On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 03:11:53PM +1300, Yuri de Groot wrote:
> It's taking bl--dy ages because I have to double check
> each item that there's nothing useful before I delete it.

which is why i never delete mails.
the time saved that way is much more valuable than the few bits an
individual email has.

if i am short on space i delete big items (like downloaded software)

anything small is just shoved into a corner and maybe backed up once.

then there is the memory method.
if i can't remember what any of that stuff is, and if i have not used it
for years, than it can't be important. i won't delete it, but i won't
back it up either. if it gets lost it will usually take another year
until i realize i miss something, and then i won't be able to
reconstruct how it got lost anyways.

greetings, martin.
ps: have any of you seen the cvs repository of the code i wrote in 1999?
i am pretty sure i still had it somewhere over a year ago.
interested in doing pike programming, sTeam/caudium/pike/roxen training,      
sTeam/caudium/roxen and/or unix system administration anywhere in the world.
pike programmer   working and travelling in europe            open-steam.org
unix system-      bahai.or.at                       iaeste.(tuwien.ac|or).at
administrator     (stuts|black.linux-m68k).org        is.(schon.org|root.at)
Martin Bähr       http://www.iaeste.or.at/~mbaehr/

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