I'm baffled by the way cups is (mis)behaving on my wife's system.

Background: She's got my old PII-266 running RedHat 7.3, kernel just
updated to 2.4.20-19.7.  The printer is a LaserJet 4L on /dev/lp0. Until
a few nights ago everything was fine; indeed both of us used the
LaserJet as our main print device.  After a peculiar crash followed by a
thoroughly inept attempt at recovery by me, her Linux partitions were
destroyed and I had to start all over.  Reinstalled RH 7.3 from the CDs
and updated relevant files via RHN.  

Now cups won't let us print anything EXCEPT the test page from the cups
admin screen, which prints perfectly.  Trying to print from an
application on her machine or mine (on the network), nothing happens. 
Trying to print from a terminal window, I get the following:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] <her home directory>]# man lpr | lpr
Status Information:
 connecting to 'localhost', attempt 1
 cannot open connection to localhost - Connection refused
Make sure the remote host supports the LPD protocol
[EMAIL PROTECTED] <her home directory>]#

If I print a test page from the cups admin screen, it shows up as a
job.  If I try to print from an application or a terminal window, it
never shows up in the job queue.

I tried switching her to LPRng and - lo and behold - it works.  Perfect
test page, good output from applications.

Switch back to cups, still no go.  Switch back to LPRng, now get the
same error as with cups!  Wipe the printer out in the RH LPRng
configuration GUI tool, reinstall it and we're printing OK again with

I tried uninstalling the cups package, downloading it again from RH and
reinstalling, but this changed nothing.

I tried rebooting into the 2.4.18-3 kernel which she was running prior
to the crash, and this also changed nothing.

We're using cups 1.1.14-15.4 which is apparently the most recent version
that is compatible with RH 7.3.  I'm using the same version on my
machine with no problems.

Can anyone help me get cups going again for her?


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