Hello All

Some help please if you are interested in World Summit on the
Information Society, or in the work the NZ Government is doing (or
not doing) to promote ITC use in NZ.

Regarding WSIS I think there is far too much emphasis on the growth
of the telecommunications industry and far too little focus on the
sensible use of resources.  Broadband might be nice, but it's not
essential, and it's not a good use of resources (even in NZ) to offer
broadband access to almost everyone.  In third world countries it far
more critical to supply clean water and Hiv-Aids protection, to stop
the aggressive sale of tobacco and a 100 other things ahead of
broadband access.  The focus there needs to be on low cost but
capable computers, optimised for email in ASCII mode.  Email, lists,
texts in local languages, html applications available but not the
main focus.  In the third world freedom from censorship and
harassment and arbitrary detention based on email communication or
use of the WWW would be nice.  Sadly, everywhere governments are keen
to get the "official propaganda" out, and are reluctant to allow open
public communication.

Interestingly the official propaganda is that you can’t trust the
things said on the internet.  I can think of many topics where the
best information and the only access to something close to the truth
is on the internet.   For instance mainstream newspapers in the USA
are now saying openly that there never were any WMD in Iraq.  That
"news" has been available and well documented on the internet for at
least two years.   So where was the best and most reliable

Everywhere far more focus is required on how people are using their
computers and on how they might improve their knowledge in ways that
they find interesting and desirable.  Those who are heavy users like
myself completely miss the mark when we suggest what would be good
for average users.  That's a problem.  (If you want to tell me how
you use the internet, email, chat rooms, irc, instant messages,
lists, web publishing, blogging, etc I’m interested.   Please do some
counting, numbers, time, frequency.)

The NZ Government set forth 7 objectives 12 months ago.  They
established a community web site, which I'm sure hardly any of you
know about.  Not much loss actually because there's nothing happening
there. See  http://www.community.net.nz/

Those 7 objectives are:
1/. To develop and adapt best-practice ICT planning tools for
community organisations.
2/. To co-ordinate central government assistance.
3/. To strengthen organisational infrastructures to support community
ITC access.
4/. To develop communications and networking.
5/. To develop an ICT research and evaluation programme.
6/. To ensure the availability of training programmes for workers
supporting community ICT projects.
7/. Relationship development and partnership leveraging between
communities, the government and key corporate and philanthropic

A potentially useful set of words but I can't see it happening.  I'm
fairly sure that they don't have a clue what to do.

Community.net.nz/ is certainly not a leading example of community
participation.  Look at other government web sites, they have
improved, but they are designed like newspapers, they are
broadcasting official points of view.   Mostly people are not going
to be interested unless we can see their own point of view reflected
and understood.  Essentially government decision makers don't
understand what they are dealing with.

Comments would be appreciated.   This might be off topic for this
list, although I think it concerns us all.  Private replies might be


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