1. I've just started using Konqeror for web browsing (apparently Mandrake distro's 
only web browser) but am confronted by an error message every time K is started: "The 
file or Directory /usr/share/doc/HTML/index.html does not exist" and the path to the 
missing file is displayed in the location bar. 
I do not know what that file is and it is certainly nowhere on my system so how do I 
stop K from referring to it? 
2. On booting, an error box telling me that a crossword puzzle site I use frequently 
is not available, only this message box overlays another with eaxctly the same message 
so I have to cancel both! I'm sure that I have had finger trouble somewhere but where? 
3. I cannot print images from web pages (the contents of a crossword box for example) 
in K.) (Netscape did it beautifully) Thanks, John.

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