Yes, the larger installation will be very remote - in England!

Downloading updates won't be a problem, but rpm hell might be! I've only had a 
few hours playing with RH9, so I've yet to encounter that particular torture.

I don't mind command-line admin providing I know how to drive the individual 
applications, and that's where this group is so useful. 


On Wed, 03 Sep 2003 11:33, Jim Cheetham wrote:
> Sounds like you're supporting this box from afar, then. Whatever OS you
> choose, make sure you're happy with command-line admin, and as far as
> possible, try to use the same OS in all your installations, to reduce
> surprises when you're working in a hurry!
> But you need updates :-) If a company is paying for this box, they may
> be happy to pay for updates from a third-party, like Red Hat. On the
> other hand, if they're expecting you to do this as "part of the
> service", free-as-in-beer updates are nice ... as long as you can
> squeeze a few meg down their network connection without being hammered.
> In the case of limited bandwidth, it's better to check/download often
> (daily?) than in batch. You don't have to have the actual
> installations/upgrades done until you're available to monitor the
> machine, if you like.
> -jim

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