stm23 wrote:
> hi, thanx for all yr offers to burn the cds for me, & yr quick replies :)
> i actually have my own copy of Redhat9, i just thought that the uni would
> running a new version (which i now know they aren't) - so i'll just use
> old version.  does any1 know of a good website which explains step-by-step
> to install redhat9.  i already have XP installed so i'd like to set up a
> boot, is this easy to do?

If you are currently running Windows (admittedly I did this on a desktop and
I dunno how transferable this is) you can use Partition Magic to partition
drives, it's a bit fiddly in places but once you get the hang of it isn't
too bad. It will additionally set up swap spaces and stuff, and/or complain
if you don't give Linux any. This is however pay-software, so you may wish
to look for something that you don't have to pay for / use illegally.

It does have some sort of boot driver that you can use if you download, but
I found it easier to use one of the ones on the RedHat disk.


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