On Mon, Apr 07, 2003 at 12:59:46PM +1200, Mahesh De Silva wrote:
> Dam i was thinking of switching to paradise dsl,
> hoping to get the same performance as cable. Is the
> speed issue with telecom/ADSL? 
> Any one recamend a good ISP. I was with Net4u, but
> there fait is uncertain.

% /usr/local/sbin/mtr --report www.nzherald.co.nz
HOST                                    LOSS  RCVD SENT    BEST     AVG   WORST
202-49-70-51.plain.net.nz                 0%    16   16    0.62    0.75    0.85
202-0-60-254.paradise.net.nz              0%    16   16   50.40   51.29   52.66                           0%    16   16   51.30   59.58   74.63
kelly.ipnet2.paradise.net.nz              0%    16   16   52.95   72.35  120.33
fa7-0.bertha.paradise.net.nz              0%    16   16   53.84   70.36  113.17
g1-0-1042.u21.tar.telstraclear.net        0%    16   16   57.16   66.38   92.56
fa0-1.b1.lqy.wlg.tsnz.net                 0%    16   16   57.11   77.86  265.02
fa4-0-0.b2.sxb.akl.tsnz.net               0%    16   16   68.35   78.67  184.59
wilsonh.b2.sxb.tsnz.net                   0%    16   16   68.47   80.08  103.87
whgc7.wilsonandhorton.co.nz               0%    16   16   67.56   75.44   92.58
nzherald.co.nz                            0%    16   16   69.07   73.70   83.68

They're variable.  Right now they're not too bad.  But there's still
congestion on 

The first hop's confusing, because when using ADSL I'm natting internet ip

Anyway, look at .. that ip number sometimes rises to 150
msec.  And you can't get anywhere useful without traversing it.  In the
evening or weekend it's worse.  With cable there was only a few msec of
congestion unless things were really screwed, like over second pings, but
I noticed that less than once a week.  

Even Christchurch to Christchurch ADSL seems to hit it...

Paradise seems to have national traffic routing via Sydney occasionally -
but other than that, their core network seems pretty decent.

Paridse ADSL actually had a period of time when it took like an hour to
connect, with frequent disconnections.  But now the connection seems to
last for days. (I'm hoping this will move to months, damn dynamic IP)


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