We use Trend Micro's Webmanager here. It works very well, acting as a
transparent proxy server forwarding its traffic to an upstream proxy
server. It pulls the user name out of the challenge responce from that
upstream server and assigns the use a quota that has been predetermined by
us. It also puts a small java windows on the user's screen showing how
much of that quota has been used and how much remains. It can also do
website filtering and scan http traffic for viruses.

Unfortunately it's not free, but a very good product IMHO. Availible for a
number of different operating systems including Linux :o)
>On Thu, 16 Oct 2003 12:40, you wrote:
>> I've got a problem.  According to various government and ministry
>> circulars, schools cannot charge for internet access.  Schools can
>> charge for items that have a take-home component (ie, food for cooking
>> class, or paper for printing)  We're not allowed to disadvantage those
>> who can't/won't pay for an item.
>> We routinely approch or exceed our monthly data cap, and incur penalty
>> rates on the excess data.  What I've been directed to figure out - how
>> can we charge students for their internet traffic?  (the legality of it
>> I'll leave for the BOT.)
>> The setup - a linux firewall doing NAT and load balancing on two
>> cablemodems.  Inside the network is one squid server running on linux.
>> Theres also a NT4 domain controller running PCounter.
>> Each student has a credit balance in pcounter's database.
>> What I'm thinking, is a little log processing every night to trap user's
>> usage, and debit their accounts.
>> My questions:
>> 1)   How to interface with the pcounter database server running on windows
>> server?
>> 2)   Should I be using IP Accounting, or processed squid logs?
>> 3)   What rates to charge?
>> 4)   Is there a better way to do it?

Hamish McBrearty     MCSE  MCSA
Network Engineer
Rangi Ruru Girls' School
59 Hewitts Road
Ph 03 355-6099
Fax 03 355-6027
CELL 021 999770

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