On Thu, 2004-02-05 at 15:15, Jim Cheetham wrote:
> apt-cache search <string> will look for packages called, or mentioning,
> <string>. i.e. apt-cache search game will show most games.

I use a memorable TLA as a function for this in bash ...
wtf () 
    apt-cache search $* | less

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ wtf wordnet
wordnet-doc - Documentation for WordNet.
dict-gcide - A Comprehensive English Dictionary
dict-wn - Electronic lexical database of English language for dict
lg-issue27 - Issue 27 of the Linux Gazette.
wordnet - Electronic lexical database of English language
wordnet-base - Electronic lexical database of English language
wordnet-dev - Electronic lexical database of English language

Very handy if you've just seen a reference to a program, and you want to
know if there are packages available ...

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