 the name of GnomeMeeting has already been discussed.

There have been several kde projects based on openh323 already,
   kmeeting, Konference, kdemeeting.

One person has suggested dameeting.

da has two interpretations 
  a reference to the authors name, Damien Sandras.


On Thu, 1 Apr 2004, Nick Rout wrote:

> On Thu, 01 Apr 2004 22:25, Derek Smithies wrote:
> > Hi,
> >  recently, there was some discussion on the list about QT and GTK.
> >
> > GnomeMeeting is an up and coming desktop app that does voip. The author
> > wrote to the gnomemeeting list describing a forthcoming change::
> >
> > After GnomeMeeting 1.0.2 has been released, we will start working on
> > GnomeMeeting 2.00 which will be based on QT. It implies a lot of work
> > and much rewrite, but many people have requested a QT port since the
> > first release of GnomeMeeting. Major companies are now moving from GTK+
> > to QT, because QT is simply better, more robust, more powerful, nicer...
> > It is with regret that we will have to drop the current GTK+ code, but
> > with enthousiasm that we will start coding on the new version. Major
> > changes will go in the GUI, the features should approximatively stay the
> > same as they are now.
> >
> > See the point:: QT is the way to go for guis.
> >
> > Derek.
> so presumably it will then be kmeeting? or qtmeeting?

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