On Thu, 25 May 2017, Harald Welte wrote:

> What are you referring-to specifically?  We have two distinct issues
> here:
> a) the fact that you can "remove" the device (disable the "enable"
>    feature), but there is no similar interface for re-enabling the
>    "enable" feature (which appears to be done implicitly by setting the
>    "reset" feature).  I think this should be safe and well within the
>    USB spec, shouldn't it?

You misunderstand the interface.  The intent of the "remove" file is
not to turn off the enable status; it is to tell the kernel that _you_
are about to unplug the device and therefore the kernel should stop
using it.  In addition, the kernel should put the device into a state 
where the device thinks it can safely be unplugged (some devices turn 
on an LED to tell the user when it's okay to unplug them).

There's no need for a complementary interface because the kernel 
automatically starts using a device after it is plugged in.

Also, the "remove" file isn't guaranteed to turn off the enable 
status.  This is a side effect, and it differs between USB-2 and 

> b) the fact that the device can be powered off and the kernel learning
>    about this status change but still happily having the device in its
>    data structures.  You can argue which condition keeps the "connect"
>    feature, but is there a valid use case for a device without the
>    "power" feature still being in the internal lists?  How can it be
>    connected without power?  Even a self-powered device is not supposed
>    to become active unless it sees VBus, right?

The kernel doesn't specifically check the power status of a port; it 
looks at the connect and enable statuses.  If they indicate the device 
is still attached and running, the kernel believes them.

If a hub is buggy and provides inconsistent information (power off, 
connect or enable on), how can the kernel tell what to believe?

> I guess even if we don't have 'c', 'a' and 'b' can still be adressed:
> * add a mechanism by which the "enable" feature can be set after it has
>   been removed e.g. by means of the "echo > remove".  Not related to
>   power switching at all, merely a matter of having orthogonal
>   interfaces: If you can remove it, you can add it again.  Non-removable
>   USB is pretty frequent these days, think of hub chips built onto
>   mainboards, or USB hub + card reader built into the display.  you
>   cannot re-plug in one chip into the hub on the circuit board next to
>   it.

Resetting the device attached to the port should accomplish what you
want.  A reset can be issued via an ioctl or libusb.

> * as the USB spec states that the "connect" feature should be cleared
>   when "power" is cleared, and there apparently are hubs out there who
>   think it's not their job to do so:  Should the hub.c kernel driver
>   work around that by either clearing it by itself, or by doing a
>   usb_remove_device() in that situation?

The kernel driver cannot actually clear the connect status; the USB
protocol offers no way of doing this.  But we could check for power-off
status and treat it as a disconnect.

I'm not sure there's any good reason for adding this, however.  You'd 
still face the same problem of how to tell the kernel that the device 
(or a different device!) is now attached to the port when the power is 

Alan Stern

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