>I have never picked one up, to be honest.  However, I could imagine that
>the CRT in the eMac is very heavy.  When I was comparing the new iMac to
>the eMac, I was more referring to the processing power, rather than the
>As far a portability, I find carrying a PC is a pain, no matter the make
>or model.  One trip for the monitor, one for the box, and a final trip
>for the keyboard, cables and mouse!

I made the comment simply because the iMac had a nice handle on the case,
and even tho they were fairly heavy for their size, they were easy to
carry around. For some reason this handle is absent from the eMac.

On a side note, the handle on top of one iMac finally gave way as we were
shipping them off, suprisingly iMacs handle a fall of about a foot quite
>Oh, Zarus! How I Envy Thee.
>Michael JasonSmith      http://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/~mpj17/

Hamish McBrearty     MCSE  MCSA
Network Engineer
Rangi Ruru Girls' School
59 Hewitts Road
Ph 03 355-6099
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