If I, as one of those 'on the other side of the table', could put in my two
pennyworth (2 cents?).

 > Maybe if we try to match up installers to installees before the day.

I think that you had the tools, but you didn't use them!

The announcement Web page was excellent and the registration requested
details of PC and Linux Dist 'so that installers could be matched to
installees'. I was most impressed.
However, it all 'fell apart' for me when on arrival the first thing I was
asked was to fill in a form with all the details I had previously provided
on registration. When querying what happened to the registration info I was
simply told, "We have 90 coming, and still counting".
Possibly a registration cut-off would have enabled someone to print off
registration details, collate and 'match up' (as 'best as', realising that
arrival times were not known), and all could have been ready with only a
'no claim' signature required. 

Please note that I am not complaining, in any shape or form. For me the day
was great. Also, if you get we newbies 'up to speed' for the next such day
there will be more helpers, if only to make the tea so that the milk
doesn't get a chance to curdle next time!


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