWEI Mobile Connect - Network Card"
==PNP21_NetworkDesc = "Mobile Connect - Network Card"
==PNP21_VDF_NetworkDesc = "Vodafone Mobile Broadband Network Adapter
==ew_wwanecm.DiskName        = "DriverCore Installation Disk"
==Promiscuous                = "Set the physical NIC to promiscuous mode"
==Promiscuous_Disable        = "Disable"
==ServiceName                = "hwusb_wwanecm"
==Promiscuous_Enable         = "Enable"
==FrameType                  = "Frame Type in driver-device communications"
==FrameType_Ethernet         = "Ethernet"
==FrameType_IP               = "IP"
==IsNtb32                    = "32bit mode"
==NTBInputSize               = "NTB input size"
==PacketsAccumulationTimeout = "Packets Accumulation Timeout [usec]"
==MaxNumOfDatagramsInNTB     = "Maximum number of datagrams in NTB"
==FlowControlTimeout         = "Flow Control timeout interval in ms"
==DisableAccumulationUpdate  = "Flag to disable NCM accumulation auto
==WwanMbimEnable             = "Flag to enable WWAN MBIM function"
==NcmReinitializeEnable      = "Flag to enable NCM reinitialize after resume"
==On 12/02/2014 03:45 PM, Eli Britstein wrote:
==> Outlook blocked the attachment. Please zip it and resend.
==> Thanks,
==> Best regards,
==> Eli Britstein
==> SW Team Leader and Project Manager
==> MP2xx Residential Gateways
==> Tel:         +972-3-9764148
==> Mobile:  +972-54-2312677
==> Fax:        +972-3-9764040
==> Email:
==> Web:
==> -----Original Message-----
==> From: Kevin Zhu
==> Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2014 9:44
==> To: Enrico Mioso
==> Cc: Eli Britstein; Bjørn Mork; Alex Strizhevsky; Midge Shaojun Tan;;;
==> Subject: Re: Is this 32-bit NCM?
==> Hi all,
==> Here's the registry from windows 7. Attached. One parameter that might be 
interesting is MaxNumOfDatagramInNTB, which is 64. I wonder if it has something 
to do with MaxDatagramSize. Can someone also check the registry, in case I 
missed something?
==> Regards,
==> Kevin
==> On 12/02/2014 02:49 PM, Enrico Mioso wrote:
==>> Can you try to look at Windows registry keys based on the INF file as
==>> suggested or would this be a problem for you?
==>> And... if you have any Huawei manutal talking about it: even device's
==>> ^DSFLOWRPT might be useful to some extent, but ... this is only just a
==>> note in case we don't find anything else.
==>> Regards ... and good day to all of you, Enrico
==>> On Tue, 2 Dec 2014, Kevin Zhu wrote:
==>> ==Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2014 07:43:24
==>> ==From: Kevin Zhu <>
==>> ==To: Enrico Mioso <>
==>> ==Cc: Eli Britstein <>, Bjørn Mork 
==>> ==    Alex Strizhevsky <>,
==>> ==    Midge Shaojun  Tan <>,
==>> ==    "" <>,
==>> ==    "" <>,
==>> ==    "" <>
==>> ==Subject: Re: Is this 32-bit NCM?
==>> ==
==>> ==I also tried to define CDC_NCM_DPT_DATAGRAMS_MAX as 1 to eliminate
==>> the ==paddings, but it did not work either, not even DHCP.
==>> ==
==>> ==Regards,
==>> ==Kevin
==>> ==
==>> ==On 12/02/2014 02:32 PM, Enrico Mioso wrote:
==>> ==> Hi again Eli,
==>> ==> Hi Kevin,
==>> ==> Hi everyone...
==>> ==>
==>> ==> As I understand it anyway - the distinction here tends not to be
==>> between ==> different types of packets.
==>> ==> It tends to be between received and sent packet.
==>> ==> We are not able to generate packets that the device retains valid.
==>> ==> If you manually configure the IP the device would have assigned
==>> you via DHCP, ==> your system will start answering ARP request, saying
==>> that the host with IP ==> is at aa:bb:cc:dd:ee (using the MC 
address of the dongle).
==>> ==> However, the other host (gateway) will never know that. Indeed,
==>> it'll continue ==> asking who-is at ?
==>> ==> At least, this is the situation I observed in the test system.
==>> ==>
==>> ==>
==>> ==> On Tue, 2 Dec 2014, Kevin Zhu wrote:
==>> ==>
==>> ==> ==Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2014 04:53:53
==>> ==> ==From: Kevin Zhu <> ==> ==To: Eli
==>> Britstein <>,
==>> ==> ==    Enrico Mioso <>
==>> ==> ==Cc: Bjørn Mork <>, Alex Strizhevsky <>,
==>> ==> ==    Midge Shaojun  Tan <>,
==>> ==> ==    "" <>,
==>> ==> ==    "" <>,
==>> ==> ==    "" <>
==>> ==> ==Subject: Re: Is this 32-bit NCM?
==>> ==> ==
==>> ==> ==Hi,
==>> ==> ==
==>> ==> ==The DHCP packets have the maximum size of dwNtbOutMaxSize=16384,
==>> while ==> ==the other packets are less than that. However, the DHCP
==>> queries are not ==> ==replied in time either, there's always some delay.
==>> ==> ==
==>> ==> ==By the way, though the device claims to support
==>> GET_MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE, ==> ==but it returns error when the host sends
==>> this command to it. I disabled ==> ==this command in NCM driver and tried, 
but it's the same result.
==>> ==> ==
==>> ==> ==Regards,
==>> ==> ==Kevin
==>> ==> ==
==>> ==> ==On 12/02/2014 06:02 AM, Eli Britstein wrote:
==>> ==> ==> Hi Enrico and all,
==>> ==> ==>
==>> ==> ==> Maybe I missed something but what is the difference by the driver 
point of view between the dhcp discover and request (that are ok) to others 
(like arp, that is nok)?
==>> ==> ==> Maybe we can trace to compare them?
==>> ==> ==>
==>> ==> ==> Sent from my iPhone
==>> ==> ==>
==>> ==> ==>> On 1 בדצמ 2014, at 23:11, "Enrico Mioso" <> 
==>> ==> ==>>
==>> ==> ==>> So ... I have two ideas left for now.
==>> ==> ==>> We know for sure the problem is in the way we TX frames, not
==>> the way we RX them ==> ==>> (the way we send, generate them, not the way 
we receive them).
==>> ==> ==>> Si I have two ideas, and I ask for help from the Linux-usb
==>> mailing list for ==> ==>> this first one.
==>> ==> ==>>
==>> ==> ==>> 1 - Does a wayexist to "replay" traffic crom a usb capture?
==>> ==> ==>> We might try to take the usb frames generated by Windows, and
==>> send them to the ==> ==>> device to see if there is any reaction. It
==>> should not be science fiction, I saw ==> ==>> them do that in the eciadsl 
old project.
==>> ==> ==>> 2 - The huawei ndis driver: does it work with these devices?
==>> ==> ==>> It should be a little bit out-dated now (at least in terms of
==>> dates, it might ==> ==>> work as well): the code is A LOT but, just in
==>> case, to see if there is any ==> ==>> chances it'll work. It remains
==>> to be seen in which kernels it can actually ==> ==>> compile again.
==>> ==> ==>>
==>> ==> ==>> If this works we might analyse what's happening and try to debug 
this out.
==>> ==> ==>> But I really would like this to work in the cdc_ncm driver + 
==>> ==> ==>> Thank you.
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