On Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 4:26 PM, John Youn <john.y...@synopsys.com> wrote:
> On 12/6/2016 4:05 PM, John Stultz wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 3:17 PM, John Youn <john.y...@synopsys.com> wrote:
>>> Also, do you really need this at all? Wasn't your system previously
>>> able to detect the ID pin change correctly via the connection id
>>> status change interrupt? This would only be needed if that were not
>>> the case.
>> So it can be made work w/o this, but we needed other hacks because the
>> usb-gadget disconnect logic never triggered when the cable was
>> unplugged. The controller would jump over to host mode, then when we
>> re-plugged in the usb-gadget cable, it would fail often as we never
>> got a disconnect signal.  That's why earlier I was using this hack to
>> force gadget disconnect before the reset was called:
>> https://lkml.org/lkml/2016/10/20/26
> Other than the triggering WARN_ON() in fifo init, is there any other
> negative effects?

Well, when we see the WARN_ON, it doesn't connect into usb-gadget
mode. I had to unplug and re-plug the cable.
(The hack I linked to above avoids this, but I suspect its not correct).

Also Amit Pundir had mentioned earlier that the UDC sysfs state
doesn't get reported correctly since it doesn't register the
usb-gadget as unplugged until the cable is re-inserted.

> We are revisiting this fifo init code and I think the fifo init is not
> necessary for USB_RESET purposes. This should get rid of a race
> condition where the EP's are not disabled before attempting to
> initialize their FIFO's. Which should get rid of the WARN_ON().
> If this is the only issue, then this will probably resolve it.

(Basically that and the two suspend fixes I sent along in this patchset :).

I'd be happy to test anything you're playing with.

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