
William Wu <william...@rock-chips.com> writes:
> Add snps,phyif_utmi_16_bits devicetree property. USB2 phy

this needs a quirk_ prefix...

> interface is hardware property, and it's platform dependent,
> so we need to configure it in devicetree to set the core to
> support a UTMI+ PHY with an 8- or 16-bit interface.
> And refer to the dwc3 databook, the GUSB2PHYCFG.USBTRDTIM
> must set to the corresponding value according to the usb2
> phy interface.

right, that's fine. But also note on section 8.1.1 Table 8-1 where it

| GUSB2PHYCFG | Program the following PHY configuration fields: USBTrdTim, |
|             | FSIntf, PHYIf, TOUTCal, or leave the default values if     |
|             | the correct power-on values were selected during           |
|             | coreConsultant configuration.  Note: The PHY must not      |
|             | be enabled for auto-resume in device mode. Hence the       |
|             | field GUSB2PHYCFG[15] (ULPIAutoRes) must be written        |
|             | with '0' during the power-on initialization in case        |
|             | the reset value is '1'.                                    |
|             |                                                            |

You only need this because your core was badly configured in


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